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Surrender (Guilty Pleasures #1)(18)
Author: Adriana Hunter

There was warmth against one breast and I opened my eyes as Chase began flicking his tongue over my distended nipple. There was an instant of profound sensation, bordering on pain, as he bit down lightly. I cried out, watching as he pulled the nipple with his teeth. He held it for a brief instant and then let go. He moved to the other side, repeated this and elicited the same response from me.

Bending his head, he licked and sucked his way across my br**sts. The pressure of having them bound made them almost excruciatingly sensitive. Each breath, each flick of the tongue was more intense than the last. It wasn’t long before I was crying out with each brush of contact. There seemed to be no relief from Chase as he continued with this play.

And I found I didn’t want relief. I wanted more. But there was no way to arch against his mouth. I was totally under his control.

At length he moved away. I could hear movement and feel an occasional cool breeze across my heated skin. I knew he was there and I knew Jake was behind me somewhere, watching.

Then Chase was standing between my bound legs, looking down at me. With a start I realized he had taken off his clothes. I let my eyes travel over what was visible to me: a broad, heavily muscled chest covered in auburn hair, trailing down to a thatch at the apex of his thighs. Just visible was the head of a very erect cock, rising up from Chase’s body. And poised between my bound and spread legs.

There was no doubt the outcome of this scene and my body responded instantly with a flood of heat that only increased the wetness I felt between my legs. My br**sts were throbbing, both from the ropes and from Chase’s attention to them.

The look on Chase’s face told me everything; that he knew exactly how I felt at that moment. His eyes were hot, so brown they almost looked black. He was breathing hard and fast, not gasping, his face relaxed, totally in control. In this moment, this was exactly what he wanted; I was exactly what he wanted. And he was going to take me, but on his own terms and in his own good time.

I felt his hands on my legs, caressing my thighs. Each brush of his fingers sent searing heat through my body, making my muscles twitch and contract. I strained against the ropes, felt the pressure of them digging into my skin, adding a counter-point of sensation to Chase’s fingers.

The tension in my body had me thrumming, almost vibrating. I was poised on the edge and all he’d done was tie me up and touch me. My eyes met his and with all my will I begged him to take me, silently urging him to f**k me, now, hard, release the tension my body held.

Chase leaned forward, his eyes never leaving mine. “You may speak, Abby.”

Given permission, the words tumbled out. “Oh, please, Master…oh, god, please…take me now! Please…please…” my words trailed off into incoherent pleas, ending in what sounded like a sob. I realized I was crying, tears running down my face.

Chase stood for a moment, watching me, his look telling me everything he was going to do.

Then he was in me, thrusting hard, his suddenness taking me by surprise. I cried out…I screamed. My body was held captive by the ropes; I couldn’t push back or away, twist or thrash. I had no choice but to give up any last illusions of control I thought I had. I stopped tensing against the ropes, let my body relax, let my mind stop focusing on what I was supposed to be doing or feeling.

And when I did that, everything changed, for the better. I let Chase have complete control, let him dominate me…trusted that he would make everything right. And it put me at the center of it all. I wasn’t able to move, to actively participate in this, but all of Chase’s attention was focused on me. The rush I got from that realization that was amazing.

The touch of the ropes on my skin faded away. I stopped focusing on Chase’s c*ck inside me although it was the center of everything I was feeling. But it was more than that now. Something shifted in my body and while I was aware—acutely aware—of each pounding thrust into me by Chase, it was no longer just my body that was responding. My mind stopped trying to register each physical sensation, to put a name to it. I just accepted it and felt it.

And then I felt everything, not individually but as one giant sensation. I stopped feeling the ropes on the surface of my skin but felt them on some deep cellular level. That melded with the pounding and thrusting of Chase in my body. And all that suddenly changed into just wave after wave of pure pleasure, with no apparent beginning or end. My mind went blank and my body took over.

I remember hearing my name being called from a distance. Chase was asking me for a color. A color? Um…

“Purple.” It was the color I was seeing splashed across the insides of my closed eyes.

“Abby, honey, give me a color.” It was Jake, close to my ear. I opened my eyes.

“Oh, green. Please, dear god…green.” I closed my eyes as the sensations started to fade away. I slowly came back to my body, felt the ropes biting into my skin. I realized Chase was no longer between my legs. I tried to look, to turn my head, but my body felt like someone else was controlling it and it wouldn’t respond.

There was a tugging at my arm and I realized Chase was untying me. As each limb was free, I moved it, experimentally at first, wiggling my fingers and toes, tensing and releasing my calf and thigh muscles, forearms and shoulders.

Finally they sat me up, Jake holding my arm, Chase undoing the knots with swift fingers. I closed my eyes, leaning against Jake, his solid warmth, his familiar scent in this strange place acting like an anchor for me.

