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Submit (Surrender #2)(17)
Author: Melody Anne

“I can’t wait until the day we’re on opposite sides here, Rafe, and believe me, you will end up behind bars at least once in your life,” Shane retaliated.

“Keep dreaming, my friend. Before we open up this cell door, I thought we’d have a little chat,” Rafe told him as he grabbed a chair and sat down as if he were planning on getting comfortable.

“What are you talking about, Rafe? I want out of here now! These morons have broken about every civil right I have. Don’t tell me you’re condoning that.”

“Of course not. However, I do have a few questions for you, and as it seems you tend to run off when you don’t like what’s being asked of you, I think this is a perfect time for me to get answers.”

Shane was going to punch him — just once — give Rafe a big black eye. His friend deserved it for making him sit in the piss-reeking cage one second longer than he needed to be there. Shane also knew Rafe better than just about anyone, and furious as he felt, he knew he wasn’t leaving until Rafe got whatever it was he wanted to say off his chest.

“Get this over with, Rafe. I’ve had a rough night and an even worse day. I won’t hesitate to turn your pretty face black and blue if you don’t get me out of here soon.”

“I’ll get right to the point then. Why is it that you’re the first person my sister wants when she wakes up and finds out she’s been drugged, nearly raped, and is stuck in a hospital room?” Though Rafe’s voice was quiet, Shane clearly heard the suspicion in his tone.

Shane wouldn’t lie to his best friend, but he certainly didn’t want to tell him the fantasies he’d been having about Lia. He’d rather be just about anywhere else than sitting behind bars with Rafe’s accusing eyes staring him down.

“Honestly, I don’t know, Rafe. You know Lia has always had a crush on me, but I’ve managed to detour her for years. But she’s really stepped up her game this past year. I’m not going to lie to you — I have some feelings for her, too. Wait! Before you come unglued, I’m working on that. I know nothing can happen,” Shane said, holding up his hands in defense.

Rafe glared at him for several moments, before his shoulders sagged, making him look almost defeated.

“I know how persuasive Lia can be. Just make sure you keep your hands off her — got it?”

“I have to say, it really ticks me off that you feel you need to tell me that. I’m not some horny teenager who has nothing better to do than chase innocent females and try to get into their pants. I think that’s far more up your alley,” Shane snapped back.

Rafe grinned, and Shane knew the crisis was averted, at least for now. After a minute of silence, his friend turned back to him with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“All right, then. Enough of this. Let’s get back to your current predicament. As I asked earlier, are you going to behave if I have this nice officer let you out?”

“I swear that if you don’t get me out of this room in the next ten seconds, I will kick your ass up and down these halls of justice,” Shane thundered.

Laughing at the dripping sarcasm, Rafe nodded at the officer, who was looking between the two men as if they were both nuts. He wasn’t going to say a word to the two friends, though, as it was obvious his chief was livid over the way Shane had been messed with.

With quiet efficiency, the small man opened the door and Shane strode out, throwing a glare toward Rafe before he headed down the hall and toward the stairs. He wanted to go as far from this jail as he possibly could.

He needed to see Lia, but there was no way he was going to her hospital room smelling like somebody’s tossed cookies.

“Take me to your place. It’s closer. I need a quick shower and then I want to get back to the hospital.”

“I guess I can do that, considering I was able to get a few good shots in at your expense,” Rafe replied.

“I swear, Rafe, if you had any real idea what my last twenty-four hours have been like, you would be a lot less vocal right now,” Shane warned him.

Of course, Rafe never had been afraid of a threat. Shane decided he’d better shut up before the two of them ended in a fistfight. He wasn’t afraid of Rafe, either — not even a little. But he just didn’t want any more delays before he saw Lia.

“All kidding aside, Lia really is doing well. You saved her life. Hell, I owe you everything.”

Shane turned in shock to see the sudden serious expression on Rafe’s face. “There was never any question that I’d help her, Rafe. It’s Lia.”

“I don’t have a lot of faith in many people, but you’re one of the good guys, Shane. Thank you.” Rafe patted Shane’s back in a half hug before he led him to his car.

As they rode in silence to Rafe’s house, Shane felt even worse. Here was his best friend telling him how much he appreciated what he’d done — and Shane had spent many nights with fantasies starring Lia in very unsisterly roles. He couldn’t get into a relationship with Lia. It was just too complicated.

Chapter Eleven

“It feels as if every inch of my body has been worked over with a jackhammer. I need some much stronger drugs than whatever it is they’re giving me.”

“Do you want me to find the doctor, Lia? I don’t handle situations like this very well,” Ari admitted, her face turning pale as she stepped into the bathroom for a damp washcloth to offer cool relief to Lia’s forehead.

Ari returned by her bedside and Lia groaned as she applied the cloth to her heated skin. Ari could hardly believe that something so horrible had happened to such a sweet girl.

Being there with Lia brought up her own tequila-drenched night at a club and that disgusting waiter, Chandler, who’d slipped her a date-rape drug. Ari refused to dwell on it, but it was hard to suppress the memories with Lia lying before her in a hospital bed.

Considering how ashen Lia’s complexion was, whatever she’d been given was a lot worse than what Ari had been drugged with. Ari decided that she should share some of the story for Lia’s sake.

“I’ve been through this if you want to talk about it. I know that no two situations are the same, but if it hadn’t been for your brother, I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened to me.”

Lia’s eyes filled with surprise and a flash of relief. She felt such shame and embarrassment about the incident and was feeling so miserable physically — the saying misery loves company seemed to make sense all of a sudden.
