Read Books Novel


Lies, Lips, and Lunatics

I can't do it," I whispered, sick to my stomach.

Lend put his hand over mine, wrapping his other arm around my waist. I leaned my head back against him, grateful for this. For us. Things weren't back to normal, but they were getting there.

"Sure you can." He pushed my finger down on the Enter key, and, just like that, I'd applied to the one and only school I wanted to get into.

"I'm going to throw up."

"Well, in that case, please use the bathroom, because I have to sleep in here tonight." He laughed, lightly kissing my neck.

I flopped back onto his bed, rumpling the familiar blue comforter. Being together in his dad's house felt like old times, when we first broke out of the Center and I was living here. "I should have read over my essays one more time. And what about my SATs? My math score could have been better. It should have been better. And my stupid English grade." I covered my face with my hands. "I can't breathe. Could you breathe when you applied? Is this normal?"

Lend sat down next to me, his weight sinking the bed enough that I rolled into his side. "It's normal. I felt the exact same way. But if it helps, you look much cuter freaking out than I ever did."

I peeked out through my hands. "But what if I don't get in?"

He wrapped his arms around me. "No more worrying about it. You'll get in."

"Good. Someone needs to keep an eye on you and that dirty little dryad of a lab assistant."

He laughed, squeezing me until I couldn't breathe. "Why would I ever want a lusty tree nymph when I could have a hyperventilating Evie?"

I worked my arms free and jabbed his sides, tickling him until he released his grip. And then, unable to resist how adorable his mouth was when he laughed, I kissed him, letting my stress melt away in his lips. Good heavens, the boy even tasted good.

Just when I was relaxing into a good make-out session, we were interrupted by raised voices downstairs.

"Were you guys expecting visitors?" I asked, sitting up.

Lend disengaged his fingers from my hair. "Not that I know of."

The voices got louder, obviously arguing. "Wait a sec-that's Raquel." Great. Of course she'd show up just when things were feeling okay between Lend and me again. I didn't need IPCA drama right now to remind him of my lies. We hurried down to the kitchen. David was backed up against the counter, his face a strange mixture of anger and sheepishness. Raquel faced him, pointing a figure at his chest and punctuating each sentence with a jab for emphasis.

"Don't talk to me about trust, David Pirello! Don't youdare talk to me about trust! If you know something about where they are and you haven't-"

David cleared his throat loudly, and Raquel turned around to see us standing there. Her face was flushed with emotion, something I'd rarely seen. She looked pretty, with rosy cheeks and shining eyes. The scowl diminished the effect somewhat, but she quickly shifted to a neutral expression.

"Oh. David didn't tell me you two were here." She smoothed out her skirt as though that could release the emotion she'd pent up again as soon as we entered the room. "Evie, I wanted to ask you about how your college search is going."

I smiled suspiciously, positive that wasn't anything close to why she'd come. "Dandy. Finished applying for early decision to Georgetown about five minutes ago."

"You should get applications ready for at least three others, to be safe."

I resisted the urge to glare. My school counselor kept saying the same thing, but as far as I was concerned, there was only Georgetown. "Good advice. Thanks."

"What are you doing here?" Lend asked.

"There have been some recent developments that I wanted your dad's opinion on. Sadly he wasn't helpful." She shot David a glare. He looked grumpy. "Evie, let me know how the applications go." Smiling at me, she walked past us and out the front door.

"Since when does she use normal doors?" Lend asked.

"She's being polite." I frowned, feeling protective of her.

"What did she really want?"

David shook his head. "More elementals and location-specific paranormals slipping out of their network. Anyway, it's not our concern. IPCA creates problems; they can handle them, too. More power to anyone who gets past them."

I shifted awkwardly on my feet. I had no idea whose side I was on in this particular case. Probably both. Or neither. Lend was quiet, and I racked my brains for something I could say to fill up the ever-expanding silence.

My cell phone rang in my pocket. Thank heavens. "It's Arianna-just a sec." I opened the phone and walked into the other room. "Arianna? What's up?"

"Is there a reason there's a blond boy jumping on your bed, or should I kill him?"

"Don't bother," I growled. "I'll kill him myself." If I had to deal with Jack screwing around in my life again . . .

Lend walked in as I snapped my phone shut. "Something wrong?"

I put the phone in my pocket, carefully avoiding his eyes. This wasn't an IPCA job. And we were having a happy afternoon before Raquel showed up. No reason to strain things.

I sighed. The truth. I'd tell him the truth whenever I could to make up for when I couldn't. "Jack's at the apartment bugging Arianna."

Lend scowled. "What's wrong with him?"

"No idea. I've got to get back for a shift, anyway." I'd really been slacking at the diner lately. I didn't need the money anymore, but they still needed the help, and I felt guilty about ditching. Plus, working was an easy way of keeping an eye on Nona. I hadn't spotted any more faeries, but that didn't mean nothing was going on.

"Want me to come help out?"

I smiled at him, grateful he wasn't freaking out over Jack. No doubt it was taking some effort. "You should pick out a movie. That way we don't both have to stink like greasy food. I need a nice date to look forward to."

"I meant help with Jack."

"Oh. No. He's just a little unbalanced and lonely."

He put his arms around my waist, frowning. "Can't he be lonely and unbalanced around someone else's girlfriend?"

"I'll suggest it. Pick me up at eight?"

He leaned down and kissed me softly. "Yup. Call me if you have any problems."

I doubted I'd call Lend, but had no doubt that where Jack was, problems would follow.
