Read Books Novel

Sunrise at Sunset


Caleb spent the better part of the next two days trying to occupy his time. He read part of a novel he brought from his apartment. He also camped out in the theater room watching cable television and movies from Kat's expansive DVD collection. Caleb counted no fewer than six hundred films from all different genres and periods dating back to the 1930s. It was definitely an eclectic collection, which generated a pleasant distraction.

Katrina felt much less distracted the past couple of days and wasn't even irritated when he periodically interrupted her at the computer console in her room. They hadn't argued, and she had deliberately been more attentive towards him. She peeked in on him as he watched television in the living room or a movie in the theater room. Once in a while she wandered in to watch him prepare a meal and eat or slumped into a chair near him as he read.

The one thing she didn't do was explain any of her preparations, activities, or possible plans. She remained silent, often going out of her way to change the conversations back to safer topics when he tried to make unwanted inquiries. That infuriated him, but he refrained from debates or disagreements with her.

Katrina insisted that he continue sleeping in the large bed in her sublevel room and usually curled up with him until he drifted off to sleep, though she was rarely beside him when he awoke. He typically found her sitting at the computer console either typing or switching rapidly between a cascaded series of individual windows. Other times she stared at the screen blankly, as if deep in thought or in some kind of trance. On rare occasions when she spoke on the telephone, she whispered, often leaving the room to continue the conversation elsewhere. On two occasions, Caleb found her in the study at the far end of the first floor. He wasn't sure what she was doing, but it involved some paperwork and manila folders. She often shut the door, leaving only a sliver of light, and he respected her subtle signal for privacy, even though he peeked in to confirm she was at her desk.

Of all the challenges facing his unusual circumstances, the most annoying was losing a visual sense of night or day. His only determinants of the passage of time was his watch and the clocks in the house. He discovered that watching the local news at various times helped deter his sense of detachment from the world around him. When watching the local weather coverage, he craved a walk outside to experience the mundane conditions being described or shown. Granted, he wasn't really missing much, as Atlanta's mid-December weather was usually sunny and in the upper forties to mid-fifties.

What impacted him most was that Christmas was less than three weeks away, and this was the first time in his life he might miss the holiday season entirely, unless Alondra Vargas - Chimalma - was dealt with soon. Given the gravity of their situation, he was too embarrassed to ask Katrina about her thoughts on or plans for Christmas. It was to be their first together. Though the way things were going, it was likely to be dark, ominous, and foreboding. He wondered what the rogue vampire had in store for them. It would be horrific if something happened to Katrina while she was trying to protect him. Anxiety coursed through him as his overactive imagination plagued him with violent imagery.

What would I do if something happened to Katrina? he morosely wondered.

In the short whirlwind of falling in love with Katrina, Caleb had become completely smitten with her presence in his life. Her very existence fascinated him, although her vampire nature sometimes unsettled him. The strength of the attraction that he felt for her frightened him somewhat. She was everything he could hope for in a lover, friend, and companion.

Most recently, he discovered that Katrina had an occasionally short temper coupled with a propensity to be somewhat authoritative towards him. And while those were annoying qualities, she seemed to have his best interests at heart so far. Despite that, he knew that he loved her. He owed his life to her a number of times over already. Who else can I say that about in my lifetime?

He mused over those thoughts while leaning against one of the large, spiral-fashioned oak columns flanking the entry of the oversized living room at the back of the house. The room was comfortably furnished and sported a large, widescreen television inset into a niche above the fireplace.

For no discernable reason, Caleb glanced to his left towards the partially visible front entry area. Katrina stood at the foot of the stairs leading to the second floor. She leaned against the banister railing, watching him with a penetrating expression. The shaft of light from the front entry room cast a strange glow on her pale complexion. The shadows around her caused his vision nearly to glance over her, if not for her striking long, red hair cascading around her shoulders.

"You look deep in thought," she observed.

Actually, you look lonely and forlorn, my dear, she thought. It was painful to be so secretive with him the past few days, but it was better he wasn't involved in her plans to address Chimalma. Likely, he wouldn't approve of her plan or her methods, leaving silence the better part of valor.

He folded his arms across his chest. "How long have you been standing there?"

"A while," she responded casually. "Long enough to see a host of emotions playing across your face." I want to assuage your negative thoughts and feelings and return to happier times as soon as possible, she mused as a pang of sorrow swept through her.

He nodded while moving into the living room and taking a seat on the large leather couch. Leaning back into the cushion, he stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing his feet at the ankles. He stared at her, gesturing with his hand for her to join him.

She floated gracefully across the distance, studying him intently as she walked. He said nothing to her, instead watching her graceful transit towards him. He marveled at her body's fluid, rhythmic motion, and wondered why he hadn't paid more attention in the past. Perhaps because he was usually so focused on what they were doing or where they were. Would anyone who took the time to look at her see her like I do? he wondered.

She sat down beside him, curling her body alongside him. He draped his right arm lazily across her shoulders as her head rested against the inside of his shoulder.

"What were you thinking about?" she asked softly. Maybe me, she mused humorlessly.

"Many things," he replied vaguely. "You seem much more settled the past couple of days."

She smiled slyly and clarified, "You mean, much less angry and irritable."

He smiled at her quick interpretation of his evasive comment. He angled his face to meet hers and quickly kissed her on the lips. "Sorry, but yeah," he confirmed.

"I'm not as angry, it's true," she explained introspectively. "I'm more determined and resigned than angry. And I'm not angry with you, my love." But let's not dwell on that topic, shall we? she mused. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Huh? No, not yet," he answered with a glance at his watch. It was nearly 6 pm. The day had passed, and he had barely noticed.

"Come, I'll watch you make something," she offered and rose to help pull him to his feet. "We can chat while you eat."

Actually, the truth was she practically pulled him up from the couch, and he marveled at her controlled use of strength. "Did you ever have trouble adjusting to your increased strength after becoming a vampire?" he asked on their way to the kitchen.

Katrina considered his query with the hint of a smile. She recalled the number of times she had accidentally broken fragile items. She had also injured some men during intense acts of passion, which was a shocking wake-up call that she needed to learn control at an early stage of her vampire nature. "Hm, yes, I did," she replied as he removed a pizza from the freezer.

He set the oven to preheat and went about removing the pizza from its packaging.

"I broke a number of things," she replied with a smirk. "There were a number of accidental injuries inflicted on others, as well."

Caleb retrieved a pizza pan from the cabinet. Oddly, Katrina had a fairly well-stocked set of dishes, cookware, assorted cooking utensils, and basic kitchen appliances. He wondered why she had originally gone to the trouble, but he was grateful for her foresight.

"Over the years, I adjusted to my body's new attributes," she continued. "But it took a great deal of patience and practice."

He sat on a kitchen barstool to wait for the oven to heat. She wandered over to the cabinet, removed a drinking glass, and proceeded to fill it with ice cubes and water from the refrigerator dispenser.

