Read Books Novel

Soul Kissed

“But didn’t you say that she lives in the Underworld?” Brennan asked hesitantly. “We’re not dead. How would we go about getting there?”

“You could do it the old fashioned way,” Gaia suggested with a shrug.

“You mean the dead way,” I clarified. Gaia smiled as she nodded.

“It’s not so bad,” she answered. “You’d never age.”

“I never age as it is,” I replied wryly. “I’ll think we’ll go in another direction. Hades took me with him awhile ago. We went straight to the Underworld. We were able to bypass the ferryman, the gates, the Judgment room, everything. I’ll just summon Hades.”

I shrugged like it was no big deal, like interacting with the god of the Underworld was a normal, everyday thing. Like he didn’t want to keep my soul in the Underworld with him forever, like he wasn’t sexy as hell and almost impossible to resist.

I sighed. If you were going to live, you might as well live dangerously.

Chapter Sixteen

“I knew you’d come to me sooner or later, little kitten,” Hades purred smoothly. He stood proudly in my dream, looking exactly like a rock star. He wore an unbuttoned white silk that flowed around his wrists, black leather pants and a black cloak that seemed to swirl around him even though there was no breeze.

“Don’t misinterpret,” I warned him, circling him cautiously.

Even while I was dream-walking, I didn’t want to turn my back to him. It just didn’t seem wise. He smiled as he realized what I was doing. His teeth were brilliantly white in contrast to his olive skin.

“I simply need access to the Underworld. I’m not here for you.”

“You certainly know how to sweet talk someone,” Hades replied glibly, before his handsome features hardened slightly. “Why should I help you? What could I possibly have to gain?”

“Mormo,” I uttered softly, watching Hades face. “Mormo has eluded you for years. How do you think that looks to the outside world? The god of the Underworld has been outmaneuvered.”

Hades’ face clouded over for a scant second before he recovered and I felt a small bit of satisfaction. It had been a calculated gamble, but I had been right. It did bother Hades that Mormo had always been one step ahead of him.

“Do you think that I haven’t allowed Mormo’s freedom?” Hades asked smoothly. “At any given time, I could have located him and brought him to me in manacles and chains. But I did not. Why? Because you have never upheld your side of the bargain and appeared in front of me.”

“Why should I have had to?” I asked gently. “I never did anything wrong. Mormo is the one who sacrificed me. I never gave my permission.”

“I didn’t need your permission,” Hades replied grittily, although a fleeting expression of something… remorse?... passed over his face. “I’m the god of the Underworld and I do what is best for my kingdom. I’m sorry, little Empusa, but you would have been better for my kingdom than Mormo’s black soul.”

“But that’s neither here nor there,” I answered thickly, trying not to allow emotions to well up and make me cry. “You gave your word in front of every Olympian. You have to uphold it now.”

Hades shook his head impatiently. “We’ve been through this. I am perfectly willing to do so, but there is that tiny complication with your Moonstone and your life. I assume you want to live so the Moonstone cannot be destroyed and that is my one condition for reversing Mormo’s curse. I’m sorry, Empusa. Surely you can understand my position. We’re at a stalemate.”

“I’m not here to beg you for leniency,” I snapped. “I’m not here to discuss that situation at all, actually. I’m here to ask for your help.”

He looked amused.

“My help? Pray tell, how can I be of service to you?” he asked sardonically and I saw a brief glimpse of impatience. He masked it quickly, though. He was very accustomed to being charming and smooth no matter the circumstance.

“I need to enter your kingdom,” I said simply. “I only wish to speak to Harmonia and since she cannot leave but to visit her parents in the Spiritlands, I wish to go to her.”

“And you don’t wish to meet her in the Spiritlands. Hmm. I wonder why? Could it be that you do not trust my brother, Zeus?” Hades pondered, his brow wrinkled just slightly as he thought. “It is wise to tread lightly around him,” he added in approval. “I can understand why you don’t wish to travel there.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust Zeus, per se,” I replied carefully. “It is just that I know that my existence is a small thing to him. I’m not sure if he still holds a grudge against my mother for helping the Fates… and you… and I don’t wish to appear in front of him until I hear that all is well on that front.”

“That is fairly wise, little kitten,” Hades answered approvingly. “Fine. I will help you. I’ll accompany you to the Underworld so that you can meet with Harmonia. What is it that you wish to see her about, anyway?”

“That’s not really your concern, is it?” I snapped, then thought the better of it. “I mean, she and I went through a similar trauma. I was trapped in the Underworld and so was her daughter. I’d like to discuss it with her.”

Hades stared at me thoughtfully and I knew that he was rifling through my thoughts. I tried my best to block them, simply because I didn’t like the idea that he was in my head. His lips twitched as he read that thought, but he concealed his smile.

