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Sun God Seeks…Surrogate?

Sun God Seeks…Surrogate? (Accidentally Yours #3)(48)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

When I arrived at Kinich’s home, I immediately went to the kitchen, found a pair of scissors and some matches, and then headed for his room.

No surprise, Kinich was in his bed, right where I’d left him. The doctor—that same young-looking man with short, brown hair—leaned over him, checking his vitals.

“Any change?”

“I’m sorry. I’ll come back this afternoon.”

I shut the door behind him and stared down at Kinich’s large form, peacefully resting on the bed. His bronzed skin had turned to a pale taupe. I sighed and dropped to my knees, placing a kiss on the top of his hand.

“Please, work. Please?” I looked up at the ceiling, fending off the tears.

I gently turned his head to the side and cut off his silky caramel strands. I rubbed the thick, soft hair over my cheek then placed it on his chest as I cut off my own ponytail.

My hair had never been my obsession, although my mom had always fussed over it and said it shined like obsidian. I think I kept it long only to make her happy.

It will grow back, Pen. It’s just hair.

I pushed my now chin-length hair out of my eyes and headed out to the patio. The first rays of sunlight tinted the night sky with an orange hue to the east. The surrounding desert was unnervingly quiet, as if the universe herself was holding her breath.

I looked to the sky and said a little prayer—to whom, I didn’t know—and placed the hair on the ground. I ignited the two bundles and watched them burn, knowing I’d break into a million pieces if this didn’t work.

The tiny fire fizzled out quickly.

Here goes…

“Kinich? Can you hear me? Kinich?”

I waited, my heart thumping in overtime. “Kinich,” I whispered, “please, please answer me.

He did not.

Oh gods, no. It didn’t work. It didn’t work…

I felt like I’d lost Kinich all over again.

Exhausted from being up all night and the endless disappointments, I staggered inside and curled up against his cold frame.


“Penelope, you look ravishing today,” Kinich whispered in my ear.

I snuggled against his warmth and wrapped one arm tightly around his waist. “I’ve missed you.”

“Not nearly as much as I missed you.” His body shifted on top of me. “We have some unfinished business…”

My eyes popped open and our eyes met. The frisky grin on his face told me what he wanted, but I asked, anyway; I wanted to hear him say it.

“What sort of business?” I whispered.

His lips were quickly on mine. The heat of his mouth shot straight into my stomach and made my girly parts perk up instantly.

I sighed with contentment. This was how I wanted my life to be. Him. Me. Our bodies touching.

Kinich unexpectedly stopped. He was now frowning.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“You’re wasting time. I need you here with me. Now. Do you have any clue how worried I was about you?”

“Huh? But I am here,” I replied, utterly confused.

“Penelope…” he growled.


“Penelope! Wake the hell up,” he screamed.

My eyes snapped open. “No…!” I covered my face. “Goddammit! Not again!”

Kinich was still in his bed. Motionless. Cold. Frozen in time like Sleeping Beauty.

I slipped from the bed and staggered to the bathroom. The reflection staring back in the mirror was a sad and worn version of me. That’s because that’s what I was. I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t have any strength left in my arms to keep throwing back the lemons.

How ironic, I thought. I finally understood why Kinich stopped believing his life would ever change and why he’d opted to survive, but not thrive. Exist, but not live. Everyone had their breaking points. Everyone. Even a powerful god.

“I’m sorry I judged you Kinich.” I hung my head over the sink.

“I forgive you, now that you’re awake. Did I mention you snore like a lumberjack with a sinus infection? It’s quite disturbing.”

My eyes popped out of my head. “Kinich?” I looked over my shoulder, right and left, but I was alone in the private world-class spa with mini-waterfall.

“Yes?” he answered.

Holy devil’s food cake. I looked up and down, side to side. No one there.

“Oh goody. ’Cause dreaming about him every single night just isn’t enough.”

“Every night? How intriguing. Are we naked?”

There it was again. I held my breath. “K—Kinich? Is that you?”

“I think I will ban everyone else from using my Mayan name ever again. I only want to hear you speak it. Just you with that sweet voice.”

I couldn’t breathe. “Is it…really…you? Or am I dreaming?”

“It is I. What took so long to complete the ritual?”

I leaned over to catch my breath. “I had no idea that’s what it was—holy crap! Is it really you?”

“Did you not tell everyone of the incident?”

“Yeah, but I sorta forgot about the part when you said that weird phrase.” I couldn’t believe this. I staggered into the bedroom and stared down at Kinich’s body. “But you’re on the bed. I’m looking right at you. Where are you…um”—what is the right way to say this?—“calling me from?”

“Apparently, the universe still holds some surprises. Even for an old deity.”

“Sorry?” I asked.

“I am right here. With you.”

“Again. Sorry?”

“I am…inside you.”


When Kinich attempted to open his eyes but failed, he instantly knew something was amiss. Slowly, he explored the physical sensations around him. Toes, finger, lungs, he could feel them all, yet was unable to take command of his movements.

Was he paralyzed? Dead?

The last thing he recalled was being in the swimming pool with Penelope, of touching her plump, firm br**sts, and of being on the verge of spilling himself in her eagerly pumping hand. The desire for her had been so potent that his body literally ignited. Then, as he had been about to contain the flames, terror swept across Penelope’s lovely face.

He couldn’t see the Maaskab, but the rank smell wafting in the air was unmistakable. The Scab stood behind him, and whatever it was about to do wouldn’t be good. Likely a bit painful, too.

Yet only one solitary thought occupied his mind: He wanted to protect Penelope but couldn’t. Not again. Not f**king again.
