Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

“Very. That was crazy good though, I haven’t had Chinese since Joey and I ordered it on Easter weekend and we puked it up in my bathroom after a night of binge drinking.” He motions with his hands for me to elaborate. “He got dumped by this guy through a singing telegram.”

“Jesus, that’s really shitty. I didn’t realize those things were still around.”

I nod and laugh slightly. “Me either, it was awful. The telegram came to the shop and he sang in front of all these customers. Joey was so embarrassed.” I brush the tendril that is tickling my cheek out of my face. “So in typical you just got dumped and your best friends are going to cheer you up fashion, Juls and I bought all this alcohol and we played drinking games all night. It was really fun until we all got sick.” I shake my head at the memory. “And that is why Tequila and I are no longer on speaking terms.”

He laughs, resting back on his hands, his long legs stretching in front of him brushing against mine. “I can’t imagine you drunk. Do you get even feistier or are you an angry fireball? Because honestly, I can kind of see both.”

I giggle and rub my bare foot against his leg. “Neither actually. I get really loud and start giving people nicknames, and then I usually get emotional which is always fun for everybody.” I laugh and he smiles at me. “What about you? Do you get extra flirty or do you start hitting people? Cause I can kind of see both.” He moves closer and pulls my foot into his lap, rubbing it and causing me to moan softly.

“I don’t get drunk. Well, at least I haven’t since I was seventeen. I don’t usually have more than a few drinks at a time.” He pauses briefly and narrows his eyes at me. “How old are you?” His weird line of questioning causes me to give him a strange look. He notices it and continues, “I just realized I have no idea.”

“Jeez, good thing I’m legal.” He smirks at me and I shake my head disapprovingly. “I’m twenty-six. So why don’t you get drunk?”

He seems to mull over my answer with a smile. “I don’t want to so I don’t. I think drinking specifically for the purposes of getting drunk is bullshit.”

“Well you haven’t had someone break up with you through a musical number.” I pull my foot out of his grasp when he starts tickling it, quickly tucking it under my other knee. I try to stiffen my yawn but give into it, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands. I am thoroughly exhausted from all my orgasms and my full belly is making me sleepy. Reese stands up and holds his hand out to me and I allow him to help me to my feet. This gesture will also never get old.

“I should probably go,” he says, running his hands up my arms and holding me at my elbows. I yawn again. Damn it, I really didn’t want him to leave but he couldn’t stay. No f**king way. No sleepovers. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

I lick my dry lips and place my hands on his chest. “Juls and I are having a girls day. We’re going to the spa to get massages and facials and talk about boys.” He smirks at me and I give it right back to him. “I feel like I haven’t had her all to myself since she met Ian, which I totally get. She’s crazy about him.”

His hands grip my hips. “I’m sure the feelings mutual. He talks about her constantly and I give him all kinds of shit for it.” I smile at his admission. Definitely telling Juls that tomorrow. After a brief moment, his face scrunches and he runs his hand through his hair quickly, looking a bit unsure of himself. “Uh, when you get massages, is it a girl that does it?”

I roll my eyes. “And you call me the pervert?”

“What? Oh, no that’s not what I meant. Pervert.” He snorts and I shrug. Yup, that’s me. “I mean, is a guy going to be giving it to you because I don’t think I’m okay with that.”

Wait, what? I answer honestly. “Actually I have no idea. Juls booked them weeks ago. But, why does it matter? It’s a massage, it’s not sexual.”

“It just does. If you want a guy to massage you, I’ll give you a massage. I’d prefer it if it was a girl and not for the perverted reasons your mind is thinking.”

I step back and stare at him. Seriously? “Okay well, I just don’t understand why this bothers you.” If this is just casual, then it shouldn’t. Right?

He throws his hands up and looks exacerbated. “You’re right. Never mind, it doesn’t bother me. I should go.” He leans in quickly and kisses me on my temple before turning for the stairs.

“Reese.” He looks over at me, stopping on the stairs. My head is full with things I want to say to him. I want to ask him to be honest with me, to tell me exactly why it bothers him to have a man massage me. I want to ask him if this was becoming more for him than how it started out. But I don’t. I don’t ask him anything. “Goodnight.”

He smiles slightly and continues walking away. “Goodnight, love.” I watch him disappear down the stairs and hear the door close shut behind him as I’m left to ponder what just happened.


I woke up feeling just as confused as I did before I passed out last night. Plus on top of that fun emotion, I was also completely exhausted after the shitty night’s sleep I got. His words played on repeat in my mind¸ seeping into my dreams and leaving me full of questions. Questions I wanted desperately to have answered by him but didn’t have the guts to ask. I didn’t get it. Why would having a massage from a man bother him? Massages weren’t sexual at all in that setting. I’m sure they could be if Reese was to give me one, and the thought of that gave me chills, but at the spa I was currently driving to with Juls? No f**king way.
