Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

“Well, I’m glad you guys got to enjoy the cake since I didn’t. I was a bit preoccupied with my own drama.” My eyes quickly flick to Reese who is watching me, studying me with a small smile. I give him a quick wink before I turn back to Ian. “But yeah, business is good. Busy as we usually are in the summer. I think I have a wedding every weekend to bake for until September.”

“Yeah, we’re crazy busy. And when she’s not whipping up wedding cakes, she’s floating on cloud nine all over that damn shop from the love notes and deliveries she’s been receiving.” Joey sighs dramatically as I tense in my seat. “It’s all very romantic.”

Reese’s hand moves on my back, his thumb rubbing the material of my dress.

I quickly shove my chatty friend and spill some of his beer on the table. “Remind me why I hired you as my assistant?”

“Because I’m gorgeous and can sell anything to anyone,” he replies playfully.

“Please, you say that like my treats don’t sell themselves.” I twirl my ice in my glass. “If anything, you’re more of a liability to have around. Just how many sexual harassment suits are pending against you this month?” Not that he really had any, but it wouldn’t surprise me the way Joey flirted daily with customers. He rolls his eyes as Juls giggles against Ian.

“Jesus Christ. You two fight like you’re married,” Billy says as he returns to the table with three beers, passing two of them to Ian and Reese.

“We practically are, and before you ask, I’m the man in the relationship,” I reply, sucking on an ice cube before dropping it back into my glass. Reese laughs quietly next to me and I glance up at him, meeting his stare.

“Baby, do you hear what I have to put up with daily? Tell Dylan to be nice to me.” Joey strokes Billy’s arm and I see my opportunity.

“Hey, Joey, would you like me to get you anything from the bar? Another beer, some food, your balls maybe?” Juls slams her hand down on the table and laughs as Billy’s face lights up. Ian and Reese both chuckle as Joey glares at me.

“Bitch,” he murmurs.

“Anyways---,” Billy stretches out before his eyes flash to Reese and then quickly to mine. “---Reese tells me you thought he was married. That’s probably the funniest thing I’ve heard all year.”

“Fuck off,” Reese mutters against his glass.

Billy chuckles and sweetly rubs Joey’s arm. “Oh come on. You? Tied down?” Billy’s eyes shift from Reese to mine after I register Reese’s slight head shake. “It was even funnier when we heard that you slapped the shit out of him for it.”

“Shit yeah it was,” Ian chimes in and kisses Juls quickly on the cheek. “I would’ve paid to see that.” I shrug and glance up at Reese who seems to be thinking of something, his eyes staring off past the table.

“You should have seen how pissed she was in the shop. I actually thought she was going to return back to work with your balls in her purse,” Joey directs towards Reese and I shift in my chair, feeling his eyes on me as I slowly glance up and meet them.

“Well, I happen to be very fond of my testicles so I’m glad that shit got cleared up.” He looks around at everyone before dropping his eyes back to mine. Leaning in, he holds my neck with one hand and whispers into my hair, “Come home with me.”

I shake my head slowly and smile, glancing quickly around the table. Joey and Billy are now in deep conversation as they both walk towards the bar together and Juls is straddling Ian’s lap. Sweet Jesus, get a room is right. My gaze goes back to Reese. His eyes narrow as he picks up my glass and slips an ice cube in his mouth, slowly sucking on it and making my skin tingle. I swallow loudly.

“Why not? I want to take you to bed, immediately.”

I blink slowly, suddenly feeling drunk from his voice and the intensity behind it. “No beds,” I say flatly, seeing his expression shift to curiosity. I explain myself. “Beds are intimate. And we’re just having fun. Keeping it casual. Right?”

He studies me as he places my empty drink down. “Of course.”

“Sex in beds leads to sleepovers and I think it would be better for me if we didn’t take it there.” This had to be said. If I was going to attempt to just have casual sex with Reese, I couldn’t do anything that would lead to me getting attached. I’m already losing sleep over the man and we barely know each other.

“Are you telling me that I’m restricted to f**king you in public places only?”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“No, love, f**king you anywhere could never be a bad thing. I was just dead set on getting your hot little ass in my bed.” His eyes burn into mine as his hand lightly trails down my shoulder.

I smooth his tie down as his fingers lightly trickle down my arm. “I just think this is how it needs to be. Besides, I’m sure there are at least a handful of hard surfaces in here that you’ve already thought about throwing me up against.”

His infectious laugh pulls me in and I join him. “Yes, you’re right about that.” His hand holds the side of my face and he leans in, brushing his lips softly against mine before pulling back an inch.“But I want to get you naked and I’d prefer it if I did it without an audience. Are you opposed to f**king in vehicles?”

After swiping my tongue across my lip to taste him, I grab my purse and stand up. “Not at all. Lead the way, handsome.”
