Read Books Novel


Stripped (Guilty Pleasures #2)(3)
Author: Adriana Hunter

Chase’s hand was softly caressing me again. And then another slap. And other.

The heat of arousal I’d felt earlier, as he’d undressed me and kissed me, during his lovingly detailed explanation of the ropes on my body, suddenly blossomed into a full-on fire. My skin was burning, but the slaps lost their individual sting, melding into a heat that sank directly into my loins. There was something wild and uncontrollable about this feeling; it went straight to my core, unlocking something deep and primal, something I’d never felt before.

I tried to relax my muscles, not tense my legs, but my body was clenched in the middle, my h*ps flexing forward, my back bowed. Each slap made me contract more, drove the breath out of me in a whistling grunt. I realized after a time I was hearing an echo; Chase was making the same noise in concert with me, his h*ps rising with each slap, his erection pressing hard against my hip. I could feel the heat of his body through his jeans, his thighs tensing beneath me with each slap, with each movement I made in response.

Each slap sent waves of heat spiraling through my body, each caress between slaps teasing me, making me hot and wet. I was consumed by a continuous wash of heat, fueled by Chase’s hands on my ass, either the sting of a flesh on flesh or the soft touch between them.

But the soft touches stopped, the slaps continuing, arriving faster, one after another. Chase was breathing as hard as I was now, whistling breaths between his teeth in the pauses between hitting me. Then everything stopped for a brief instant. I hung my head, gulping air.

But suddenly I was moving as he picked me up, less of a push off his lap than a controlled drop to the floor. I was surprised by his strength and at unexpectedly finding myself on my hands and knees on the rug. I looked behind me, just as Chase was stripping his jeans down his muscular thighs.

His c*ck seemed enormous from this angle, long and thick and hard, but I didn’t have time to register much else before he dropped to his knees behind me, his hands on my burning ass, his c*ck driving home into my p**sy.

I came instantly, hard, with a tearing scream and a shudder that bordered on a convulsion. There was no subspace this time. I was acutely aware of every sensation in my body; Chase’s hands on my stinging ass, his c*ck thrusting hard into me, the pulsing waves of my orgasm as they crashed through my body.

Chase’s orgasm followed on the heels of mine, as he thrust himself deeply into me with a series of loud cries and grunts, primal and masculine. I wanted to turn around, to watch his face, see this progression but he pressed down on the small of my back, forcing me down onto the rug, my arms giving way.

As he pulled away, he gave me another sharp crack across the ass, my burning flesh receiving this one with less grace than the rest. I pushed myself up, spun around, arm raised, breath tearing from my throat. I’m not quite sure what I intended to do, but Chase easily caught my wrist, pulling me hard against his chest.

“Whoa there, tiger. Easy.” His laugh washed over me as he looked down into my eyes. “You’re a little spitfire, aren’t you? I can see why you needed discipline.”

He held me against him, his mouth crushing mine, still holding my upraised arm. I realized this was the first time he’d kissed me. And I kissed him back, hard. I wanted to devour him.

After a long time, he broke away.

“Abby…holy hell.” He brushed an errant strand of hair from my face. “You’re insatiable.” He kissed my forehead, then stood, pulling me to my feet.

“As much as I’d like this to continue, I have other commitments.” He pulled up his jeans, doing the button and zipper, then bent to retrieve my panties from beneath the chair. With a flourish he handed them to me, a playful smile on his lips.

“My lady, your panties.” I had no choice but to laugh. He handed me the rest of my clothes. There was a small bathroom adjacent to the room we were in and I got dressed, taking a minute to try to control my hair.

Chase led me back through the club, down to the street to my car. He pulled me hard against him, pushing me against the car door, his mouth giving me one last bruising kiss.

“Come out to the ranch this week.” He spoke the words into my ear, slow and hypnotic.

“Fresh air does a body good. Come out on Thursday. Give that backside a chance to stop stinging.” He attempted another swat on my ass, but I dodged his hand.

I nodded, not really capable of speech, my breath catching in my throat.

“Good girl. I’ll call you with the directions. It’s not hard to find.”


I’d gone to the club straight from work and on the drive home, my cell phone rang. I fished it out of my purse, hoping against hope it might be Chase, just maybe asking me back to the club. Stop being silly, Abby.

It was Jake. My heart leapt into my throat, as if he could see me, or know where I’d been.

“Jake. Where are you?”

“I’m in Minneapolis. Are you okay? You sound upset.”

“I’m in the car.” My heart was thudding against my chest.

“I’ll let you go then. Just wanted to check in and say hi. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”

And then he was gone.

Guilt flashed through my mind; the last thoughts I’d had of Jake were of him spanking me in punishment, the shame I’d felt, the pain but no pleasure.

And now, I’d been spanked hard, and enjoyed every minute of it. My ass still stung, the pain brought back all the memories of Chase, of his thick c*ck inside of me. I wiggled hard against the car seat, the heat from my sensitive skin making me cry out, not only from the pain but from the arousal that it triggered.

