Read Books Novel


“Toby?” Gareth called my name, pulling me from my thoughts. I was waiting out on the top of the steps to the house for Casey to finish getting ready inside.

“Yes?” I wasn’t exactly sure how I was supposed to address or deal with this man. He was clearly a respected leader, but he was a bear and in that way I was technically his superior. I decided to focus on the age difference to keep my behavior in line with what he expected.

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to you yet.”

I prepared myself for whatever his agenda was. There had to be a reason he wanted to see me alone. “I didn’t realize you wanted to talk.”

“Come for a walk with me.” He gestured for me to start down the stairs.

“Sure.” There didn’t seem to be much harm in it. He was the one who let me on the island to stay closer to Casey in the first place.

As soon as we reached the ground he started with questions. “What are your intentions?”

“My intentions?”

“Yes. What do you intend to do with my daughter?”

Daughter. He was really sticking with that? “I intend to spend my life with her.” I’d had no doubts before, but now my conviction was even stronger. We belonged together, and I was going to make sure that happened.

He smiled. “I thought so.”

“We’re in love, now I just have to convince her that a long term commitment isn’t a bad thing.”

“She knows it.”

“What makes you say that?” This guy had just met Casey. He couldn’t know something I didn’t know.

“Because of her reaction when you walked into the room.”

“That told you she was ready for commitment?”

“Yes. Her whole being changed. She wanted you with her. It wasn’t just a smile. It was more than that. That’s how you know when a woman has chosen her mate.”

“A woman has chosen her mate?” From what I’d seen it was always the man choosing.

“Yes. Although to keep with tradition it is the father who must give the blessing, in our clan it’s the woman who gets the final decision on who she mates with.” He smiled. “Just like with all relationships, right? It’s always about the woman’s mind.”

I smiled. “That’s a good point.”

“From what I understand you are from a high ranking Pteron family?”

I nodded. “Yes. I am the new patriarch of the Blackwells.”

He nodded appreciatively. “That’s a lot to offer a woman’s family. It could be quite the alliance.”

“Alliance?” I wasn’t planning on going down that road.

“Yes. Casey is my daughter. Being such you’d need to discuss the alliance with me.”

“Not to bring up old wounds, or not so old ones, but Casey is also Robert’s daughter.”

“Yes…. And if it’s easier for you then consider this an alliance with Casey’s mother’s family. She is my mate after all.”

“What kind of alliance were you looking for?” I wondered what it was he wanted. He had to have an agenda. Everyone has an agenda.

He brushed my questions aside. “We can discuss the details later.”

“What kind of ceremony is this going to be?”

“The official Clan Rights Ceremony. We’re welcoming Casey home.”

“Oh. That’s not bad.”

“No, although I should warn you, I’ll have to follow tradition.”

The fact that he was warning me couldn’t be a good thing. “And what kind of tradition are we talking?”

“Any of my men can petition her to be her mate.”

What? He couldn’t be serious. I guess the Mr. Nice guy act was over. “Yeah, that’s not happening.”

He laughed. “She’s already chosen you, Toby. But that doesn’t mean the men can’t petition. Unless you are worried about her changing her mind, it will be over quick.”

“Did anyone warn her about this? I can’t imagine she’s going to love that kind of attention.” Casey didn’t enjoy being the center of attention at all.

“I’m sure her mother is preparing her.”

“You love Taliana.” I said it as a statement. I was just hoping for some more insight. They’d already explained more of what had happened with Robert. Although I was still desperate to better understand Tiffany’s motive. Hailey said Jared hadn’t explained much. I guess we’d have to wait to see him to get more answers.

“I’ve always loved her. I knew I wanted her as my mate from a very young age. Unlike with everyone else, the clan leader can claim a mate. I crossed my fingers I wouldn’t have to. And I didn’t. She willingly accepted my proposal.”

“It must have been hard when she left.” I couldn’t imagine, especially since she also took his daughter.

“It nearly broke me, but I knew in my heart she still loved me. I knew there had to be a reason, and now she has returned.”

“And you’ve gotten another daughter out of the deal.”

He laughed. “Indeed. I can’t wait to see Astrella, or Vera as she’s called now. I wonder if she remembers me at all.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing.

“I understand none of this has been easy for her either. I hope I can help some.”

“I’m sure she’ll appreciate having some answers. Sometimes not knowing is the hardest part.”

“Wise words.” Gareth nodded. “What do you say we check on the women?”

“Sounds perfect.” I followed him back up the stairs.


Casey was dressed in a pale blue gown when I walked into the sitting area of Gareth’s house. It was the same room where we entered Casey’s subconscious. I had no clue what anyone else was wearing, because she was the only one I even noticed. I walked right over. “I love when you wear blue.”

“And that has nothing to do with it being your family color, does it?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe a little bit, but really it just looks good on you.”

“Don’t all colors look good on her?” Hailey decided to stir up trouble. I was beginning to see that she was really good at that.

“Of course, but blue brings out her eyes.”

“Oh, I see.” Hailey grinned. “Are you guys ready for the fun to start?”

“Of course,” I linked my arm with Casey before turning to Hailey. “Want my other arm, or is Eric coming?”
