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Surrendering to Us

Surrendering to Us (Surrender Saga #2)(66)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

I completely agreed. There was no reason why Ryder shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house every now and then. I was kind of surprised that he hadn’t already. Maybe he was trying to be good.

“I, uh, also told him about Sunday.”

“What was his reaction?”

“He used ‘fuck’ as several different parts of speech.” Big shocker. “But he said he’d come, so I think it should work out. I was thinking that maybe we could bring Sloane with us since he seems to behave the best when she’s around. Not that that’s saying much, but still.”

I rested my arms on his shoulders.

“This is why I love you. Because I was thinking the exact same thing.”

“Weird. Maybe our brains are absorbing each other’s thoughts. Pretty soon, we won’t even need words. We’ll just KNOW what the other is thinking.” That prospect was both terrifying and kind of cool sounding. I didn’t think it was really possible outside of science fiction, but stranger things had happened.

“So, are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he said, his eyes scanning slowly up and down my body.

“I think I have an idea.”


“Why is your f**king house so f**king big?” Ryder said on Sunday when we arrived at my house for dinner.

“Why the f**k do you keep saying f**k?” Sloane said, smacking him on the arm. “This isn’t the kind of f**king house that you can just say f**k in whenever you want.”

“Okay, can we pause the f**k talk for a few hours?” Lucah said. “This isn’t just my boss’ house, it’s my girlfriend’s parents’, so I would like them to not hate me when this is over.” Lucah wasn’t doing well in the stress department, but this time I didn’t think he was out of line for feeling that way. Ryder’s track record wasn’t encouraging.

“You got it,” Ryder said, saluting Lucah. “This is the last time I will say f**k until we get in the car again. There. That was it.”

Lucah glared at him in the rearview mirror.

“We should probably get out and go in now,” I said, opening my door and getting out. The rest followed and I heard Ryder muttering

under his breath. He wouldn’t stop adjusting his jacket, or putting his hands in his pockets, or doing something else to show that he was completely uncomfortable in the clothes Sloane had picked out for him. She said she just happened to have them kicking around, but I knew she was full of shit. She’d gotten them made special just for today. The simple black jacket, striped shirt and skinny tie were formal, but still suited him. He looked like a rock star that had to get dressed up for an event, but still wanted to stay true to his image. Plus, the sleeves covered up the tattoos. I had no idea what my mother’s reaction to those would be and I didn’t want to find out.

“Hello, hello,” Mom said, sweeping into the entryway, her arms outstretched and a bright smile on her face. I almost burst out laughing, but I kept my cool.

“Mom, this is Ryder, Lucah’s younger brother and you already know Sloane.”

“Eva!” Sloane said, giving my mom a huge hug.

“Oh, Sloane darling it’s been forever. I was just thinking of you the other day because I need a dress for an event, and I was hoping maybe I might commission you to make me one. I’m so bored with everything they have in the stores for women my age. I want something a little younger and hipper.” That was the first time in my entire life I’d heard my mom use any variation of the word “hip”.

“I can absolutely hook you up. Have your measurements changed at all? I should probably take them again.” And she pulled a tape measure out of her purse. Good dependable Sloane.

“Oh, how about after dinner? I’d rather not do it in front of everyone here.” Mom giggled and patted Sloane’s shoulder. Sloane laughed and gave my mom another hug.

“And you must be Ryder. It’s such a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our home. May I get you anything?” Ryder swallowed and it took a second for him to respond. I’d never seen him at a loss for words, so that was a first.

“No, thank you, Mrs. Clarke. You have a lovely home.” Lucah breathed an audible sigh of relief that Ryder had said something normal.

“Well, thank you. Rory, why don’t you show Ryder around? I want to have a little chat with Sloane. It’s been so long since I saw her last.” Mom grabbed onto Sloane’s arm and dragged her off, talking about what kind of dress she wanted.

“Do you really want the tour?” I asked Ryder. He looked around and then up at the ceiling.

“I guess. It’s interesting seeing how the one percent lives.” I knew the one percent comment was a jab at my parents being wealthy, but I ignored it. I might think the same thing if I’d grown up like Lucah and Ryder. I’d probably hate and resent me too.

I made the tour quick, and Ryder made few comments.

“So you grew up here?” he said, fiddling with a lamp in the den, before Lucah gave him a harsh look. I didn’t think he was going to intentionally damage anything. Hell, I’d grown up here and I wasn’t the most graceful of people. I’d broken more things than I could count. My parents never really cared about the stuff as much as I worried they would when I broke it.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Just you? No siblings?”

“Just me.”

“Huh.” He nodded and continued his inspection. Lucah watched him like a hawk, or a mother with a toddler in a museum. I kind of wished he’d say something, but he didn’t.

“And what’s the verdict?” I said as we came back to the main room. Ryder shrugged.

“It’s not as insane as I pictured in my head. It’s comfortable, actually.”

I shared a glance with Lucah. That was pretty much the nicest thing Ryder had ever said to me, so I was going to count it as a victory.

Mom and Sloane were still gabbing away, and I stopped for a minute to watch them. Mom always looked younger when she talked to Sloane. Despite the difference in their ages, they always talked and acted like they were barely a few years apart.

Lucah cleared his throat and they paused, mid-giggle.

“Oh, there you are. Your father is just finishing dinner, so if you all want to sit down.” She motioned toward the chairs, but then guided Sloane so she was sitting next to Mom, and then Ryder next to Sloane, with Lucah and me on the other side. It was a formal setup, with Dad at the head of the table and Mom at the other end.