"Now I act and move with precision unless I'm extremely angry," she added as she placed the glass before him on the kitchen countertop.

His eyebrows rose curiously. "Why water?" He preferred colas.

She frowned slightly. Water was important for the health of his body and his blood. "I don't like the amount of cola you've been drinking lately. You've looked a little dehydrated. Do me a favor and try to drink more water in the near future."

"Right you are, Mom," he answered smartly while raising his glass in salute.

She lightly smacked him on the back of his head with the flat of her palm and threatened mildly, "Don't even go there." Her limited experience with motherhood as a human was a topic she avoided almost as an emotional defense mechanism. Perhaps someday she would feel comfortable discussing it with him.

He sipped from his water glass. "So, when angry, you might still lose control of your strength sometimes?" he asked carefully.

Her lips curled into a devilish grin. "I try to show restraint, but you might not want to do anything to make me enraged." She almost felt guilty for taking advantage of his innocent nature to unnerve him, inwardly aware she'd never do anything deliberately to harm him, even if angry. But she had a good poker face. The truth was she loved catching him off-guard like that. She sensed in his reactions that he enjoyed it on occasion as well.

He shivered involuntarily at her sadistic visage, which thankfully was an uncommon facial expression for her. A part of him felt another emotion flash across him. Is it simply intrigue or perhaps something more erotic? He gave her a sidelong glance as her features relaxed. The preheat warning went off, and he placed the pizza in the oven.

They talked about how he spent his day and about a film he had watched in the theater room. That led to a discussion about Katrina's favorite films. Not surprisingly, she had a diverse interest in film genres, including foreign films. When asked if the language barrier in foreign films bothered her, she explained that she spoke a number of languages fluently besides English, including French, Italian, German, Spanish, and some forms of Chinese. He was truly impressed by the revelation and realized he felt fortunate just to know some Spanish.

By the end of their conversation, his pizza had finished baking, and he dished out some slices onto a plate. Despite his offer, Katrina declined a slice.

"There's something I want to chat with you about," she ventured. "You may be interested to know vampires have as diverse a set of personalities as humans. They're often a reflection of their former human selves."

Caleb nodded as he munched on his first slice of pizza.

"But a common variable among vampires is that the older ones tend to have lofty self-images," she continued. "They often see themselves as elevated far above the status of humans and expect both respect and deference from them. Naturally, the world's full of people who feel they're so much better or more worthy of privilege than their fellow humans. It's the same with a number of older vampires."

He frowned, wondering why she chose that topic. He reached for his water glass and realized it was empty.

She picked up his glass and went to the refrigerator to refill it. "I like to associate with vampires who don't have such lofty self-images. But they're still worthy of respect, if only because of the positive, respectful manner in which they conduct themselves among humans."

"Thanks," he muttered as she placed the glass of water before him. He took a sip of water and munched on another slice of pizza while considering what she said. After a few moments, she continued.

"But never forget they're vampires," she warned gently. "They crave blood and see humans as food as much as companions, peers, or fellow beings. And while you may not necessarily need to fear the vampires I associate with, you always need to respect what they are. Never forget that their appreciation for you will never match what I feel for you. Though other vampires could eventually befriend you, always bear in mind I already love you. I'm the mate, and no vampire relationship is stronger. Does that make sense?"

"Kat, why are you telling me this?"

"Because visitors are coming," she offered with a supportive smile.

"Visitors?" he asked intently as he slipped another slice of pizza onto his plate.

Katrina paused. "Some friends, fellow vampires."

His eyes widened slightly at the revelation. "When?"

"They're on their way now," she replied softly. "They'll be here any time."

Caleb's heartbeat quickened, and his appetite suddenly abandoned him. He pushed his plate away and reached for his water glass.

"Go ahead. Finish eating your pizza," she offered supportively.

His eyes flickered to hers. Oh hell, more vampires, he lamented.

Around nine o'clock that evening, Caleb was cleaning up the kitchen when he heard the faint ringtone of Katrina's cell phone. As he finished rinsing the remaining dishes, she walked through the kitchen with the phone to her ear.

"I'm going to the garage now," she noted before flipping the phone shut. She stopped by Caleb, neatly using her arm to corral him around the waist, and ushered him to walk before her. "They're here," was all she said as they headed for the small hallway near the garage.

A feeling of nervous anticipation passed through him as she gently urged him further down the hallway to the garage door. She punched in a series of codes on the wall's security panel faster than he could gather the sequence. He heard the garage door opening beyond, and the lock on the small door leading into the garage clicked twice. She opened the door and followed him inside.

A late-model black sedan with tinted glass and a car rental vanity tag on the front bumper pulled into the empty garage bay closest to where Katrina and Caleb were standing. A man appeared to be driving.

Caleb noticed that it was dark outside and felt the cold night air tickle his bare arms and begin to permeate his cotton T-shirt. It was a very tempting sight being just a few feet away from access to the driveway.

Katrina immediately noticed his body language as he looked outside. "Don't even think about moving," she stated in a flat, commanding voice from behind him as she tapped the garage door button to close the bay door. If who I think is watching is out there, you need to stay where you are, Caleb, she thought. But rather than explain herself, she decided her gruff command would have to do. He probably thinks I'm a real bitch.

The car's engine shut off, and the driver's side door opened as Caleb gave a heavy sigh. He turned to give her a dirty look over his shoulder as the bay door closed fully.

"Be nice. We have company," she whispered with a brief poke in the small of his back with the tip of her finger.

A dark-haired man over six feet tall who looked to be somewhere in his late thirties to early forties exited the vehicle. He was of solid build and wore dark gray casual slacks and a white, long-sleeved dress shirt. His pale complexion matched Katrina's.

"Katrina!" he exclaimed with a bright smile that displayed his perfect white teeth. He walked around the back of the car to the passenger side.

Katrina moved past Caleb and hugged the man warmly. "It's good to see you, dear friend," she greeted him in a brighter mood than she had displayed recently.

"It's been too long, my dear," he replied in a rich English accent.

Caleb felt an immediate pang of jealousy as he watched the exchange, though he kept his facial expression pleasant and respectful.

The man glanced at Caleb with bright hazel eyes and appeared somewhat amused. He disengaged from the embrace with Katrina and immediately moved past her to reach out his right hand to Caleb.

"Alton, I'm pleased to introduce you to my mate, Caleb," Katrina offered from behind the man with a smile and a gleam in her green eyes.

Caleb took his hand and immediately noticed the man's firm grip. He also carried himself with an air of authority. Caleb momentarily wondered if he were titled or not. "Pleased to meet you, sir," he greeted the man.

"Alton," the fellow offered congenially.

"Sir Alton," Caleb ventured formally.

"Just Alton," the man corrected him in the crisp British accent with a disarming smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Caleb. I've looked forward to meeting the man who stole Katrina's heart."

Caleb grinned and glanced at Katrina, who winked at him.

