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Starfire (Peaches Monroe #3)(67)
Author: Mimi Strong

He laughed.

I continued, “In this metaphor, the canoe is your penis.”

He waved me ahead of him. “Ride my penis. I mean my canoe.”

“It is rather phallic,” I said, climbing in carelessly—so carelessly, in fact, that one might guess I was trying to capsize the canoe immediately, on the shore, so we didn’t have to go out onto the lake. If a person guessed that, they would be correct.

To my disappointment, the canoe was more stable than it looked, and did not tip me out.

Dalton kicked off his shoes and socks, rolled his jeans up, and waded out to join me in the canoe. He hopped in easily and used one paddle to push us away from the shore.

My stomach lurched as we began to move out into the water. The motion was smooth enough, like a car ride, but unsettling—like how an elevator ride can sometimes make you feel discombobulated.

“You’ve really outdone yourself now,” I said once we were away from the shore.

He continued to paddle, the muscles of his forearms flexing and drawing my eyes to his body and its beauty. The sky was still pink, and the sun seemed to be holding still for us, stopping time as we moved out onto the placid lake.

“Outdone myself?”

I explained, “First the Airstream trailer, which was small. Then the float plane, smaller yet. Now a canoe. Dalton Deangelo, the next place I expect you to take me is the inside of a coffin. Maybe that one Drake Cheshire sleeps in on your show.”

“Cozy,” he growled.

“You’ll make me your vampire bride.”

He stopped paddling and pulled the oars into the boat.

“Is that what you want?” he asked.

I laughed. “Yes, make me your vampire bride.”

“You know how that starts.”

I wrapped my hands around the wooden bench I was seated on, leaned back, and let my knees fall apart.

He moved quickly—not as quickly as an actual TV vampire, but fast enough to make me regret not donning the lifejacket currently lying on the canoe’s bottom, behind me.

The canoe rocked, but it was made for some movement. I eyed the water line along the edges.

Dalton knelt before me, reaching his hands up under my skirt to pull off my panties. He held the silky bundle to his nose and breathed in deeply.

“My vampire bride-to-be,” he growled.

There was no one around to hear us, out in the middle of a lake at sunset, but still I whispered, “The first bite is on the thigh.”

He grabbed my knees and roughly spread my legs.

“The inner thigh,” he said, his voice almost terrifying, combined with the lusty expression on his face.

As he lowered his face between my legs, I considered the countless times I’d watched him do this on my TV screen, and how much I’d wished those inner thighs could be mine. Now the gorgeous man of my dreams was with me, on a canoe, and licking my inner leg.

I gasped as something sharp pinched my soft flesh. He was nibbling me, pressing into my skin with his sharp eye teeth—not hard enough to break the skin, but enough pressure to get my pulse racing and my palms sweating.

My skirt stretched loosely over his head, and I didn’t dare pull the fabric up to look, for fear of causing him to stop. He applied suction to my inner thigh, and it was absolutely the greatest thing that had ever happened to my inner thigh. I thought I couldn’t get more excited, and then he moved to the other side, breathing his steamy breath on my pu**y along the way. As he sunk his teeth into the other thigh, then sucked at my flesh, my whole body started to hum, my skin electric.

He released my skin and nudged his way back to the center, the stubble of his chin poking, but not painful. He didn’t lick me just yet. He held very still, breathing in and out of his mouth, nearly touching, but not touching.

I pulled up my skirt, worried for a second that he didn’t have enough oxygen. He raised an eyebrow in my direction, then opened his mouth wide and dove at me, as though consuming a peach whole. Lips and tongue and pleasure. I rolled my head back and gazed up at the pink sky, and at the highest point—midnight blue with stars.

His tongue moved tirelessly, sweeping pleasure over and over my clit.

He brought me to the edge of coming, then moved back to my thighs, biting and sucking.

The horizon around us turned red.

He pulled his face away and I looked down into his eyes.

His beautiful eyes were dark now, almost black in the light.

He straightened up, on his knees. With a quick turn of his hands, his jeans were unfastened and dropped. His c**k rose up stiffly from his dark curls and sinewy muscles. The tip gleamed.

Before I could reach for him, he plunged inside me half-way. My skirt bunched up in the frenzy and the hem tried to follow his c**k inside me. He pulled the skirt away and plunged deeper, his powerful thrusts sliding me back on my wooden bench seat.

He noticed my shifting body and growled something about me not getting away so easily. He grabbed me around my lower back and slid me toward him, burying his sword to the hilt.

His hands moved to the back of my neck, and he pulled me in for a powerful kiss, his tongue and c**k trying to touch tips inside me.

As he thrust rhythmically, his c**k getting even harder and pulsing in warning, I started to cl**ax. The canoe rocked, the water splashing around us. I gasped and looked around for the life jackets, making mental note of their locations.

He thrust deeper and deeper, rocking every inch of me with desire.

The pressure increased, the desire to come, and there was no stopping now. I held on tight to the edge of the seat as he drove himself into me, harder and harder, faster and faster.

I tried to hold my breath, in anticipation of being dunked in the water, but the shortage of oxygen only made me come harder, letting out an animal groan to match his as he unleashed inside me.

The stars were so bright, but they paled next to the fireworks. I blinked in disbelief as my body shook with pleasure, my skin sizzling with steam. The fireworks were noiseless, and they disappeared. Just a hallucination. Bright lights flaring to the beat of our hearts.

He kissed me roughly, drove into me a final time, and stayed.

We held each other tightly as the canoe stopped rocking and settled once more, everything still on the glass-smooth lake. Frogs and crickets hummed with activity on the nearby shore. A breeze ruffled the left-hand side of my hair, and then came around to the right, like magic.

Dalton slowly withdrew, gasping with sensitivity when my muscles clutched at him on the way out.

He nodded down and quietly did up his jeans. The sun had set, and locating my underwear was difficult in the thin blue light, but he finally found them bunched in his back pocket.
