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Georgina gestured for us to sit down on a couch. She remained standing.

“First, thank you for acting so fast, Toby. Who knows what that foul witch could have done to Casey if you hadn’t been so observant?”

“Of course. You know how important Casey’s safety is to me.” More important than anything.

“Which is why I know you’ll take what I say next seriously.” Georgina glanced at the closed door before continuing. “Casey, I need to know everything your mother told you about your conception.”

“She doesn’t remember much,” Casey admitted.

“She has to remember something. Who she met. What happened after.” Georgina sat down in a chair caddy corner to us.

“Oh. She did tell us about that,” Casey said quietly.

“Ok, tell me.”

Casey looked to me, and I nodded. It was more Casey’s story to tell. I sat back against the couch and listened to her relay everything Taliana had told us, from the witch asking for help, to the Pteron mate warning her.

Georgina grew pale when she got to that part. “Did she describe this woman? The Pteron mate?”

“Just that she was with a high ranking Pteron.” Casey crossed her legs.

Georgina seemed lost for a second. “Something the witch said brought back a memory for me.”

“Which part of what she said?” I asked.

“The part about me always remembering a face. Not everyone knows that about me. I’m horrible with names, but I never forget a face. For someone to know that they had to be close to me, much closer than a witch I’d met once.”

“So what are you thinking? She was working with someone close?”

Georgina folded her hands in her lap. “I’ve done some research. Based on your birthday and Robert’s brief recollections, the meeting must have happened at the Apex summit of that year.”

I nodded, waiting for more. “Helen usually attended meetings with Robert, but not those conferences. Mates rarely attend. But Jett brought his wife.”

“Jett? As in Jett Florence?” Jett, better known to some as Jared’s dad, was a legend. He ran security like no one else.

“Exactly. And Jett brought his wife so she could visit with family in the area.” Georgina let out a deep breath. “Jett knew me well. He knew me better than most since he spent so much time in our home. Plus, someone had to let Tiffany in today. She wasn’t on the guest list I gave security, but someone added her on at the last minute. That someone would have had to have had high level clearance. The kind of clearance Jett has.”

“You think it was Jared’s mom who warned my mom?” Casey asked.

“That’s my suspicion. I don’t like it. The thought that Robert’s most trusted friend betrayed him doesn’t sit well with me, but it fits for another reason.” She looked off.

“What other reason?”

“Mothers hear everything.”

“Meaning?” I sat forward.

“Meaning I always knew what was going on with my son even up into his adulthood.”

“And?” Casey asked.

“Jett found Helen first, but Robert wanted her.”

“You think this is all over Helen?” Why did everything always come down to a woman?

“Helen, power, all of it. My guess is Jett got tired of always playing second fiddle.”

“But there’s something else. What aren’t you saying?” Casey pushed. She must have sensed something I didn’t.

“Are you positive that Tiffany captured Jared?” Georgina avoided both of our gazes.

“What are you implying?” I wasn’t Jared’s biggest fan, but I certainly trusted him.

“Isn’t this all too convenient? Jared was the only one who knows where Levi was. Levi and Allie were attacked there.”

“Someone else knew. Maybe it was the pilot, or someone working on the plane,” I suggested. Was I really defending Jared so quickly?

“I’ve always liked the boy. He’s been a good friend to Levi, but after what his brother did…”

“But he isn’t his brother. Jared would never betray Levi.” It was Casey’s turn to defend him. “Jared’s a complicated person, but his loyalty to Levi is unwavering.”

“That’s what I would have said about Jett.” Georgina held up her hands. “I’m not going to fight you over Jared right now, but we have to find out for sure what Jett’s role is. Until then none of us are safe.”

“Ok. So how do you suggest we do that?” I wasn’t going to sit back and wait.

“If he’s in on it, he’s going to find out what happened. I have that prison being watched like a hawk, and the guards are under orders not to let Jett in. My guess is I’ll get a call from Jett soon asking for entry.”

“That’s a good plan. What do we do until then?”

“We get ready for the coronation tomorrow.”

I nodded. “All right, just keep us posted.” We headed upstairs to our room at the hotel for what would hopefully be a quiet evening. I was wrong—of course.

We’d just finished a sorry attempt at eating the room service we’d ordered when we heard banging on the door.

“Casey!” A loud voice boomed.

We looked at each other. Could it be?

“Robert?” Casey said quietly as she looked through the peep hole. She yanked open the door.

He stepped in and pulled her into a hug. “Thank goodness you’re okay.”

“What’s going on? Where have you been?” She asked.

Robert looked disheveled. His gray hair was all out of place, and it looked like he’d been wearing the same clothes for days. I tried to hide my surprise, but Robert was the former king. I’d never seen him looking anything but perfectly put together. “I was sent on a wild goose chase by the friend I trusted best.”

“Jett?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Georgina was right. I hadn’t doubted her, but we now had proof.

“Yes. I won’t go into details now, but I’m lucky to be alive after he sent me searching for an enemy that was actually him. I’m just so glad you’re safe. To think I could have lost both of you.” He held on to her arms with a mix of concern and hopelessness.

We knew exactly what he meant.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” He asked both of us although the question was really for Casey.

“Not really.” Casey wrapped her arms around herself, offsetting Robert’s hands.