The moment was broken suddenly by a loud banging sound coming from the truck, which startled Caleb enough that his body physically jolted with surprise. His heart skipped a beat, and he stared at the trunk warily. Both Alton and Katrina looked sharply towards the rear of the car, but neither seemed surprised.

"Alton, open this trunk right now!" came a muffled female voice from inside.

Alton moved past Katrina to the rear of the car and activated a button on his key remote, and the trunk lid snapped open. Caleb moved closer to where Katrina stood, keeping well away from the trunk.

A short, blonde-haired woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties gracefully slipped out over the edge of the roomy car trunk and frowned up at Alton sourly. "It's about time, Alton," the young woman snapped. "Next time you can ride back there."

Her face was beautiful, and her hair was straight and trimmed at jaw level in a bob reminding Caleb of a Charleston dancing girl from the 1920s. She was approximately five feet and a half, and her petite body was hugged by a pair of denim blue jeans and a dark, snug Alice Cooper concert T-shirt. Her general appearance was like one of the young college students Caleb taught in his history classes, except for the unusual hair style. But she didn't appear much younger than he was, actually. Following a moment's reconsideration, Caleb noted that her T-shirt seemed out of tempo for her age. Still, he found her to be striking on a number of levels.

The young blonde's bright blue eyes seemed to gleam as her attention was diverted to the sight of Caleb standing awkwardly before her. He was still trying to ascertain why she was in the trunk.

"Hi. Caleb Taylor," he offered a little nervously while extending his hand to shake hers.

"Hi." She returned his handshake and offered an appraising grin. "I'm Paige, Paige Turner."

The pun almost made him chuckle. "Heavy reader, are you?" he quipped with a smirk.

Paige's eyes widened brightly at the reference, and her pearly-white teeth gleamed at him as she grinned broadly. "Oh, I like you already."

Though she was friendly, Caleb was unsettled by the view of her glinting teeth. It made her look almost sinister. In addition, Paige's eyes were a penetrating blue and appeared to target Caleb as she stared at him.

Katrina smiled subtly at the exchange between her friend and her mate. Her eyes darted to Alton speculatively, and she noticed that the corners of his mouth were upturned in a subtle smile. She was pleased everything was off to a good start.

Paige moved quickly to Katrina to embrace her energetically. Katrina smiled brightly as her arms warmly enveloped the shorter woman.

"Missed you," Paige muttered as she popped a kiss on Katrina's cheek. "Been too long, Katrina."

"You too, Paige," Katrina replied warmly with a quick, sisterly peck to Paige's cheek.

A quiet moment passed before Katrina and Paige released from their hug, both still smiling appreciatively. Caleb wondered what the back story was with them.

"Let's get everybody settled inside," Katrina suggested, breaking the momentary silence as she noted Caleb's reaction.

Caleb moved immediately to the car's open trunk and removed two large leather duffle bags. Alton opened the rear car door and effortlessly pulled out two large black suitcases from inside. He followed Katrina into the house. Caleb shouldered both duffle bags, one over each arm, and headed through the garage.

"Very gentlemanly," Paige observed as she followed Caleb. "But I can carry my own bags, thank you."

Caleb smiled. "I'm happy to oblige."

At the doorway leading into the house, he thought he heard the sound of Paige inhaling deeply from behind his head.

"Hm, nice vintage," she whispered.

A small shiver went up Caleb's spine as Paige playfully giggled.

Caleb took Paige's luggage to one of the guest rooms upstairs. The youthful blonde vampire silently followed Caleb into the room and stared at him intently with a smile on her face as he placed her bags on the bed. Her expression was both appraising and unsettling, and he only briefly made eye contact with her to smile in a welcoming fashion before quickly departing.

"Thank you, Caleb," Paige called in a remarkably upbeat tone of voice that contrasted to her intense gaze.

"You're welcome," he replied before barreling downstairs.

Katrina directed Alton to a guest room next to Paige's, but further away from the stairs. She smirked and shook her head upon hearing Caleb's quickly retreating footsteps down the stairs.

"He doesn't know what to make of Paige," Alton surmised with an amused expression.

"It took me years. How about you?" Katrina countered with an upraised eyebrow.

He chuckled deeply. "She's really quite charming once you get used to her dynamic personality."

"Oh, I can appreciate her fully now," Katrina countered. "But it wasn't immediate," she recalled with a smile.

"Part of that's because you were always so serious," Alton noted pointedly. "But I sense that Caleb has tempered that somewhat."

Her smile faded slightly as she admitted, "We were doing fabulously, but we've been arguing a little bit since Chimalma made her appearance."

He nodded supportively, but said nothing.

"I mean, I've tried to be especially patient with him," she continued. "I've really been more openly affectionate and understanding than in the past."

"And he makes you happy, I suspect," he suggested. "His personality likely encourages you to feel that way."

She smiled shyly. "Yes, I'm very happy. I haven't felt this in a long time, Alton. I'm in love, after such a long time."

"He's very different from the others," Alton noted. "I could tell that upon first meeting him."

Katrina smiled while reflecting on Caleb's many appreciable attributes. He was very different from the men in her past, except perhaps for one.

"And what's been his reaction to our little plan?" he asked.

She frowned and replied in a cooler tone of voice, "You know there's nothing for him to react to. We're going to do what needs to be done, what we should have done half a century ago."

He raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You mean, you haven't told him anything?"

"He knows what he needs to know," she countered evenly. "Nothing more."

Alton's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "That's a little overprotective, even for you. No wonder you've been arguing more lately."

Katrina scowled. "I tried that with my last mate, and he committed suicide. You know that, Alton, and I'm not making the same mistake twice."

Alton remained silent.

"Caleb's a gentle soul," she explained with some exasperation. "And he's experienced enough violence in his past already. Chimalma's not going to get to him, much less warp his mind and emotions."

Alton sighed softly and raised both eyebrows appraisingly. "I respect that, Katrina. But I recommend caution. Such isolation could breed resentment, as well."

Katrina shook her head in resignation. "I'm trying my best here."

He considered his former pupil and reached out to embrace her, causing Katrina's former irritation levels to subside somewhat. "Come on," he offered. "Let's go chat a little bit with Caleb before the night gets away from us."

After a moment, Katrina pulled away from him with an appreciative smile and turned to lead the way downstairs.

They were no sooner downstairs when Caleb's nervous voice could be heard in the kitchen. Both vampires exchanged curious glances and hastened in that direction. Upon arrival, they saw Caleb backed up against the kitchen counter bar while Paige stood before him with her arms crossed.

"A Coca-Cola?" she asked cynically. "I said thirsty. Hello? I'm a vampire. Maybe the next time you say you're thirsty, I'll bring you a glass of soapy water."

"I'm really sorry," he apologized.

Alton covered his mouth with his hand to hide the smile forming, while Katrina's expression became steely.

"Problem?" Katrina asked pointedly.

