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Starlight (Peaches Monroe #2)(41)
Author: Mimi Strong

He kissed me on the cheek and said he wanted to take a shower, since he’d gotten sweaty in the sun that day.

I waited for him in the bedroom—completely naked, under the sheets. When I heard the water shut off, I started to get nervous. The room was still bright with the evening sun streaming through the blinds. I hadn’t closed the blackout curtains, because I was feeling more confident about sex in the light.

Keith walked in, wearing nothing but a towel slung low across his hips. I squealed and clapped my hands at the sight of him. From the defined muscles to the perfectly-tanned skin, he truly was a fine specimen. But more than that, he had a personality that was just as beautiful.

“C’mere,” I said, patting the bed next to me.


He had some clothes in his hand, and he tossed them on a chair. Then he turned his back to me and opened up the towel covering his lower body. He kept the towel in place, hiding his bu**ocks, teasing me.

“Woo!” I cheered, clapping my hands.

He moved his body, shaking his h*ps from side to side, lowering the towel a few inches, then raising it up before I could see his ass. He turned around, still holding the towel up, hiding his goodies.


“Show me your body,” he said.

I propped myself up against the headboard and pulled the sheet down to show him my br**sts.

“Touch yourself,” he said.

Making continuous eye contact with him, I cupped one breast and then both with both hands. I moaned and massaged myself while staring at him with my sexy face. (At least I hoped it was a sexy face.)

He still had both hands on the edge of the towel, and he nodded down. I watched as a bump appeared, pushing against the white towel and inching its way up.

I shrieked with a combination of amusement and surprise.

“Don’t scare it,” he said, still laughing.

I patted the bed next to me. “C’mere. I don’t bite… hard.”

He tossed the towel onto the chair and followed his direction-pointer straight to me. Over on the dresser, his phone started to wiggle around, vibrating with an incoming phone call.

“One minute,” he said, grabbing the phone. “Hello.” He nodded and breathed audibly, then leaned back against the dresser. “Okay. Yup. Okay.”

His arrow was still pointing right at me.

It sounded like he was having to endure a really dull phone call, so I rolled out of bed, got on my hands and knees, and crawled over to him.

He shrugged, and kept talking on the phone.

I nuzzled my way up his beautiful legs and kissed the base of his penis. He patted me on top of my head, which I took as a sign of encouragement. Gripping the base loosely with one hand, I ran my tongue up the length of him and then around the contours of the head.

That beautiful ridge of skin is one of my favorite parts of a man—the way it fits a tongue or mouth so perfectly is amazing, every time. I took him in through my lips, moaning softly with pleasure as his flesh filled my mouth. He sucked in air through his teeth, and I smiled around my mouthful.

He kept talking, giving only one-word answers. Something told me it was his ex-girlfriend on the line, and it didn’t bother me he was talking to her, because he seemed annoyed by her, plus I had his c**k in my mouth.

More sucking. I was enjoying myself, and getting into the task at hand.

Above me, he ended the call and tossed the phone onto the dresser. I startled at the noise and grazed him with my teeth.

He cried out, “Oh, f**k!”

I popped his lollipop out of my mouth and blinked up at him. “Sorry.”

He blinked slowly. “Don’t be sorry. That was terrifying, but I think I liked it.”

“Oh, really? In that case…” I took him in my mouth, but I didn’t get him with my teeth. Instead, I brought my hands up to the tops of his thighs and lightly scraped my fingernails down his thighs. Not enough to leave a mark, but definitely a sensation.

He tensed up, and his c**k got thicker and heavier in my mouth. I alternated with soft and then tight pressure, and then I very deliberately dragged the tip of my eyetooth along the length of him. He started to tremble. I ran my hands up and down his legs, then moved my hands to his bu**ocks, where I pinched him.

“Oh, f**k,” he said again, his breath ragged. “You are one crazy cave girl.”

He seemed really surprised by everything I was doing, but I was in a wicked, horny mood, and wanted to blow his mind. The next thing, I didn’t even think about it. I stuck my finger in my mouth, alongside his cock, to get it wet and slippery. Then I nestled my finger up between his gorgeous bu**ocks and burrowed my way up in there. Right in the cave. Hooking my finger to put pressure on the male g-spot, aka the prostate, I gave a light massage while at the same time, I powered down on his cock, with my other hand around the base helping my mouth.

Keith became my hand puppet and completely lost control. He made some garbled noises, wove his fingers into my hair at the back of my head, and trembled as he spurted. I swallowed him down happily, my whole body tingling with excitement. When it was over, I eased my finger out of the cave slowly, and sat back on my heels, gazing up at him.

Whispering, he said, “That was intense.”

I licked my lips. “That was fun.”

His phone started buzzing around again.

“Shit. That’s Tabitha again,” he said. “My ex.”

“Figured as much. Now what? Does she really, really have to make popcorn, and you still have her other favorite popcorn bowl?”

The phone kept buzzing, demanding to be answered.

“Close. She wants her folding patio chairs back.” He tipped his head to the side, looking apologetic. “Her grandmother was a medium. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is her psychic side coming through, and she only thought of the chairs because we were using them.”

“Really, Keith? Psychic stuff? What next, voodoo?”

He pushed the buzzing phone away from him, as if some physical distance would help.

“The world is a strange place, full of possibilities,” he said.

The phone kept buzzing.

“Oh, just answer it,” I said, feeling annoyed.

As he did, I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up, including washing my finger. (I know you were thinking about the finger and getting worried about hygiene. Please rest assured that I gave my dark-cave-exploring finger a good scrub, with soap.)

When I came out of the bathroom, still naked, he was just finishing the call. After setting the phone down, he said gravely, “She’s coming over to get the chairs.”
