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Sun God Seeks…Surrogate?

Sun God Seeks…Surrogate? (Accidentally Yours #3)(68)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

But it didn’t really matter anymore how I felt, because his bag was gone, the room empty.

I walked to the glass door and looked outside. The miles of lonely desert now seemed bleak instead of calming. The sky, a perfect crisp blue, only reminded me of what we were all going to lose.

I needed to take a walk and clear my thoughts.

Still barefoot, I turned to retrieve my boots in the closet and ran straight into Zac. I jumped from my skin.

“Jeez, you scared me.” I placed my hand over my thumping heart.

“My apologies. I came to tell you that Kinich paid me a visit.”

“You saw him? He’s still here?”

Zac shook his head. “No. He left me a note with instructions and asked me to give you this.” He held out a clean white envelope.

“Any clue what it says?” I asked.


“What did yours say?” I asked.

“He requested I care for your…needs in his absence.”

“Needs?” The way he’d said that word implied all sorts of things. Very sexual things. Doubtful.

“There was also mention of making the ass**le who burnt the inside of his one point seven million dollar car pay dearly.”

Yikes. One point seven? Well, serves him right!

I took the envelope. “He didn’t say anything else?” There was that dang lump in my throat again.

His ice-blue eyes turned to azure blue. “I’ll be in Kinich’s study if you need me.” He gave my shoulder a squeeze then turned to leave.

“No. Wait. Don’t go.” I suddenly didn’t want to be alone for this.

I ripped open the envelope. Inside was a small sheet of crisp paper and the words, Forgive me for not saying good-bye. I leave you in the care of my brother. Zac has sworn to protect you and be your Right Hand.

May the sun always shine upon you.

— Kinich Ahau

I looked up at Zac. “So, he made his choice. He left. He really left.”

Zac reached out and clutched my hand. “I am…sorry.”

“Did he say where?”

Zac shook his head. “We know not. But perhaps he left because he is ashamed. In his new fragile state he is unable to be of use in battle. Perhaps he simply wishes to enjoy his new life as a human.”

My knees trembled, threatening to give out.

I quickly pulled it together and straightened my back. “Fate has spoken.”

His head dipped. “I see you’re catching on.”

I unexpectedly felt dizzy again and the room turned black.


“She’s coming around,” I heard a female’s voice off in the distance. “Penelope! Can you hear me?”

Someone tapped my cheek. “She’s in shock,” I heard the same female voice whisper. “I can’t believe he left her. What kind of moron leaves a pregnant woman?”

“He was not informed of the news,” argued the man.

“She didn’t tell him?” said the woman.

“She did not have the chance,” the man replied.

“You idiot. Why didn’t you tell him?” she asked.

“I did not see him, and if I had, it is not my place to meddle.”

My mind fell into place. As it did, I wondered if I really wanted to come around. Reality was waiting for me, and it was a place far too painful to be at the moment. I’d had about all I could take.

“Penelope. Please wake up.” I realized it was Emma speaking. “They’re getting ready to attack. I’m going to the Command Center to monitor everyone on the satellite.”

I lifted my lids slowly; they felt like they had lead weights attached.

“Did he really leave? Or was it a dream?” I asked, my mind foggy and slow.

Emma brushed the hair back from my forehead. “Yes, honey. He’s gone. I’m sorry. And I’m even more sorry because I know your heart’s been broken. But you have to be strong. Too much is at risk.”

The bedroom came into focus, and as it did, the starkness of the situation hit home. But I’d already had a heart-to-heart with myself, so I knew I couldn’t let my broken heart distract me.

“Well, I guess the bright side is,” I mumbled, “that now I have one less problem. I’m down to four.”

Emma chuckled. “That certainly is something.”

Zac appeared behind Emma, his blue-green eyes glowing with warmth. “I happen to agree. I once tried to count mine, but got bored after number five thousand two hundred and twenty-two. Four is good. Very manageable.”

Sure. I’d accidentally become the “surrogate” Sun God, was carrying the real Sun God’s baby, my mother was still a captive of the Mobscuros, and the world was ending. Not that I was complaining…’Cause it’s still just four.

“Piece of cake.” I sat up slowly. The room still wobbled unnaturally, but at least now I understood why.

Pregnant. Wow.

“Is everything ready?” I mumbled.

“Everyone is almost in position. Every Uchben soldier, vampire, and allies of the gods. Even the others.”

“You keep mentioning the others. Do you mean leprechauns?”

Zac chuckled. “No. They don’t fight; they are peaceful people.”

“Maybe you should try taking away their clothes. I hear that makes them angry.”

He raised both brows. “I do not wish to know how you came into possession of that knowledge.”

“So who are the others?” I questioned.

“Why don’t we save the debriefing on immortals for another day. You need nourishment,” he replied.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Penelope,” Emma pointed out, “you can’t think just about yourself.”

She was right. I’d almost forgotten. It was all very new. “All right. I want egg rolls, sourdough bread, and spinach salad.”

“I will obtain your meal,” Zac said and disappeared.

“I think he likes you, Pen,” Emma whispered.

I rolled my eyes. “I think I’m pretty much done with men for eternity.”

“All right. But he’s hot.”

“Emma! I’m not exactly on the market; Kinich has been gone for an hour, the world is going to end in eight months, I’m also pregnant.”

She held out her hands. “Actually, you were out for five hours, so…Kinich has been gone a little longer.”

I growled.

“Okay. But Zac’s really hot. And ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little rebound romp.”