"Maybe just a little," Caleb answered nervously. "It seems I'm not quite certain where to find some blood for our guests."

"Oh, I already found some blood, all right," Paige noted with a sly expression as she smiled at him.

"Paige," Katrina chastised her in an ominous tone.

The young vampire adopted a sour expression and looked up at the ceiling with her arms crossed.

"He doesn't know where I keep the blood yet," Katrina informed Paige levelly. "I don't feed in front of him."

Caleb had never observed her while she consumed blood, except from him, obviously.

Paige's eyes reflected sincere surprise, and her eyes darted to look at Caleb before turning to stare at Katrina with a puzzled look. "You're kidding," she scoffed incredulously. "There was a time when you used to drink before other humans as you drank from the human serving as the donor."

Caleb's eyes darted to stare at Katrina with a degree of silent shock. But his mind began to work over what was just said, and he blinked slowly as his gaze drilled into Katrina's with intensity.

"That's enough, Paige," Alton warned in a harsh voice.

"I bet he feeds in front of you, Katrina," Paige ventured with mild annoyance.

"How many hardy men balked at discovering your true nature?" Katrina demanded.

"None that lived," Paige countered. "However, he already knows you're a vampire."

Caleb turned his level gaze upon Paige as his body's muscles tensed. "I apologize for my ignorance," he stated flatly. "I'm not allowed to offer you my blood, but I'll be happy to retrieve some for you, if Katrina would just point me to the proper location."

Alton's expression reflected momentary surprise, but then he gazed upon Caleb with approval. However, Katrina's face grew concerned as she saw the tense series of emotions playing across her mate's face.

"I'll show them -" Katrina began.

"No," Caleb interrupted coldly. "I want to take care of it."

Katrina said nothing, but reached out for Caleb's hand, which she grasped gently in hers, and led him through the kitchen to a nearby door leading down into her small wine cellar. A long series of descending concrete steps led to a concrete room surrounded by storage shelves, a couple of workbenches, and a portion of the far wall containing a series of wine storage shelves stocked with a variety of bottles of wine. Immediately at the bottom of the stairs and to the right was a medium-sized white refrigerator.

Katrina opened the refrigerator to reveal shelves lined with a large variety of plastic bags of human blood. There were a variety of blood types, and each was labeled in the same manner one would see in a hospital or surgery center. Caleb estimated the combined total of blood would likely constitute a sizable quantity of human bodies.

"Each blood type has a somewhat different flavor to a vampire, but just like wine, each packet of blood may have a unique taste all its own," Katrina explained softly. She glanced at his face to find him just staring and taking the information in.

"Its own vintage," he ventured quietly, recalling the word Paige's earlier comment.

She nodded after a brief pause and agreed, "Yes, something like that."

"Which ones do I take?" he asked.

"Just randomly pick one of each for them," she stated with a sigh. "They'll let you know if they want something specific."

He grabbed two of the chilled pints of blood before pausing to ask, "Do you want one?"

"No," she replied quietly. "Thank you." She shut the refrigerator door, and he turned to walk back upstairs. But she reached out and pulled him into her arms protectively. He seemed so vulnerable to her, just like the little eight-year-old boy she remembered.

"It's okay," he muttered absently. "I'm okay with this." He sounded as if he were trying to convince himself. Is this like a cow who's been asked to bring a steak to a human? he wondered.

She shook her head slightly. "It's my fault. Perhaps I've sheltered you too much. But I was afraid."

It dawned on him what she was getting at. "You were afraid I'd be too unsettled by all this?" he asked.

"Yes," she said and kissed the top of his head. "So many new things are coming at you quickly. How much is too much for you?" I don't want to frighten you away, my love.

He formulated an answer as she stood with her arms wrapped securely around him. "You scare me. You all scare me," he replied earnestly. "But I love you, and I'll do what I have to do."

She silently considered him and sighed. She was relieved to hear his resolve. "Then I suppose you can stink up the house with a cooked dead bird or pig at Christmas, if you want," she conceded.

He smiled wanly. "Deal, but it's going to be a big, dead bird this time."

She chuckled and released him from her grasp, and they walked upstairs together.

Paige and Alton sat in chairs in the spacious living room drinking warmed blood from tall glasses while Katrina and Caleb sat together on the couch. Caleb leaned back, stretching his arms across the back cushions as Katrina curled up next to him. She wrapped one arm behind him while the other lazily draped across his waist.

"Alton's my oldest friend," Katrina began. "He was also an important mentor in my life. He helped me better understand and adapt to my vampire nature after being abandoned by the one who turned me. Alton shaped my understanding of financial matters and expanded my fighting skills. I'm forever indebted to him."

Alton nodded his head appreciatively, but corrected her with a smirk, "Hardly. Forever is too long. Perhaps for another century or two."

Paige and Katrina both grinned.

"Well, I could never abandon you, Kat," Caleb proclaimed, cognizant of how strongly he was drawn to her.

She smiled and warmly kissed him on the cheek. I hope not. It's more than I could bear.

"It happens from time to time," Alton noted absently before sipping blood from his crystal glass.

Caleb was hungry for more details, hoping to understand Katrina and her background better, but she seemed satisfied to quit the topic. Alton seemed to notice as well, because he subtly raised a curious eyebrow.

"As for Paige," Katrina explained with a smirk. "She happened into my life purely by accident. I helped to mentor her in her vampire nature at an important time in her life. My experience with Alton came in quite handy, it seems. Paige and I became quite close friends, almost like sisters, and we've remained close ever since."

Paige smiled with satisfaction.

The conversation turned to the journey to reach Katrina's estate for each of the visiting vampires. Alton came directly from his investigations in Europe once he learned Chimalma had surfaced in Atlanta. Paige was in Los Angeles and made the journey once Katrina decided how to proceed.

"I'm surprised really," Paige admitted with an amused glance at Caleb. "He hasn't even asked about my arrival in the trunk."

Caleb regarded the vampire briefly and turned to look at Alton.

"Katrina's idea, really," Alton said to Caleb, noting pointedly: "She does everything for a reason."

Caleb's mind began considering all that happened in the garage that evening. Two things stood out. "You were trying to hide her," he ventured. "Nobody would see her, only Alton."

Katrina smiled as she listened to Caleb's assessment.

"Way to go, Sherlock," Paige complimented with a smirk.

But Caleb frowned and continued, "Wait. She also let me go into the garage with the door open when you arrived. Yet she hasn't even allowed me to open a window."

Alton raised an eyebrow, while Katrina's expression turned introspective.

"So?" Paige countered.

Caleb looked at the youthful vampire. "So, she does everything for a reason, just as Alton said, which means she wanted someone to see me in the garage with her. And that's why she was so irritable when she saw me considering a short walk out to the driveway. I was only to be seen briefly and with a minimum of exposure. So Katrina thinks someone's probably watching the house."

"Most likely," Alton offered.

