Read Books Novel

Soul Kissed

As I sidled up to the sprawling get-together, I was conscious of the fact that I was arriving alone. The teenagers around me were clumped into noisy groups of two or more. But there had to be a loner here somewhere. There always was. I scanned the perimeter and focused in on a skinny boy standing alone, holding a cup of beer. Bingo.

I made a bee-line for him, sliding up to stand very close to his elbow. He looked at me in surprise and was immediately flustered, not quite able to make eye contact. It was apparent that he was an outsider. He wanted to be here at the party, but he didn’t have anyone to talk to. Until now.

“Hi,” I murmured softly, moving closer to him. He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t handsome, either. He had light brown hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Math geek, I thought. He clearly didn’t go out in the sun much.

“Hi,” he stammered, his cheeks flushing crimson. He was definitely awkward around females.

“I’m new here,” I continued, getting as close as I could to him without touching him. The wind picked up and I could smell my own perfume on the breeze, soft and feminine. He inhaled it, closing his eyes for a second. My nearness was already affecting him.

“You smell nice,” he replied, re-opening his eyes. “Where did you move from?”

“From quite a ways away,” I laughed. “So I don’t know anyone. What’s your name?”

“Jason,” he answered shyly, his cheeks still pink. His blue eyes were glued to mine now. He was hanging on every word. This would be so easy. I sighed. I grew tired of this process. Boy after boy after boy.

“Well, Jason. I love the water. Would you like to take a walk with me?”

His surprised gaze flickered over mine. “Really?” he asked, then quickly followed up with, “Yes. I’d love to.”

Nice save, I commended him silently.

I felt badly for him, actually. It was clear that he was painfully shy. This would be like taking candy from a baby. I laid my hand on his arm and the moment that I did, he was consumed with wanting me. I knew because that is what always happened. I knew because his eyes glazed over and became slightly unfocused.

I led him through the throngs of people and found that I slightly enjoyed the stares. At the very least, these kids would be talking about Jason tomorrow. They would wonder who the hot girl was that he had been with. I could at least do that for him. It was a small thing, but it was something.

I walked just far enough away from the water that I didn’t get wet and I stared at the moon as we walked. I just needed a little bit of isolation. Just a little bit further.

“Why me?” Jason asked curiously, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Why did you choose me?”

I smiled. “Because you seem sweet.”

He blushed again and fell silent, but stayed very close to my side. I looked behind us. There was no one in sight now so I wasted no time. I pulled him behind the nearest clump of brush. It was bristly and dry, but it would hide us from any straggling party-goers.

“Let’s sit, okay?” I suggested as I tugged him to the ground.

But rather than sit, I pushed him softly onto his back into the sand and straddled him. His eyes widened and he fell slack as he waited for my next move. His hopeful breath froze in his throat. I reached out a hand and stroked his cheek, bending to whisper into his ear.

“You really are sweet, aren’t you, Jason?”

He nodded, unable to speak. My close proximity was working its magic. I kissed his cheek and he closed his eyes.

“I need to tell you something, Jason, alright?” He nodded slowly with his eyes closed. His hands were laying limply at his sides- his inexperience showing itself. He wasn’t even trying to touch me.

“You will probably fall asleep here in a little bit. When you wake, return to the party. You won’t remember anything that happened here.”

His eyes opened, un-focused and slightly confused.

“I won’t?”

“No, you won’t.”

He looked disappointed, but the confusion soon clouded his face once more.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered as I kissed his neck. “I’ll make it worth it.”

He smiled slightly, still lost in his haze.

Bending, I grazed his lips with my own and then inhaled, just a little. One small mouthful was all it would take to put him to sleep. And I was right. He was out like a light.

I picked up his wrist. Running my nose along his forearm, I inhaled. He smelled sweet, like a child. He couldn’t be more than seventeen. And he wouldn’t remember a bit of this. He would recall the walk by the beach, but after that, his memory would fade into nothing.

I sank my teeth into his arm and sucked. Warm, sweet blood filled my mouth and in his sleep, Jason moaned. I couldn’t help but smile. It was a sexual experience for mortals when I drank their blood. I figured it was the least I could do for them.

I swallowed and then drank more, enjoying the taste, the warmth and the texture. I hated that I liked it, but I did. The curse made my body crave it. However, what I enjoyed the most was the strength that I felt returning to my limbs. I knew that mouthful by mouthful, my color was returning. After I few minutes, I was full. I gently laid Jason’s arm across his stomach and wiped my mouth.

His face was innocent and peaceful as he slept blissfully unaware. If I had to guess, I would guess that the experience had simply given him an erotic dream. And when he woke, he would only remember those sensations. Not the experience.

