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Submit (Surrender #2)(2)
Author: Melody Anne

The seconds passing by seemed more like minutes. Ari didn’t know how long the two of them stood staring at each other, neither wanting to blink first, but finally she couldn’t take it. Her anger was evaporating, and she needed to sit. Breaking their deadlock, she moved to the bed and sat on the edge.

Rafe spoke after a brief pause. “You take a lot for granted, Ari. One of these times, you’ll push me too far and lose everything. Being with me isn’t such a hardship. I treat my mistresses well.”

“I have no doubt you treat them exceptionally well. I just don’t understand your desire to be with me. I’ve fought you from day one. Sure, the sex was good, but I imagine you’ve had a lot of good sex. I don’t really see the appeal in all of this for you.”

“You’d be surprised how hard it is to find someone who’s truly compatible sexually. The sex isn’t just good, Ari — it’s extraordinary. I will give you your one day off per week. Of course, that will be void if we’re out of the country. That’s something I can’t help.”

“If that happens, then when we get back, I can take two days the week after, and so on until I am paid the days off that are owed to me,” she broke in. By the flare in his eyes, she knew she was pushing her luck.

Too bad. He needed to be defied. Obviously, not enough people refused the all-powerful Rafe Palazzo.

“We can negotiate that point when the time comes. Under no circumstance is your day off an excuse to see other men. While you’re with me, you are exclusively mine. Do you understand?”


“Good. As for the employment, that’s not up for negotiation. You can’t carry on full-time work, or even part-time, and be committed fully to me.”

The arrogance in his tone made her skin crawl. How could she submit to him? She’d never been the sort to cave in to anything. This wasn’t going to end well.

“Then you will just have to find me a position at your offices. I won’t be paid to be your mistress. I don’t care what the job position is. I’ll file mail, copy documents, fetch coffee for people — I do not care. I absolutely won’t do nothing more than sit around a paid-for home and wait for your call — this isn’t negotiable.”

Ari hadn’t realized how much she was revealing to him with her words. She needed this job to be more than just her being his personal sex slave — she needed to earn her paycheck through actual work, not on her back. If she’d known the desperate sound of her voice, she would have put her armor back in place. In no way did she want him to see her as weak, show him a soft spot for him to sink his fangs into. She felt her best defense was to have an impeccable offense and show not one iota of weakness to him.

Her small moment of vulnerability is what gave her power, though, even if she didn’t realize it. Seeing her so exposed ate away at Rafe’s conscience — much as he fought the idea of even having a conscience.

“Fine. I’ll find a position in the Palazzo offices that will allow you to be available to me at all times. I’ll have to speak to Mario about it.”

Ari was surprised at how willing he was to compromise. When she looked up, she was expecting to see victory in his dark eyes, but she was greeted only by a blank stare. What had she gotten herself into? In what universe did she believe she could come out the victor in a battle against Rafe?

He might be allowing her some concessions, but he was the champion of their match. His quiet arrogance left no doubt about that. Ari might hate him, but she was reminded in this moment of the thin line between love and hate. This man had the power to break her in two. It would take everything inside her not to allow that to happen.

Chapter Two

“We need to get seated. We’ll discuss this more out front.” Rafe didn’t wait to see whether Ari would follow him. If he hesitated, he would show her a crack in his armor. He’d already given in too much today.

Making his way to his seat, Rafe heard the gentle sound of Ari’s breathing as she followed behind. His afternoon hadn’t gone the way he’d planned, but then again, he really hadn’t known whether she would stay or go. Not knowing the outcome of a situation he was going in to was new for him. Feeling the anticipation of awaiting her answer was a shocking exhilaration. He couldn’t deny, even to himself, that he was grateful she was still there.

“I’ll serve drinks once we’re safely in the air,” the flight attendant said after making sure that he and Ari were belted in, and then left them to their uncomfortable silence. After the jet started moving down the runway, Rafe turned to gaze at Ari as she looked out the windows. Her shoulders remained firmly back, her head high.

“We’ll go over my expectations of you.”

Warily, Ari turned and looked at him. Then, when the jet began its ascent, she glanced back out the small window as if she were considering escape. Soon they’d be high in the air, with the only way down a long, long jump.

Rafe penetrated her thoughts, and satisfaction filled him at knowing he had her right where he wanted — at least for now.

“I think that’s a good idea,” she finally answered.

“Good. There’s no use in sidestepping the issues, so we may as well get right into it. I’ve already made concessions for you. There are certain areas in which I’m unwilling to compromise. You should consider yourself lucky that I’ve been as lenient as I have.”

“Are you kidding me? If this is you being lenient, I’d really hate to learn what strict means in your vocabulary.”

“Can you for once engage in a rational discussion without a smart-ass response?” he asked in frustration. If he’d been the type to pull out his hair — no, he didn’t want to think about it. At least Ari kept quiet for the moment, but the searing look she sent Rafe’s way didn’t escape his notice. If ever a woman needed to be tamed, she was it. Now that was something he’d like to think about.

“Fine. I’ll listen, but I just want to say it’s under duress. If you were a decent man, you’d let me go and forget all about this.”

It was a good thing he’d never claimed to be a white knight. He’d been up-front from the beginning about who he was and what he wanted. The only way he’d departed from his normal routine was by chasing after her.

“Of course you can go. All you have to do is tell your mother that when she finally leaves the hospital next week, she won’t have a home or a business to return to.” Why let Ari know that he liked Sandra and would have given both to her no matter what Ari chose to do now? “You and I both know that I’m not letting you go, so let’s not waste our time discussing it. Most of all, I expect obedience. I’m not a selfish lover and you’ll be highly satisfied — you already know that quite well. I also have a healthy appetite — probably more than you do — and will expect you to be prepared for that, day or night.”