"Katrina wants our numbers to be underestimated so we have a stronger balance of power," Caleb ventured with a small grin. "Or so she can act with Paige and hold an element of surprise."

Katrina smiled and muttered, "Well done." She was very impressed with Caleb's deductive reasoning skills, particularly why she was stern with him in the garage. Perhaps I underestimate him at times, she considered thoughtfully.

Paige's expression brightened for the first time since meeting Caleb in the garage. "Katrina said you're pretty intelligent."

Caleb inclined his head in silent appreciation.

"And," Paige hesitated, "though I don't know why I'm bothering, I suppose I should apologize for the whole blood episode in the kitchen. I obviously didn't fully realize the situation with you two."

The edges of Caleb's mouth upturned slightly. "Apology accepted."

Katrina inclined her face up to Caleb's neck and placed a delicate kiss upon his soft skin. She was very proud of him. His first exposure to other vampires wasn't entirely without issues, but things were working out nicely.

Alton noted Katrina's action with approval, while Paige grinned mischievously.

"Congratulations, Caleb," Paige offered in a perky tone. "You've made the feral tiger purr."

Caleb blushed, while Katrina glared at Paige with a withering expression. That was in the past. I'm trying to change into something less feral lately, she resolved. But it's hard for me after so long. She quickly changed the subject.

"It's getting late, and I think Caleb and I will turn in," Katrina suggested. "Please make yourselves comfortable, and let me know if you need anything. And help yourself to the blood supply. Otherwise, I'll rise early, and we can discuss plans and arrangements."

Alton offered, "Good evening to you both."

Paige nodded with a smirk.

Katrina rose and took Caleb by the hand to lead him from the room to the sublevel and manually shut the hidden door sealing off the room from the rest of the house.

Once they were close to the bed, she pulled him onto it, kissing him warmly on the lips. He appreciated her display of affection, but his mind still yearned for more information about her after having been baited earlier.

"Why won't you tell me more about yourself?" he urged between kisses. "I'm dying to know all about you and your past."

I love you, and I'm building my trust with you, but please be patient with me, she wanted to tell him. I've already been hurt and betrayed by too many in my lifetime. But something vulnerable kept her from revealing even those thoughts to him at the moment. Instead, she smiled slyly and muttered, "In time, my love. A girl can't give all of her secrets away at once."

Hardly a girl, but a powerful feminine force of nature, he silently countered. He sighed with resignation that more of her background wasn't forthcoming that night, although she effectively distracted him again with additional slow kisses.

"I'm proud of you tonight, my love," she complimented.

"Well, I'm trying," he replied sincerely.

"Better yet," she noted presciently and with a satisfied smile. "You're succeeding."

The next morning, Katrina rose well before Caleb woke. She showered, dressed in jeans and a black sweater, and quietly left him sealed in the room by himself as she met with Alton and Paige concerning their final plans.

Later that morning when Caleb finally stirred, he noticed with a start that Katrina was gone. He yawned and looked over to find a glass of ice water on the nightstand, along with a note from Katrina.

Dearest Caleb,

I didn't want you to be disturbed while you slept. I'll be back to check on you before breakfast. Please drink the glass of water. Remember what I said about hydration.



He sighed with resignation, put the note back on the nightstand, and drank the glass of water, leaving only the unmelted ice. He immediately realized his thirst once the first gulp of water had gone down his throat.

He stretched and went into the nearby bathroom to shower, shave, and brush his teeth. Afterwards, he slipped on a pair of jeans and a Georgia State sweatshirt. Forgoing shoes, he padded up the stairs to the sealed exit door leading into the rest of the house. He was unable to slide the door open and looked at the keypad next to the door frame to see a red LED marking the door as locked.

"Oh, for Pete's sake," he mumbled, realizing that he couldn't even use a phone to call her for help because the phones were disabled by a code. And Katrina still had possession of his cell phone.

He irritably smacked the door with the flat of his palm and proceeded down the stairs over to the couch set before the large, wall-mounted TV. He plopped down to contemplate how frustrated he was getting with the whole security arrangement he had endured lately. He felt a little like a prisoner in a gilded cage. Finally, he lay on the couch and channel-surfed for a time.

Within an hour, he heard the door at the top of the stairs behind him slide open, but nothing more. He frowned and sat up on his knees to look over the high back of the couch. Seeing nobody, he tilted his head slightly.

Strong arms enveloped him from behind, and he jolted with surprise. The arms quickly tightened around him and he saw the profile of Katrina's face peer around from his right. He turned his face to hers, and she kissed him warmly.

"Good morning," she greeted in a slow, sweet voice. "Sorry it took so long, my love."

"Good morning," he replied as his irritation subsided from the warm greeting she gave him.

She effortlessly pulled him from the couch and onto the floor so that he stood before her, and he turned towards her and kissed her again.

"Did you have to lock the door?" he asked suspiciously.

"I didn't want you to be disturbed," she said smoothly.

He narrowed his eyes, not believing a word of it. "Why won't you just tell me what you're doing?" he murmured with exasperation.

She regarded him sympathetically before her smile faded somewhat. "I was merely trying to be nice, but fine. We were discussing some important matters that I didn't want you overhearing or getting involved in. Does that make you feel better?"

He considered her explanation and conceded, "No, not better. But at least it's an honest answer."

She nodded, and asked, "Are you angry with me?" Please don't be mad. I'm really not trying to aggravate you, she considered silently.

He folded his arms before his chest. "I'm not angry, just a little disappointed, that's all."

"We talked about this once before, Caleb," she gently tried to remind him. I understand how hard it is to give up control, but you have to trust me. She felt a small degree of guilt as she realized that trust was hard for her as well.

He recalled the conversation, or rather confrontation, Katrina referenced all too well, having been on the losing end of it. "I know, I know," he retorted offhandedly while walking past her to go upstairs to get breakfast. "Alpha vampire running the show right now. Got it."

She smirked as she watched him depart. Well, at least he's learning.

He walked into the kitchen and noticed Paige standing at the kitchen counter making a cold cut sandwich. It appeared a very normal-looking scene as she stood in her khaki capris, floral cotton shirt, and sandals and cut the sandwich in half. The fact that she had seemed to be an edgy vampire the night before suddenly seemed odd to him.

Paige pulled a handful of potato chips from a foil bag and casually dropped them onto the plate, which she set on the counter near him. She licked the stray salt from her fingers as she walked to the refrigerator and filled a glass with ice water.

She sat the glass near the plate of food and offered with a sly smile, "Morning, kiddo. It's close enough to lunchtime, and since I don't cook, I hope you won't mind the sandwich."

He stared at her with near shock at the completely unexpected circumstances. She seemed to appreciate the expression on his face because her smile brightened noticeably.

"Well, dig in," she suggested.

He raised an eyebrow as he sat on a barstool at the counter. "Thanks, but to what do I owe this particular honor?"

