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Submit (Surrender #2)(5)
Author: Melody Anne

As she made her way out front, she was impressed that he didn’t seem irritated. The jet’s door was already open and he waited there at the top to escort her down. She could refuse the arm he was holding out to her, but that seemed petty, so she accepted it and walked down the steps, feeling the warmth of his side so close to hers.

Immediately, the biting wind of New York sneaked up her skirt and sent shivers through her body. It was much colder in the Big Apple than back home. She was wishing she’d packed warmer clothing, but she’d been given no time before leaving to check the weather on the East Coast. How could she be expected to know what it would be like? She’d never been out of California. She hated nylons and never wore them, but as the wind continued whipping, she regretted not wearing a pair to protect her na**d legs.

Rafe escorted her to the waiting limo, and then quickly followed her inside the large car. She scooted down the seat, unsure of how she was supposed to act. When the newness of the situation was over, this would doubtless be a lot easier.

“Come here, Ari.” It wasn’t a request. The low timbre of his voice made her stomach quiver, though the soft command irritated her. She thought about ignoring him, pretending she hadn’t heard, but she needed to pick her battles.

To scoot or not to scoot closer to him in a car? That wasn’t a match worth fighting. Much larger skirmishes loomed on the horizon, she was sure. Moving more slowly than usual, just to prove a point, she wriggled toward him.

When she was within easy reach, Rafe gripped her underneath her arms and hauled her onto his lap. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he pulled her face to his and kissed what little air she had left in her lungs right out of her.

His unique smell invaded her senses — an intoxicating mixture of hot spices and clean sweat. She’d never taken time to appreciate a man’s smell before, but with Rafe, she could find him by scent alone. It was raw power — the embodiment of masculinity — and pure seduction.

She whimpered into his mouth as his hands traveled up and down her spine. Pushing his tongue forward, he demanded a response from her and she could resist him no longer.

Each time she was with Rafe, he owned another piece of her, possessed her body just a little more. She knew she should care, but as his tongue swirled around the contours of her mouth, she couldn’t find the will to protest.

With total submission, she melted against him, their bodies almost one. His hand moved to push her skirt further up, exposing her thighs and making it easier for her to spread her legs and settle more fully against his stiffening erection.

When his teeth grazed across her bottom lip before sucking it inside, then nipping it, she shuddered in his arms. He pulled back to look into her half-closed eyes as he raised his h*ps and pushed his hardness against her heat. Ari pulled back, the emotions coursing through her too much for her to handle.

“Quit trying to pull back from me. When we’re together, I want to touch you, run my hands along the silky skin of your thighs, feel the curve of your br**sts against my arm, and take your lips with mine and know they’re swollen from our kisses. You are mine now, Ari. I’ll prove that to you over and over again,” he whispered, making her body throb.

“Tell me you understand.” This he said as his fingers moved her skirt fully out of his way, exposing her barely covered bottom to his hands. He squeezed her behind and pulled her more firmly against his erection.

“I understand,” she groaned as she moved her hips, seeking relief. How could she have any desire to come again when she had a very few hours ago? Never had she imagined having such an appetite for sex. But hey, since she had no choice but to be in this messed-up game with Rafe, she might as well quit complaining and enjoy the sexual delicacies he offered.

“See, Ari, it’s not so hard to be agreeable now, is it?” he asked as his lips nuzzled her throat. How she wished she could feel nothing.

“It will always cause me displeasure to agree so readily to anything you ask,” she said, her insult not having nearly the impact with her voice so low and breathy. To her surprise, instead of being offended, Rafe laughed.

“Your words and your body say two different things to me, Ari. Even though you protest with your mouth, your eyes beg me to take you.”

“Believe what you want,” she said through gritted teeth as she fought the heat building inside her. She thought for a moment that she’d won their little argument as he pulled back. Then he spoke.

“We’re here now, so we’ll have to continue this tonight — and, Ari, it will be a great night.”

Rafe removed her from his lap, and she angrily straightened her skirt. She was in a world of hurt. The only consolation was knowing he was in the same state as she was.

“There won’t be any interruptions once I get you into our room,” Rafe promised as the door opened and he stepped from the limo, then held his hand out to her.

With his voice echoing in her head, Ari grasped his hand and exited the car. As much as she’d protested to Rafe, she couldn’t wait for their meal to end and for them to arrive at the hotel.

The next hour crept by as only Ari nibbled, too nervous to force much of the delicious meal into her mouth. She couldn’t say what she’d eaten or if it was any good, but after enough time passed, she needed to take a moment to herself.

“Excuse me.” Rafe stood as Ari rose and walked from the table. Making sure to keep her pace steady, she weaved around the other diners and walked to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, Ari hardly recognized herself. Her cheeks were glowing a slight pink, her eyes were glazed, and her skin felt as if it were on fire. A few glances, stolen touches, and some indecent acts and her body was going through a total transformation.

She’d gone into this situation thinking she would hate every minute of it, but the emotions she felt right at this moment were anything but hate. She felt passion — need — excitement. She felt…alive.

Was it so bad being with Rafe, really? What was he asking of her? Sure, he wanted control over every aspect of her life — but he wasn’t enforcing that. He’d made a lot of demands of her, but then he’d backed down when she refused to settle.

She was too tired and too confused to think much more about it right at the moment, but she wished she had more time before their night ended in the way it inevitably would. Rafe was going to have sex with her — and she wanted him to. She would only have liked to have had more warning, more time to strengthen the armor around her heart. With him in her life, she knew time wouldn’t be something she’d get a lot of.