I realized that I wanted Chase, not Jake, to be the one to give me release.


Leslie found me on Wednesday afternoon. I looked up from a proposal I was working on to find her standing in my doorway.

“Come on in. Have a seat.”

She hesitated, taking a step into my office but not sitting down. “Is something wrong, Leslie?”

“No, well, yes.” She finally sat down. “Are you mad at me?”

I frowned. “No. Why would you think that?”

“I don’t see you anymore, you don’t answer my messages or voicemails or go to lunch with me.” There was obvious pain in Leslie’s voice.

“You’re not the same Abby.”

It felt like she’d slapped me. I sat back in my chair. “Oh. Well, I don’t think I am the same person either sometimes. This whole thing…experience…relationship…has changed me.” I looked at her a moment. Leslie knew me better than anyone.

“Do you think it’s changed me for the better or for the worse?”

“I can’t tell. I don’t see you enough to know. And when I do, you don’t tell me anything anyway.”

“You know why that is. Look, these relationships are complicated…”

“Relationships? As in more than one?” Leslie sat forward in her chair. “You really have been holding out on me, Abby. Who’s the other guy…or is it guys? Are you into group sex now?”

I sighed. When Leslie got the scent, there was no getting her off the trail. “No group sex. I’m with Jake as a submissive. He’s told me now that he loves me. I met another man at a bondage club…he’s the owner. We’ve…um, I saw him Monday.” The words spilled out in a rush. There was no other way than to just say them.

Leslie’s eyes went wide. “Abby! Two men? You?” There was a beat of stunned silence and then she broke into peals of laughter.

I looked at her in disbelief. I really didn’t think my life was a laughing matter, but then again, I’m not Leslie. Eventually she regained the powers of speech.

“Oh, I’m sorry. But you finally sound like the rest of the girls I know. Too many men, too little time. And for you, who always fell in love on the first date, I’m rather impressed.” She leaned forward.

“Now, I want as many details as you can give me. I’m sure between the two guys, there’s something you can reveal. You don’t even have to tell me the other guy’s name.” She leaned back, pushing my office door closed.

“I’m not leaving until you spill.”


Thursday was bright and warm, a perfect day to spend in the country. Chase had given me complete directions, even though the ranch would have been easy to find, and I was there by lunchtime. I turned up the long driveway toward a sprawling house, big and rambling, a combination of wood siding and impressive stonework across the front. A porch ran the length of the front of the house and as I pulled up, I saw Chase sitting in one of the many chairs arranged on the deep, shady porch. He walked up to my car, opening the door for me.

“Welcome to my humble abode, Abby. I’m glad you’re here.” His friendly manner put to rest the few butterflies of doubt that had grown in my stomach on the drive out. I’d wondered, not a few times, exactly what I was doing.

But seeing Chase’s warm sexy smile made me very glad I’d made the decision to take the day off from work and come see him, and a thrill of anticipation stirred the butterflies briefly.

I’d barely gotten out of the car when he had me in a big hug, almost crushing me against his chest. I was laughing when he let me go, slightly breathless. Before I could speak, he brought his lips to mine, warm and soft, in a long lingering kiss that left no room for any doubts about his intentions for the day. His body radiated sex appeal, sent out signals to my body that were immediately picked up and answered. When he finally let me go, I was a bit dazed, and pretty much speechless.

“Like I said, I’m glad you’re here.” The voice was honey over gravel. He looked down at me, his brown eyes glinting, his lips curved in a sensuous smile.

“You want the penny tour? Most of the place is presentable for company. You’ll see a few other people wandering around. There’s ranch hands, plus a housekeeper here most days and the ranch foreman, of course.”

Chase led me up the wide steps, across the deep porch and through the open oak double doors, into a foyer. Beyond that was a massive wood-beamed living room, complete with a two-story stone fireplace. There were several groupings of large over-stuffed chairs, covered in leather and geometric patterns, all in browns and reds and leather. The overall look was upscale but comfortable and gently worn.

“This is the main room. There have been so many wings and additions to the main house over the decades it’s sometimes hard to keep it all straight.” Chase pointed to the left, past the big fireplace.

“The original house was this room, the small wing down there with a few guest bedrooms and out back, the kitchen. The original kitchen building burned down sometime a couple generations ago.” He turned me by the shoulders, facing me toward an open kitchen area, dominated by a large industrial-grade cooktop and another fireplace. The walls were covered in cream-colored stucco. Even though the room was large, it still managed to look warm and cozy.

“So they built this wing, which eventually was upgraded not too long ago to what you see here. There’s a dining room that way…” Chase gestured to the right of the kitchen, where I could see the end of a long, rough-hewn wooden table “…and a smaller den that way.” He pointed to the left, down yet another hallway.