She smirked with genuine amusement. "Peace offering. Besides, Katrina said you'd probably be hungry because she left you for longer than she intended. It was her idea, really."

His eyebrow rose curiously.

"Honestly, I think she's just trying to kick-start things with us a little bit," she added with a conspiratorial whisper.

"Nice start," he replied with a smirk. He picked up the ham and cheese sandwich and took a bite, noting that it had his favorite garnish, mustard, on it. After realizing how hungry he really was, he began alternating between bites of sandwich and potato chips. He was particularly aware that the short, blonde-haired vampire seemed amused watching him.

"Wow, you can really put it away, can't you?" she noted with a grin.

His face flushed a little as warmth rose to his cheeks while he chewed. That seemed to amuse her even further. He decided to break his silence by asking how she liked Los Angeles. He had never visited the west coast himself.

"I like the people well enough," she answered fondly. "It's a place where both the strange and unusual can feel at home. I fit right in! Way too much sunshine out there, though."

He almost chuckled, but was politely mindful of the mouthful of sandwich that he was chewing at the time.

She described the wonderful scenery and plethora of diversions that she enjoyed in southern California, including rock concerts, parties, clubs, shopping, and a host of other activities that he hadn't considered, such as motorcycle rallies and nighttime surfing parties.

As he finished eating his sandwich and chips, Alton cleared his throat from the kitchen entrance behind him. The sound warned Caleb of his presence without startling him, which he appreciatively noted as he glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh, hi, Alton," Caleb greeted as he reached for his water glass.

The tall vampire moved to sit on a stool next to him and asked, "Would you mind if we had a brief chat?"

Caleb shrugged and took a final bite of his sandwich. He was beginning to like the stately vampire. Alton sounded like a member of the English gentry, those aristocratic gentlemen of property from Jane Austen novels, but without the characteristic air of superiority. He fleetingly anticipated that his English accent was likely popular with the ladies. "Sure," he agreed amiably.

Paige nodded to Alton and moved to depart.

"Thanks for lunch, Paige," Caleb said.

"Aw, you're welcome," she replied with a smile before disappearing from sight.

Caleb was happy for his pleasant reintroduction to Paige. He liked the version that he had started getting to know that morning.

Alton silently paused for a few moments to observe the young man. "So, Katrina told me about your brief experiences with Chimalma, but I'd like to hear your recollections firsthand. It may provide helpful insights that may have been overlooked initially."

Caleb nodded and recounted his experiences, including any dialogue with Alondra and Maddox, to the best of his ability. The process took a little longer because Alton interjected occasionally to ask for clarifications and further details. Caleb noted once again how politely and congenially Alton presented himself. When he had finished, Alton sat silently for a few minutes in contemplation. But Caleb had a question of his own to ask.

"I'm a little curious about when Alondra, um, Chimalma mentioned that Katrina was possessive in her past," he ventured carefully.

Alton murmured, "Mm, yes. Well, vampires are possessive at times with their mates, particularly the human ones."

Caleb nodded.

Alton stared at him intently. "But don't confuse possessive with protective, Caleb. Katrina cares for you more than you likely realize. And as a human, you're particularly vulnerable if another vampire wanted to target you."

A thought occurred to him as the restaurant conversation between Katrina and Chimalma replayed in his mind. "I told Chimalma about how much Katrina meant to me before she arrived to retrieve me," he absently recalled. "Then Chimalma told her to 'keep an eye on her pet.'"

Alton nodded. "She was deliberately pushing Katrina's buttons," he ventured. "The more Katrina has to focus on protecting you, the less she can focus on Chimalma directly. It's good that Paige and I arrived when we did."

Katrina and Paige silently appeared in the kitchen entryway from the main hallway, though Caleb realized that he probably wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't already been facing in their direction.

"I'm glad you're here to help protect Katrina in all of this," he commented to Alton with a note of appreciation as he caught Katrina's eyes.

But Alton's features reflected amusement, and he actually chuckled. Paige also smiled slightly, while Katrina arched an eyebrow at her former mentor. Caleb looked at Alton with a puzzled expression.

"My dear boy," Alton corrected him, "I'm not here to protect her. She's more than capable of protecting herself. She's the heavy artillery in this mission. I'm merely accompanying to aid in directing the hunt, as well as to provide assistance where needed."

Caleb turned to stare at Katrina and demanded, "What's he talking about?"

But Alton spoke up before she could respond. "Your mate happens to be one of the most lethal vampires I've ever known. She's earned quite a remarkable reputation among our kind, actually."

Katrina frowned. She was uncomfortable discussing the levels of violence that she was capable of. She didn't want Caleb to be afraid of her, either. What can I say? she wondered.

Caleb's eyes widened as his gaze shot back to Alton, and he recalled, "But you're her mentor. Katrina said that you taught her how to fight. And you just said that you and Paige arrived at just the right time."

One of Alton's eyebrows arched as he explained, "You misunderstand, Caleb. I was her mentor in showing her the safest practices of a vampire, and I helped shape her mastery of financial matters. But I only taught her the art of sword fighting to broaden her skill set. She was an expert in her own right in other forms of melee combat when I first met her. She's an efficient killing machine, even for a vampire. And as for arriving on time, I merely meant that Chimalma's trail will be easier to follow since her appearance was so recent."

Caleb wasn't sure how to react to Alton's revelations.

"What we plan to do is find Chimalma and bring an end to her rampage," Alton continued.

"You're going hunting," Caleb ventured with chilling insight.

"A predator seeking a predator," Alton ventured as he glanced at Katrina. "And the fiercest one I know is your mate. Having seen her firsthand with Maddox, you should realize just how deadly she really is."

Caleb shivered slightly while looking at Katrina, and his heart rate increased noticeably.

"Alton," Katrina sharply interrupted. "That's enough." Damn it, you're scaring him, she tried to convey with a steely expression at her former mentor.

My God, Caleb thought as the recent steak house conversation with Katrina resurfaced in his mind. She really is a great white shark among sharks then. He thought that she had been exaggerating when she made that comment, or was simply analogizing the dangerous nature of vampires.

Katrina was concerned as she took in his expression.

All three vampires in the room stared at him, having heard the noticeable increase in his heart rate. He swallowed once and decided to leave the room rather than be the center of such rapt attention. He slid off the stool and started to walk into the hallway leading to other parts of the house. But as he began to pass Katrina, she extended one arm and caught him at the waist, leaving her arm in place as a bar rather than drawing him to her.

"Remember what I said about fear, Caleb," she muttered very softly as her green eyes gazed into his pale blue ones.

"A little fear is good," he replied, having recalled their past conversation at the steak house.

"But not from me," she amended, "or this won't work between us."

As a matter of fact, he did recall that point having been made.

"Come here," she whispered, "but not in fear." She removed her arm from barring his passage, dropping it to her side.

He paused before slowly moving to wrap his arms around her slim waist. He felt her arms gently enfold him in response, and she bent her head downwards to nestle her nose into the side of his warm neck.