Sighing, I slipped out of the brush and back onto the beach. Jason would wake in a while and he would be perfectly fine, so I attempted to assuage my eternal guilt. I had only done what I had to do to survive. Like always.

As I walked, I noted the strength returning in my legs. I felt so much better now. I always put this off as long as I could. I allowed my energy to dip too low because I hated doing it. But it was done now for a while and I could bask in the afterglow.

I skirted around the bonfire and the partygoers and was just slipping into the shadows when someone called my name. I startled. There was no way that Jason was awake yet and I hadn’t even told him my name.

I spun, only to find Brennan striding toward me. Apparently, he’d been at this party and I hadn’t even seen him. The moonlight bathed him in ethereal light and I sucked in my breath. He was as handsome as I remembered.

“It’s you,” he breathed when he was two steps away. I was speechless. For the first time in a very long time, I didn’t know what to say.

But it turned out that words weren’t necessary. He stopped in front of me and before I could even react, he pulled me to him and his mouth came down upon my own, strong and soft at once.

Electricity jolted through me, snapping through my fingertips and toes, and stiffening my spine. I wanted to melt into this man, this boy… but I knew if I succumbed, he was done. He was giving me the most gentle, sensual kiss I had ever experienced and I found that I never wanted it to end.

But I ended it. Pulling away, I breathed raggedly as I tried to pull myself together. He reached out for me, but I stepped back. He couldn’t touch me right now. His life depended on it.

“What the hell is going on?” he asked, his eyes slightly glazed. “Ever since the hospital, I’ve seen you in my mind. I want to be near you...I have this driving need to kiss you…and I had no way to find you. When you touch me… do you feel that?”

My eyes flew to his and found them to be full of confusion, desire and torment. He had only just met me and I was already torturing him. It was unfair.

“Do you?” he asked again, reaching for me once more. “Do you feel it too?”

I moved away, farther this time and stared at him hesitantly.

“Yes,” I admitted. And then I took off running.

Chapter Three

“Wait!” Brennan called from behind me, but I didn’t stop.

I flew as fast as I could while still appearing mortal. If I wanted, I could literally blur into motion, but that would give me away as being something other than a normal human, so I stretched my legs out in long strides and ran normally instead.

The beach sand made it difficult to run, though, and before I knew it, he had reached me, grabbing my hand.

“Stop,” he insisted, electricity shooting through my forearm at his touch. I yanked my hand away.

“What is going on?” he asked. “I know you feel it, too. And I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Me neither,” I admitted, but he stared at me doubtfully.

“Really? Because there is something about you… something different.”

The moonlight reflected from his hazel eyes, making them seem golden. I found that I longed to reach out and touch him. When I said that I had never experienced such a feeling before, I hadn’t lied. I felt drawn to him in a very strange way.

“Can we just go somewhere and talk?” he asked, his brow furrowed. “I won’t touch you, I promise.”

I fought the urge to laugh. Did he think I was scared for myself?

“What’s funny?” he asked, his brow furrowed suspiciously.

“Nothing,” I assured him. “It’s not funny. I’m just… not afraid of you.”

“And why would you be?” he asked calmly. “I won’t hurt you. I just want to figure this out. I’m confused.”

I always had a hard time classifying his age group. They were so close to manhood, but still possessed the innocence of boys. He was man-sized, built like a man and had the face of a man but his expression was slightly vulnerable and sweet, like a boy. As I stared at him while he stood uncertainly in the moonlight, something inside of me crumbled, like a wall falling down. I couldn’t help it. I nodded.

“Okay,” I whispered. “We can talk. I live near here.”

Without waiting to see if he would follow me, because I was certain that he would, I turned and walked quickly towards my cottage. I heard his soft footsteps behind me and almost sighed, although I wasn’t sure if it was from relief or disappointment.

Something pulled me to him, something invisible but inexplicable. It was there. And something that I had learned long ago was that just because you didn’t understand something, didn’t make it less real.

Climbing the stairs, I still felt him behind me. I had a feeling I would be able to sense his presence anywhere. It was like an electrical field next to me, a magnet drawing me to him. If there was ever a time when I needed my mother’s advice, it was right now. She always knew everything. Surely she could explain this.

Unlocking the door, I switched on a lamp inside, illuminating the room with a soft glow.

“Please,” I gestured him forward. “Come in.”

Brennan stepped inside and looked around. “Nice place. Do you live here alone?”

I knew he was probably wondering how I paid for it. At the oldest, I looked like a college student. Glancing around, I did realize that it looked posh. Expensive furniture and rich woods, paired with modern touches like metal and glass made it chic and trendy. But I didn’t have anything to do with the fashionable décor. It had come to me fully furnished. I simply had to make a rent payment every month. And that was easy to do when you were the daughter of the goddess of witchcraft. Conjuring things, like money, was child’s play.