When I was free of all the ropes, Jake helped me down from the table. My legs were shaky and I was starting to shiver, just as I had after my first session with Jake.

Then I was sitting in an oversized armchair, wrapped in a blanket. Jake was crouched at my feet, gently chafing my hands. He looked worried; a frown creased his forehead. I reached out and stroked his cheek.

“Hey…” my voice was a hoarse croak. I tried again. “Jake…”

“Shh…” he took my hand, kissing my fingers. “Don’t try to talk. You’re probably going to be hoarse for a while.”

Hoarse? For a while?

“What happened?”

Jake’s looked changed to one of mild surprise. “You really don’t remember, do you? Chase said you’d gone into subspace…” I shrugged, not knowing what that meant. Jake reached for a glass of juice from a nearby table and handed it to me. I drank greedily, the sharp tartness cutting through the residual fog in my mind.

“It’s hard to describe. Some people say it’s like an out-of-body type feeling, or they can’t remember what happened.” He was still holding my hand. I’d stopped shaking and now was intensely curious about what exactly had happened to me.

“What did I do? What happened to me?” Jake reached the glass, which I realized was empty.

“You went somewhere, Abby. Your body went limp, then you had some kind of huge orgasm that went on for the longest time. Chase asked you for a color, you know, green or red…and you said purple.” He smiled.

“That’s not one of the safe word colors. I panicked for a second, but then you told me green.”

I nodded. “I remember hearing your voice. That’s all. But, my voice? Did I make noises?”

Jake’s smile broadened. “You sure the hell did. Like none I’ve ever heard.”

I laughed. And then I yawned, suddenly exhausted.

“Can we go home?”


Jake took me to his house. I had fallen asleep in the car and woke up as he pulled up beneath the portico. On autopilot, once he’d opened my door, I headed for the tower room door. But with his arm around me he gently steered me toward the door for the house. He guided me upstairs and into a large bedroom with a king-sized bed. Nice guest room.

He pulled back the covers, sitting me on the edge of the bed, taking off my shoes, gently undoing the zipper on my corset, kneeling in front of me briefly as he slid my skirt down my legs. I was dimly aware I was missing my stockings.

“Lay down, Abby.” I may have fallen asleep standing up. Without opening my eyes, I let Jake help me beneath the covers, pulling them up around my shoulders. I was aware of movement on the bed and then the dim light that had been the only light in the room went out.

Jake’s arms went around me, pulling me against his body. I snuggled against him, then struggled awake for a moment.

“You can sleep in your own room, Jake. You don’t have to sleep in here with me.”

There was a pause and I heard him laugh softly.

“Abby, this is my bedroom. Go to sleep.”


I woke up to bright light and a large expanse of sheet between Jake and I. This bed is almost bigger than my apartment.

He was still sleeping, clutching a pillow to his chest. I slid across the bed, gently pulling the pillow out of his arms and replacing it with myself. Jake stirred briefly, then opened his eyes. There was a slow dreamy smile on his face. He reached out, brushing what must have been a tangled mess of hair from my forehead.

“Hey, you.” He kissed my forehead. “How do you feel?”

“Tired, still. But better…rested, I mean. My muscles feel sore, like I’ve been in the ring for ten rounds.”

He nodded, pulling me close. “I can imagine. You went through a lot last night.”

There was a moment of quiet. I could hear birds singing outside.

“Did you enjoy yourself, Abby?” His voice was light, his question innocent enough, but there was something underlying it that made me tense up.

“I think I did. It’s too soon to tell.” And it really was. There was a great deal to think about, to try to understand.

“Did you enjoy yourself, Jake?” I tried to look up at him, but he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his chest. There was a long pause, as if he was choosing his words with care.

“Let’s say I learned a lot.” His voice was tense. I pushed away from Jake, sitting up next to him.

“What do you mean? What did you learn? This affects both of us, not just you.”

Jake looked up at me for a moment, then pushed himself up to sit next to me. He took a deep breath but wouldn’t look at me for a long time. When he finally spoke, his voice was low, hesitant. This wasn’t the Jake I was used to. I waited.

“When I saw you last night with Chase, when he was f**king you…I realized I didn’t want that…didn’t want to share you with another man, even in the context of a scene at a club.”

He looked at me. There was vulnerability in his eyes. Something had changed tonight in Jake, something important and vital, and I wasn’t sure where this was headed.

“I was jealous. Very jealous.”

“Jake, you could have stopped the whole thing. You were there; you could have stopped Chase.”

He took another deep breath. “I know. But you were so…you were enjoying it so much I didn’t want to take that away from you.” He turned to me.

“Abby. You asked me what I learned.” He took my face in his hands.

“I learned that I love you.”


I let myself into my apartment, tossing my keys on the coffee table. I’d been gone less than twenty-four hours but it seemed as though a lifetime had gone by.