Thank you, my love, she thought with relief.

His eyes scanned the room to look at Alton and Paige, but they had already quietly disappeared from view.

Katrina breathed in his scent, heard his heartbeat, and felt his pulse against her soft lips. She kissed him softly once, twice, a third time.

He considered her affectionate nature, coupled with her propensity to be somewhat authoritative recently. He also recalled the light-hearted times they had shared together with both of them laughing and appreciating each other's company. His memory went back to the night at the restaurant with Chimalma and the attack from Harry Maddox. There were so many dichotomies in Katrina's personality. The distance between her caring nature and her violent nature seemed threadbare at times. But he loved her nevertheless and was beginning to realize just how much she loved him as well.

The two of them stood in each other's arms as time seemed to stand still.

But time was cruel, and their embrace didn't last long enough for either of them before she reluctantly released him to attend to additional preparations for what lay ahead.

Eventually, the afternoon gave way to evening, merely the turning of a clock from Caleb's perspective. He tried distracting himself with a film in the theater room. He absently watched the imagery from the ceiling-mounted projector play across the screen, his thoughts focused on what Katrina was planning to do next. To his aggravation, the three vampires overtly left him out of those conversations. The event led to another brief, heated exchange with Katrina earlier that day after his lunch chat with Alton, resulting in his current sulk in the theater room.

"Hey, kiddo. Alton's in the front sitting room and wants to chat with you," Paige issued from the doorway before she disappeared from sight.

He stopped the movie and proceeded down the hallway to the front of the house.

"You rang?" he quipped from the doorway. Alton gestured towards the couch. He plopped down and stared inquisitively at Alton, who sat in a high-backed reading chair with one leg crossed over his knee.

Alton steepled the fingertips of opposing hands against each other while gazing at Caleb with an introspective expression. "How to begin," he muttered.

Caleb sat patiently, trying not to feel unnerved by the sober-looking vampire's close inspection of him.

"You're an unusual selection for Katrina," Alton commented absently, as if speaking more to himself than Caleb.

"How so?" Caleb asked as his eyes darted to the vampire's.

The corner of one side of Alton's mouth upturned slightly in a wan smile. "She was surprised by her attraction to you, actually," the vampire commented before adding with a raised eyebrow, "But then, the manner of your meeting was rather unusual, so she had more time to be intrigued with you at another level."

Confusion immediately spread across Caleb's features as his mind raced to decipher the vampire's vague commentary. It didn't make sense to him. Why is meeting through a college class so unusual? He was likewise jealous of Alton's more complete knowledge of Katrina.

"Typically, Katrina has selected mates more closely matching her own disposition," Alton observed with a distant expression, as if recalling events long since past. "But they were inevitably a poor fit for one reason or another," the vampire continued before Caleb could inquire further. "They challenged her authority or tried manipulating her for their own agendas."

"Katrina mentioned that eventually she killed them all," Caleb supplemented, recalling her brief revelation.

Alton's eyebrow rose. "That's true in all but one case."

Of course, the suicide. Caleb remembered what Alondra, or rather Chimalma had said about that, as well. "Katrina's had rotten luck picking mates," he muttered. Then again, I've had rotten luck picking girlfriends in the past, he considered. Katrina broke that streak for me, though lately our relationship seems strained at times. He wondered if they were operating under unique circumstances, perhaps even for a vampire.

Alton frowned as he watched emotions play across the young man's face. "Granted, her suitors were ill-fated. Yet her past selections were based upon understandable criteria for a vampire: blood, sexuality, wealth, influence, and power. These were all qualities that brought something to the table that she either craved or needed for her own agenda. Quite similar to other vampires, really."

Caleb's expression grew troubled while considering those criteria, realizing that most didn't qualify for him. He was living a very humble lifestyle financially and had no important political or social connections to bring to the table. He certainly wielded no power as a faculty member of a small community college. However, he had blood to offer and felt that he was a good sexual partner to Katrina. At least, he thought so.

Alton seemed almost amused by Caleb's introspective manner. "Caleb," he quietly interjected.

The young man's eyes darted back to the vampire.

"It's possible that you're a better fit for her," Alton offered with a hint of encouragement. "You bring a more peaceful, sincere element into the mix. You're a new dynamic for her, Caleb."

Caleb's facial expression became more hopeful.

Katrina's icy voice suddenly announced, "New dynamic? Not entirely true. My human husband was similar to Caleb."

Caleb's eyes darted to the room's entrance to see her leaning against one side of the door frame with her arms crossed before her and looking particularly displeased. However, Alton failed to seem surprised by her appearance and acknowledged her with a partial wave of one hand.

"Alton," Katrina warned. "I don't appreciate you airing my past so openly without my consultation." Please don't push my life story on him before I'm ready, she silently willed.

"He deserves to know something," Alton replied crisply. "It might have saved needless bickering between the two of you recently."

"There hasn't exactly been time," she retorted with annoyance.

"You should've made time. That is, if you want someone left to care if you return home or not," Alton retorted with a momentary flash of his hazel eyes.

Caleb viewed the exchange with some concern. But he was too riveted to say anything, feeling that important details were finally coming to the surface.

"And why are you suddenly so interested?" she demanded hotly. "You've never bothered before." Where were your concerns years ago when all the other men in my life were taking advantage of me? she fumed. Now, when I finally have someone sincere and caring in my life, is when you want to get involved?

"This one's different. He actually makes you happy," Alton noted pointedly. "And you haven't experienced happiness in some time, I recall."

"I'll thank you not to play matchmaker in my mate selections," she admonished.

"Oh, I don't know why I bother," he noted while throwing his hands in the air.

Katrina's expression softened somewhat, and she took a deep breath. She appeared by Alton's chair in a blur to lay a hand across one of his shoulders. "Because you care," she offered with resignation. "And I appreciate your efforts." It's hard to hold a grudge against you, dear friend, she conceded. Good friends are hard to come by for a vampire.

Alton smiled and reached back to pat her hand with his own.

Caleb relaxed as he mulled over everything from the past few minutes. Things were beginning to make more sense to him.

"The young man has promise," Alton noted, as if he weren't in the room.

Katrina perched on the edge of the couch next to Caleb and wrapped her arm around his shoulders affectionately. "I know," she said while smiling at him warmly. He shows more than promise, she thought. I love him.

Alton glanced at his wristwatch. "Time is short, Katrina. If you're going to have him, you need to make haste."

Have him? Caleb wondered.

Katrina noted his confused look and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "I want you now."

Caleb's eyes darted to hers, focusing on the sly smile and playful sparkle in her green eyes that he loved so much. "Are you still angry with me?" he asked softly. It hadn't been long since their most recent argument.

"There's no time for anger between us," she quietly replied. Soon, they would be engaged in a venture from which she might not return if things went badly.

