Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

I exhale loudly before I explain. “Justin stopped by the shop yesterday, drunk out of his mind, and came on to me. I wasn’t very receptive and he didn’t handle it well.” I can feel her body tense next to me as I keep my head down. Here it comes. If you haven’t had the pleasure of being introduced to hurricane Juls, consider yourself lucky.

“WHAT THE FUCK, DYLAN! That sorry ass mother f**ker will wish he was dead when I’m done with him!” Her voice is so loud, I’m certain every person at the spa is getting a taste of this.

“You sound like Reese.”

“Fuck that. Reese can have him after I get my hands on him first. No guy should ever put his hands on a girl.” She pauses and I hear her tense breathing. “He hasn’t, Dylan please tell me he’s never done this before.”

I push up and rest on my elbows. “Are you serious? He has never touched me before, ever. I would have killed him and you know it. Now can we drop this please? I want to relax and you freaking out next to me isn’t helping.”

“I’m going to cut his balls off and mail them to his mother.” Juls scowls at me as the door opens and two older ladies come in. She settles down on her stomach and curses under her breath.

“Oh my. Hunny, those bruises.” The one masseuse states and I grunt, resting my head back down.

“Yeah yeah. Just work my lower back and my legs please,” I say flatly and in a way to let everyone in that f**king room know that I am done talking about this. Because I am. If Justin ever touched me again, I wouldn’t have to worry about Reese getting into trouble for retaliating or Juls ripping his heart out of his chest, because I would end him myself.


“I wanted to make a quick stop before we went to lunch. That okay with you?” she asks after pulling onto the highway. My eyes are heavy and I feel completely relaxed after our day together, which is nice considering how stressed out I was when the day started.

“Yeah I don’t care. Hey, have you heard from Joey at all? I know he’s spending the weekend with Billy but, when the hell have you ever known him to not call one of us immediately after he gets nailed?”

She laughs. “I think Joey does the nailing, right? Isn’t he the man in his relationships or whatever the f**k?”

“I don’t know. Do they switch it up?” I glance out my window at the passing cars. “I mean, do they take turns doing the nailing?”

“I don’t think so. Wouldn’t it be like you switching with Reese or me switching with Ian?” She pulls off the highway and down a familiar street, turning into a large parking lot that overlooks a view of athletic fields and basketball courts. Pulling behind a tree, she puts the car in park and turns to me, smiling wide.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Umm, what are we doing here exactly?” I gaze out the front window and see the crowds of people in front of us. There is a large playground that is filled with kids and their parents, a soccer game going on in the middle of the large field, and a group of men playing basketball. My eyes widen and I grip the seat. Oh my.

“I thought we’d stop and enjoy this beautiful day for a second before we stuff our faces. See anything you like?”

I spot him right away, almost instantly. Shirtless in loose fitting black running shorts, Reese dribbles the ball between his legs while Ian guards him, stepping back slightly before gracefully pushing the ball into the air and whooshing it through the net. Fuck me he looks edible. I hear my breathing quicken as my eyes take in his gleaming muscles, drenched in sweat and practically calling out to me. Touch me, Dylan. You know you want to.

“Holy hell.” I slam my head back and hear her giggle. “I can avoid lunch entirely if you’d like. Who the hell needs food anyway?” My voice is thick and it takes me a minute to swallow the lump in my throat.

“Seriously, what the hell is food?” she says through a laugh and I feel my body temperature rise as Reese steals the ball from another guy and goes up to dunk it. “Wanna get a closer look?”

My eyes widen. “I don’t know, he’s so pretty from right here. I think if I get any closer I might pass out.” That and the fact that it will probably take an army to pry me off his body.

“Yeah I know what you mean. Christ, look at Ian. If he keeps moving his hips like that I might come right here next to you.” She unbuttons the top of her blouse and sighs heavily. “How’s the sex with Reese anyway? Amazing?”

“Amazing doesn’t even touch the surface with him.” I moan softly as he goes up and blocks another man’s shot. “It’s like his body is specifically wired to bring me to orgasm, and I mean every part of his body.” My eyes go straight to his lips as he bites on his bottom one. “His mouth is insane.”

Juls covers her mouth and giggles. “Fuck, I know what you mean. Ian is obsessed with eating me out. He has to do it every time he sees me or it’s like he can’t function properly. And Christ almighty is he good at it.”

I glance over at her. “Who would have thought a bunch of accountants could write a book on o**l s*x.” My eyes flick back to Reese as he dunks the ball again. “Jesus Christ, he’s good looking. It really is unfair to the rest of the male population.”

“Ooohhh. Send him a text message. That way we can see his face when he reads it. I f**king love that. Seeing a guy’s reaction to you when he doesn’t know you’re looking. So f**king hot.”
