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Sun God Seeks…Surrogate?

Sun God Seeks…Surrogate? (Accidentally Yours #3)(41)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

I sniffled and gave him a nod. “What happened to you?” I mumbled.

He shrugged casually. “Nothing. I feel great.”

“You’ve been in a coma for over a day. I thought you were dead.”

His brows pulled together. “Dead? I am a god. We can’t die—as much as I wish otherwise.”

I cupped my hand over his mouth. “Don’t ever say that. I thought I’d lost you…I thought…”

Wow. Was I really going to let that tiny door inside my heart open up and allow those buried emotions to be said out loud?

Activate reality-denial button? My inner voice chimed in.

No. Not this time.

Kinich stared at me, his eyes filled with intense emotion. “Yes? You thought you’d lost me, and what?”

I couldn’t say the words just yet, but I could show him how I felt. I need you. I want you. I might break into a million pieces if you don’t feel the same.

I leaned forward and kissed him.

His reaction was immediate. It was raw. It was what I’d hoped for.

He flipped me on my back, pinning me beneath him, kissing me hard, kissing me like he meant to fill me with his own avalanche of emotions.

His heavy frame instantly shifted, shaping to my hungry body. His knees slid between mine and parted my thighs. I exhaled sharply when I felt his hardness prodding me in just the right spot.

A groan left his lips while his tongue slid in and out of my mouth with an erotic pumping rhythm.

My fingertips moved through his silky strands of hair and then traveled down the sides of his face to his neck and arms, savoring every muscle—packed with heat, power, and steely hardness. His body turned into hot twisting barbs of steel, intent on caging me. His erection thrust against me, and the heat of him on my most sensitive skin almost sent me over the edge.

“Oh God. Yes. Yes,” I panted.

His hot tongue and velvety, plump lips moved down my neck, their sensuous texture deliciously followed by the roughness of his unshaven jaw.

Kinich pulled up my T-shirt and palmed my breast before he placed his mouth over my sensitive nipple and began sucking. Gentle at first, then hard.

“I love your br**sts,” he said with a breath, talking directly to my puckered, and now red, pebble. “I want to do very dirty things to them.”

Oh. Sun God is a breast man!

“But, not before I do this.” He flipped me over like a hotcake on a griddle and straddled me below my backside. I felt his large hands cupping both fleshy mounds. “These, I have missed. Your ass should have a pyramid built in its honor.”

Could he arrange that?

“Shouldn’t I get two? One for each side?”

He tugged down my jeans, leaving my thong panties in place.

“Yes. They are gorgeous,” he said with a gravelly voice, and began lavishing a long, hot, wet kiss on my right cheek.

His sizzling tongue felt so silky, like warm chocolate being drizzled over my skin.

He suddenly flipped me once again, startling my breath away.

Like a man on a mission, he made no production out of removing my panties or tearing off his own T-shirt and drawstring pants.

He crawled up the bed and lay over me, briskly separating my legs. “I want you, Penelope. I want to be inside you and hear you moan my name like I’ve dreamt about.”

I loved that he’d had those dreams, too. I loved that I was the only woman he’d “perhaps” ever been with.

I responded to him with a hard kiss and felt him slide his hand between us, positioning his thick shaft at my entrance.

He wrapped my leg around him and began pushing into me.

“Wait! The necklace. Don’t I need the…?” A searing heat pulsed through me.

I exhaled sharply and looked up to discover Emma swatting me with a towel. “Christ, Penelope! You’re on fire!”

I sprang from the bed, peeled my smoldering shirt from my body, and whipped it to the tile floor. I stomped out the flame.

“Wow,” Emma said. “That must’ve been one smokin’ dream you were having.” She laughed.


My mind spun in dizzying circles. I swiveled my head toward Kinich, only to find him lying there like a lifeless sack of dirt.

Shit. Another goddamn dream.

My heart sank and tears of disappointment welled in my eyes. I was never a crier, but I’d let ’em rip more times in two days than I had in my entire life.

“Oh no! Penelope. Don’t cry.” Emma’s bright green eyes filled with worry. She leaned over and grabbed my hand, pulling me up from the bed.

“I know what you need.”

“A cold shower?” I asked.



“Where are we going?” I asked.

Emma led me by the hand down the hallway through the living room. Her springy red curls bounced as she trotted eagerly to our destination. Although she was several inches shorter than me, and wearing a girly floral blouse and capri jeans, I felt somewhat intimidated. Her petite size felt like an illusion that masked something dangerous and powerful.

“So. Kinich told me you’re a…Payal?” I asked hesitantly.

Emma smirked and flashed a smile over her shoulder, but didn’t answer. She led me through the enormous modern kitchen out to the garage, a garage unlike any I’d ever seen. It was a madman’s luxury car showroom, complete with bar—how many bars does one home need?—living room, polished cement floors, recessed lighting that lovingly bathed each vehicle—six NASCAR-worthy convertibles, one silver hardtop, and a rather large-looking red Jeep with extra-large tires—and a variety of pristine cupboards and racks to house tools.

Emma released my hand. “Hmmm. Eenie meenie…That one!” She pointed to the silver hardtop.

“Where are you proposing to take me?” I didn’t want to leave Kinich.

“For a drive.”

No derrrr. “I should go back to Kin—”

“Come on. One quick drive. The night air will clear your head.”

She was right; I needed to get out of the house, but…“Is it safe? I mean, those Maaskab pop out of nowhere.”

She laughed. “Safety is an illusion. There’s nowhere on this entire planet that a Scab can’t get to you. But being with me is about as safe as it gets. I now hold the kill record.” She flicked her hand. “It’s all in the wrist.”

She plucked a key from a hook on the wall, marched over to the car, and slid in. “Aston Martin One-77. I’ve been dying to drive this baby ever since he got it.”
