Read Books Novel

Suddenly Royal

Suddenly Royal (Suddenly #1)(10)
Author: Nichole Chase

“Yeah, I saw you guys. You were busy flirting with a blond girl outside the library and I couldn’t get through the front doors. I had to go all the way around to the back and they still wouldn’t let me in with the fancy-schmancy prince visiting.” He laughed at my barb and I remembered the way he had been laughing with the girl. Something in my chest tightened. I tried to stomp the emotion down because I had no reason to care.

“Jackie.” He said her name with a fond tone and I felt my back stiffen. There was no reason I should care if he liked her. Just because he had been flirting with me didn’t mean anything. And really, I had no use for a prince. “She was assigned to show us the campus. Part of a sorority, I believe.”

I continued chopping up mice bits and ground my teeth. Of course she was. Cute, blond, designer clothes. Probably a business major so she’d have a degree when she went to work for the family company. Plus, she’d looked adorable standing next to Alex for the camera’s that had come to record the event. They had looked cute standing next to each other. And comfortable with each other.

I grunted. “Yes, she was the perfect little host, I’m sure.”

“Yes, Jackie was an… excellent escort.” Escort? Escort? Alex’s next words cut through my thoughts with amusement. “How small are you planning on cutting those?”

“Shit.” I frowned and looked at the mess I had made. I pushed it aside and started on another mouse. I’d freeze this for one of the birds we had to syringe feed.

“You know, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”

I spun around to glare at him. I opened my mouth and closed it. If I denied it, I’d look like an ass, but I couldn’t just tell him the truth. Shit, shit, shit. I was jealous. Snap out of it, Sam!

“Your ego is something of a wonder, isn’t it?” I glared at him as he put Dover on her perch to finish eating.

“I think I like this look on you.” His eyes were a different shade of blue as he regarded me. “Jackie was nice, very friendly, and dumb as a rock. She is nothing compared to you.” He pulled the gloves off as he walked toward me. I flattened myself against the counter with each step he took. Placing a hand on either side of me, he leaned forward. “Put down the knife, Samantha.”

“Why?” I hadn’t realized I was still holding it. My voice had been too high; excited. This close to him my brain was turning into mush. His blue eyes peered down into mine and I felt small and feminine.

“Because I’m going to kiss you and I don’t want to be stabbed when I do it.” His hand moved to mine and carefully plied my fingers away from the blades’ handle. When he had disarmed me, he dipped his head down toward mine and I felt my heart beat speed up. While his breath tickled my lips, he carefully pulled my work gloves off. One of his hands moved to cup my cheek, tilting my face upward. Our eyes stayed locked until his warm lips touched mine. It started out slow and tender, our breaths mingling while we touched with feather light brushes. I was putty in his hands, my body no longer under my command.

I ran my hands over his chest, tracing the muscles I had caught hints of through his shirt. Eventually I tangled my fingers in his hair. He mumbled things I didn’t understand and didn’t need to, the tone making it obvious. He tasted like a dark, decadent dessert. I had a feeling I could live on that taste alone for months; that his kiss was something I could become addicted to.

The sound of wings flapping and loud squawking had us pulling apart. My breathing was heavy and I felt lightheaded. Alex ran a thumb over my bottom lip, his eyes bright with a mixture of surprise and desire.

“I think someone is jealous.” I bit my lip and looked over his shoulder to where Dover was glaring at us.

“Not much I can do about that.” He leaned forward and nipped my bottom lip. I melted back into him, already craving his taste again. His hands moved up my sides, his thumbs barely grazing the sides of my br**sts. I sucked in a breath at his touch and moaned softly.

One of the side doors opened and we froze at the sound of voices. Alex smiled at the look on my face, but pulled away. I adjusted my shirt, hoping I didn’t have that ‘just kissed’ look. Alex picked up my gloves and handed them to me. I pulled them back on and turned back to what I was doing.