“Alright, Empusa,” he said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder. His touch was appealing, but I ignored it as best I could. “We’ll do it your way. I don’t really need to know your purpose in seeing Harmonia. It’s of little consequence to me.”

I knew that was a lie, but I didn’t say it. Instead, I simply nodded.

“Thank you,” I murmured. “I’ll need to take Brennan as well.”

Hades met my gaze, his dark eyes smoldering. Why did he have to be so breathtakingly sexy?

“Very well,” he nodded. “The son of Apollo is welcome in my home. For now. Wake, little Empusa and we shall go.”

My eyes fluttered open.

I was safely ensconced within Brennan’s strong arms, but there was a difference in the air and my gaze flew around the room. Hades stood in the corner, waiting for me to wake.

I felt Brennan’s sharp intake of breath as chest expanded against my back. He tightened his grip and I knew that he innately knew who was lurking in our room.

“I think introductions are in order,” Brennan said smoothly, strong and assured. I was proud of him, at his restraint, his assurance. It was one of the things that I loved about him. He was so confident and self-assured.

Hades stepped casually from the shadows and I noted that Gaia was nowhere to be found. I was certain that at the first sign of Hades, she had fled. She had no desire to be carted to the Underworld.

“Oh, I think you know who I am, son of Apollo,” Hades drawled as he strolled to our bedside and stared down at us. Since we were only napping, we were fully clothed and I was suddenly thankful for it.

“And I think you’re aware of my name,” Brennan answered firmly. “You should use it.”

Hades appraised him slowly and I realized that I was holding my breath. He was the King of the Underworld, after all. He was no more to be trifled with than Zeus or Poseidon. Apparently, he took no offense, though, and his shoulders relaxed.

“You’re pleasing to me, son of Apollo,” Hades answered with a smile. “You have the beauty of your father, but you are much smarter. I like your energy. Perhaps you would be able to convince Empusa to dwell in my world. I think you and she would be very happy there and you would make positive additions to the Underworld. You should think on it.”

Brennan stared back at him, his gaze shifting from hazel to butterscotch. “I’ll accompany Empusa wherever she wishes to go,” he answered calmly. “Whether it is to the Spiritlands, the Underworld or the mortal world. If she is there, then I am happy.”

“How very diplomatic of you,” Hades answered. “I personally tell Persephone what I will be doing and she adjusts her thinking accordingly. You should try it sometime.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Hades might stray from his wife from time to time, but he definitely loved her to distraction. His love for her was well known and even documented in mortal mythology books. He glanced at me, but didn’t say anything about my amusement.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked stoutly, glossing over it.

“Whenever you are,” I answered, getting up and pulling Brennan to his feet.

“Very well then,” Hades answered. “Let us be gone.”

And we were.

* * *

We appeared on the porch of a replica of Zeus’ palace, which sat on a replica Mount Olympus. Everything surrounding us was replicated from the actual Mount Olympus down to the smallest detail. It was how Hades and the Fates had tricked the Olympians into eating here… which is how they had imprisoned them here for several millennia. It was a law in the world of the immortals: Anyone who eats in the Underworld must stay in the Underworld. It was also how Hades had managed to keep Persephone here.

“This is incredible,” Brennan breathed as he stared around us in fascination.

“Yes,” I agreed. “But whatever you do, do not eat anything here.”

Hades glanced at me sardonically and I smiled pleasantly back at him in return. And I understood Brennan’s amazement. The Isles of the Blessed were even more beautiful than Atlantis, a feat that one would think impossible unless they were standing right here.

“This is unreal,” Brennan added as he pivoted on the porch to take in all of the scenery.

Lush, tropical breezes caressed our faces and fruity, delicious scents filled the air. The smells of peaches, mangoes and apricots blended with the salt from the sea to create a magnificent, unique smell. It was something you would only find here. The Isles of the Blessed were truly a paradise.

Greenery lined elegant, sculpted pathways while brightly colored birds sat on the limbs of healthy, swaying trees nearby. Elegant flowers tossed their fragrances into the wind and large blue Lotus blossoms drifted down from the air landing softly on the ground. Brennan made a motion to bend towards one and I grabbed his arm.

“Don’t,” I reminded him. “They are delicious, but eating will imprison you here. You can try the Lotus blossoms in the real Spiritlands.”

“If you’re ever brave enough to take him there, little kitten,” Hades purred from beside me. I glared at him but didn’t have time to retort because the heavy doors of the palace were thrown open and a little girl faced us.

“Em!” she cried happily before throwing herself into my arms.

“Raquel,” I murmured into her dark hair. Her skinny little arms clutched at my neck and I lifted her easily to hold her. “How have you been, little one?”