Caleb swallowed hard, and his eyes darted to see Alton staring at them with an amused expression. His eyes darted back to Katrina in time to see her face hovering before his. He felt her soft lips touch lightly upon his own.

He pulled away from her, and she tentatively gazed back at him. He smiled slyly while rising from the couch and backing away from where she still perched on the cushion.

She began to frown with a degree of uncertainty. Where are you going? she wondered.

"If you can catch me, you can have me," he stipulated before turning and running out of the room and up the stairs to the upper level of the house with all of his speed.

Alton laughed in the background as Caleb was almost halfway up the stairs.

"Run, kiddo!" Paige yelled from somewhere nearby.

Caleb felt an arm around his waist, which spun him around as he was propelled up the stairs in a blur. The breath was nearly taken from him as he felt his body flung against a bed in the first guest bedroom nearest the stairs.

Katrina's lips pressed against his in a warm, passionate kiss before pulling away. He stared up at her slightly glowing green eyes and grinned.

"Caught you. You're mine," she whispered slyly.

"Well, a deal's a deal," he muttered and felt her lips press against the soft skin of his neck. What he really wanted to say was, I'm glad that I'm yours.

She kissed him affectionately, savoring his taste and scent.

He felt her warm, moist tongue against his neck and the beginning of a numbing sensation there. As Caleb turned his neck slightly for easier access, he felt Katrina's fangs extend to his skin.

The bedroom door gently closed behind them, followed by the sound of soft giggling. "Crazy kids forgot to close the door behind them," Paige muttered with a smirk while floating down the staircase to the first floor.

The time with Katrina passed quickly for Caleb. One moment they were sharing each other, and then it was the next morning - that was, at least according to his watch. He was even more oblivious to the passage of daytime and nighttime since Paige and Alton's arrival nearly two days ago. It was morning, and he woke with a start as Katrina pulled away from where they lay together in bed.

Caleb's hand darted out at her from underneath the covers to grasp at her, and he managed to catch her arm in his hand.

"Somebody's getting faster," she noted slyly.

"Don't go yet," he pleaded in a sleepy voice.

She sighed and leaned over to kiss him briefly on the forehead. "I've got to shower, and then it's time to pack," she whispered before slipping from the guest bed and into the nearby bathroom.

He watched her beautiful, pale-skinned body depart and muttered, "Me too."

Katrina spent most of the morning packing. Caleb began packing things too and was surprised that nobody was trying to stop him. Once again, the clock seemed to take on a life of its own, and it was early evening again. But unlike the earlier part of the day, there was a palpable tension in the air. It was nearly time to go.

Alton and Katrina staged their luggage near the front entry area, while Caleb brought his suitcase to the sitting room immediately adjacent to the front door.

Both Alton and Katrina were dressed in business casual attire, and each wore sober expressions. Caleb looked down at his blue jeans and blue denim shirt and considered changing clothes. However, he was afraid that if he left the room things would proceed without him, and he wasn't ready to concede.

Meanwhile, Paige stood nearby in a pair of black jeans and a red turtleneck sweater. While her face was neutral, she was nervously nibbling at the tip of one fingernail.

Caleb stood defiantly before Katrina, squaring his shoulders, and staring up into her green eyes. One corner of her mouth upturned slightly with amusement, though her eyes were steeled with determination.

"You're staying here," she said flatly before he could say anything.

"You're not leaving me behind," he insisted with narrowed eyes. "I'll only end up following you once you've left."

Her eyes flashed green for only a moment before returning to their normal state. She took in his defiant stance, as if ready to take on all three vampires single-handedly. Her eyes played across the determined, set look of his eyes, and she felt a surge of admiration for him. At that fleeting moment, Caleb reminded Katrina of her human husband of so many, many years ago. All of the qualities were there: a gentle nature, caring and compassionate, determined, honest, intelligent, and utterly handsome.

A satisfied expression played across her face, and Caleb frowned with momentary confusion before setting his jaw firmly again.

Alton watched with a semi-amused expression, while Paige appeared somewhat sad. They both knew that his battle was lost before he ever fought it.

"That's why Paige is staying behind with you," Katrina issued plainly. "She will keep you here and keep you safe."

"Operation Babysitter ready for action," Paige offered with a playful grin.

A split-second look of surprise crossed Caleb's face. He frowned with confusion, unaware that all three vampires weren't going together. And it was then he belatedly realized that Paige didn't have any luggage prepared. He exchanged quick glances between Paige and Katrina. "Babysitter? No, you need all of us for this. You can't afford to leave anybody behind."

"Katrina and I can handle this," Alton reassured in a steady, convincing tone of voice. "We're well suited for this task."

Caleb's pale blue eyes were immediately determined again, but Katrina had noticed his flash of confusion from a moment ago.

"We'll have a great time, Caleb," Paige offered with a hopeful expression. "We can watch movies, play some chess, and maybe even toast some s'mores over the fireplace together!"

Caleb just looked at Paige as if she weren't in her right mind. Refusing to be distracted by the short, blonde-haired vampire, he shook his head and returned his complete attention to Katrina. "I'm going with you," he issued slowly and deliberately in a steady, confident voice as he folded his arms before him.

Katrina's expression softened, and she felt a surge of adoration flow through her. "I love you too much to let that happen," she whispered.

His eyes widened slightly as she wrapped her right arm around his waist and reached around with her left hand to grasp the base of his neck. She pulled him tightly against her in a warm embrace and began to kiss him deeply.

He was surprised by her sudden kiss, but eagerly returned it. He felt the breath practically being drawn from his lungs as her lips locked onto his mouth. Immediately realizing what was happening, his hands hastily tried to push her away, but she held him like a vice. He struggled furiously against her grip, drew a frantic breath in through his nose, and tried to break the seal of their kiss. She pinched his nose closed between her fingers while making a sharp intake of breath over his mouth, and within seconds it was all over. His body went limp in her arms as he fell into unconsciousness.

Katrina gathered him up and laid him gently on the nearby couch. It pained her to have to do that to him, but she couldn't allow him to be endangered by accompanying them. Perhaps someday he'll understand, she hoped silently.

She took a moment to take in Caleb's peaceful features as he lay unconscious on the couch. "Take good care of him, Paige," she insisted quietly as her fingers affectionately caressed the side of his face.

"You know I will," Paige promised.

"He's going to be upset when he rouses," Katrina warned. "So, please don't hurt him."

Paige grinned. "I'm a good babysitter, and I'm great with problem children."

Katrina regarded her with a slightly amused expression and momentarily marveled at how upbeat and light-hearted a personality the vampire seemed always to embody. Despite Paige's difficult beginnings as a vampire, she always maintained such a youthful, energetic quality about her. It was one of the reasons that Katrina mentored her when her vampire creator died not long after her turning. She smiled at Paige and bent down to kiss Caleb on the forehead.

"It's time to go," Alton offered with a hand on Katrina's shoulder.

Katrina nodded, and they turned to depart.