“Hey, Sam?” David’s voice heralded his entry into the room. Alex moved over to the sink to wash his hands and I heard David’s footsteps pause.

“What’s up?” I turned to look at him, the knife in my hand. His eyes moved from Alex to me, noting how close we were standing.

“I wanted to see how Dover was healing. Dr. Geller asked me to keep an eye on her while he was gone.” Something in his tone changed and I realized he appeared pissed.

“She’s doing good.” I felt my eyebrows draw together. David was usually a bit distant, but friendly. Did he think I had ignored the owl because of everything going on? Everyone brought friends or family to the center, so he couldn’t be upset at Alex’s presence.

“Have you given her the medicine yet?” David glared at Alex, who had turned around to lean against the sink. There wasn’t much space between us and I could see the calculating gleam in David’s eyes.

“Yep.” My response was curt, annoyed by the judging look in his eyes.

“Good.” He grabbed a glove from one of the shelves and walked over to check out Dover. I turned back to my task and frowned.

“She’s a beautiful bird.” Alex had stayed leaning against the counter, so close that my elbow hit him when I went back to work.

“Yes. She is.” David’s voice sounded odd, so I tried to peek over my shoulder. Dover was sitting on his arm, but his eyes were trained on Alex. “She’s been through a lot. I’d hate to see her hurt any more.”

I turned back to the mouse I was holding and frowned. Why did he sound so angry?

“I’m sure everyone here takes very good care of her.” Alex’s voice sounded affable, but there was something odd about the way he phrased his words.

“Often people hurt things on accident.” David’s voice took on an edge. “No one plans on hurting anyone, but it happens.”

Anyone? I froze at and set down the knife I was holding. Slowly I turned around and glared at David. He was ignoring me, his gaze still glued on Alex.

“I have no intention of hurting Samantha.” Alex’s posture was relaxed, at odds with his words.

“She’s been through enough. I’ve watched her fight her way through the death of her mom and now her dad. Don’t pull her into something just for her to have to fight some more.”

“David!” I felt my mouth fall open in shock. How had the conversation turned into this?

“She’s like my sister and I’m tired of seeing her screwed over.” His eyes turned to me apologetically.

“I can understand that.” Alex stood up straight. “But I think she can take care of herself.”

“Just remember there are people, here in the real world, that love her.” My heart squeezed with David’s words. I had grown really close to everyone in the office. David had been a big help when I was applying for a master’s position. He wasn’t one for too much emotion, so to hear him say that made me want to throw my arms around him in a hug.

Alex nodded his head and David turned back to Dover. I stood there staring at them both, wondering what on Earth had happened to my life.

“Close your mouth, Sam.” David didn’t look at me, but his voice shook me out of my thoughts. I grabbed the gloves off the floor and turned back to the task at hand.

Alex’s phone rang and he walked away to answer it. I could hear him but couldn’t make out what he was saying. When I had finished cutting up the food, I split it up and went to deliver it to the birds in the building. When I got back, David was finishing up his examination of Dover. He put her back in her pen and replaced his gloves on the shelf.

“See you later?” David looked at me from where he was standing and I nodded my head.

“Yeah. Geller will be back tomorrow.”

“I know.” He turned to leave. “See you then.”

“David?” He stopped and looked at me. “I love you guys, too.”

He winked before turning and leaving the way he came. Alex was still on the phone, so I checked the time before going about cleaning. I was almost finished by the time he was done with his conversation.

“I didn’t mean to leave you with all the cleanup.” Alex took the broom out of my hand.

“There’s not much to do.” I shrugged and rinsed out one of the rags while he swept the trash I had collected into the dustpan.

“Still, I said I would help.” He frowned.

“It’s really okay.” I headed for the office where our coats were hanging with him following close behind.

As I reached for my coat, I was spun around and pressed against the wall. Alex leaned down to nuzzle my neck before dragging his lips across mine. There it was, my new drug of choice. His kiss was hot and hungry. His hands weren’t patient this time as he slid them over my body. It was as if our first kiss had answered a question and now he was sure of what he wanted.

His phone beeped and he muttered something that had to be a curse. The kiss slowed. There was something serious and dangerous behind his kiss—something that made my heart stutter and my panties catch fire. When his phone beeped again, I pulled back so there was just enough space between our mouths that I could feel our breaths mingle.

“You should probably get that.” My voice was husky and thick. It had taken a lot of willpower to pull away from him.

“They can wait.” He started to lean forward again but I shook my head.

“I can’t. I need to go see my dad.”

He sighed but nodded his head. “I understand.”

“Are you leaving soon?” I bit my lip, surprised I had asked him. Did it matter? I guess it did, considering how my heart was beating rapidly.

“I’m waiting to see what you decide.” He brushed some of the hair out of my face.

“Is that why you’re kissing me? To try to convince me to come to Lilaria?” The words seemed to freeze the air between us and I felt my stomach clench.

“You think I would kiss you to try to get you to come back?” He leaned farther away. “I’m not sure what you think having you in Lilaria would accomplish for me, but I assure you I don’t go around kissing people to make political alliances.”

“I’m sorry.” I closed my eyes and thunked my head against the wall. “I just can’t imagine why you… I’m just…”

He pulled away from me with a look of frustration. “Do you realize how insulting that is?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

“You didn’t mean to insinuate I would stoop to such a thing, or you didn’t mean to insinuate you’re not attractive enough to make me forget my senses?” He stood up and ran a hand through his hair. “I do want you to come to Lilaria. I think it would be good for you and for your father. I think if you would let yourself, there could be something good between us, as well.”

“This is happening too fast. There’s too much going on.”

Alex pulled his coat off the rack. “Don’t think your whole life is here. Your ancestors were courageous—don’t let them down by hiding.”

I watched as he walked out of the little office, my mind a complete mess.

Chapter Nine

Lilarian Healthcare Makes Headway with Homeopathic Medicines

—Durren Pathology Center

It had taken a lot of arguing to get my security detail to stay in the car. Becca had insisted on standing at the door, but I finally convinced her she would get frostbite if she did. I used my key to let myself in and sighed in relief. It was nice to be back in my childhood home.

“I’m in here.” Dad’s voice drifted over the sound of the television in the living room. The smell of lasagna meant he was in the kitchen.

“Hey.” I hung my coat on the back of the chair and smiled at Patricia. She gave me a hug and then held me out at arm’s length.

“Girl, what on Earth have you been up to?” Apparently she had been watching the news.

“It’s a really long story.” I shook my head.

“A really crazy one, I’d guess.” She narrowed her eyes at me and lifted my chin. She tsked under her breath and gave me a knowing smile and wink. “You’re all flushed.”

“It’s minus ten outside. Of course I’m flushed.” I tried to not grimace when she laughed.

“That’s not the same kind of flushed.” She lowered her voice. “I bet it has something to do with that gorgeous man I saw you on the cameras with.”


“There’s video of you walking around on campus laughing with that prince. He’s a good-looking guy. I’d let him get me all flushed, too.”

“I’ll let him know you’re interested.” I laughed as I walked past her and into the kitchen. I threw my arms around Dad’s neck and pressed my face against his shoulder.

“Don’t make me spill this!” He was trying to transfer the lasagna from the dish onto plates. I had learned with my mom you never took time for granted, so hugged my dad as often as possible.

“I’m gone, you old fart!” Patricia hollered from the living room.

“Get out of here, woman!” Dad yelled back. I could hear her laughing even after the door closed behind her. I knew for a fact that even though they enjoyed pestering each other they were the best of friends.

“So, I thought you had a headache today.” I carried our plates to the table and then went to get glasses out.

“I did, but feel a bit better tonight. I figured you might need your favorite dinner after I saw you on TV.” He smiled at me as he brought the milk carton to the table. “Lasagna is always good for dinners where there’s stuff to discuss.”
