Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

Reese: My dick and I can’t wait. See you tomorrow, love.


Joey and I load up Sam on Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. with the breakfast treats, leaving me with just enough time to run back inside to give myself a quick once over before it’s time to go. I’ve picked out a pale pink summer dress and paired it with some strappy sandals, pulling my hair up into a bun before I run downstairs and lock up the shop. Joey is perched against the van and messing with his phone when I finally emerge.

“Okay, how do I look? Professional with a hint of playful? Do you think the dress is too much? Maybe I should wear my apron. Should I wear my apron?” Christ, why the hell was I nervous? I’ve supplied tons of business meetings with treats before. Of course, I wasn’t banging any of the men I supplied for until now.

He smiles and slips his phone away. “The only way I would suggest for you to wear your apron would be if you were to only wear your apron. You look great, cupcake.”

“Thanks. I think Reese likes me in dresses.” I walk around to the driver’s side and hop in as Joey gets in on his side.

“Hmmm I wonder why?” He laughs as my phone beeps. I quickly slip it out of my purse.

Reese: Counting the minutes. (19 to be exact)

I giggle.

Me: Oh come on, Mr. CPA, I’m sure you can do better than that.

Reese: 1140 seconds. Also, I met you roughly 823,447 seconds ago. Now get your sweet ass here safely so I can kiss you.

I hear a muffled laugh from my right. “Are we going to be driving to the Walker & Associates building or are they coming to us for the meeting?” Joey asks as I put my phone in the cup holder, grinning like an idiot.

“Smart ass. Does Billy know you can get testy in the morning?”

He laughs as I pull away from the shop. “Oh he knows, cupcake. He knows. By the way, this Saturday we’re having our coming out as an official couple party or whatever the f**k, Billy’s idea. 7:00 p.m. at his place, I mean our place. Ooohhh I love the sound of that.”

“You’re adorable. What should I bring? Booze?” I ask, weaving in and out of traffic.

“Obviously, bitch, and a housewarming gift for yours truly.” He sneaks in that last part under his breath and I laugh. I’m giddily excited to go to this particular party, and not just because I get to see Billy and Joey together and the home that they will be sharing which I’m sure is insanely chic. Joey has impeccable taste and even though I’ve only seen Billy a few times, the man can dress. But I’m also excited because a certain numbers guy that I’m crushing on will most likely be attending with me. And the thought of that makes me drive a little bit faster towards our destination.


I make Joey carry the bulk of the load as we walk into the foyer, across the marble floor and to the back of the lobby to the row of elevators. Riding up to the twelfth floor, I shift anxiously on my feet as I hold my two boxes of muffins in my hands, glancing over at the top of Joey’s head that sticks up behind his seven boxes. Trying to muffle my giggles, I hear him grunt and make tiny noises of protest as the elevator stops on our floor and I walk behind him, placing my hand on his back.

“If I drop this, cupcake, it’ll be your fault. This is once again a perfect reason why we need another f**king employee.”

“Stop bitching we’re almost there.” I walk down the long hallway, guiding Joey along with me and stop at Ian’s reception desk. The young blonde looks up and smiles warmly.

“Ms. Sparks?” she asks and I nod.

“That’s me. Where should we take these?”

Joey turns his body so that he can see the girl. “Seriously, where hunny cause I’m about to drop all of these and those sexy businessmen can eat them off the floor for all I care.”

She laughs a bit. “First door on your right. Go on in. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Carroll are expecting you.” I smile at her and walk with Joey to the tall door, opening it with my free hand and allowing him to walk ahead of me.

We step into a large conference room that has a killer view, tall floor to ceiling windows that overlook the bustling city, and a long rectangular table. A few men, all in nice suits, glance up from their seats as they flip through files while another group of men stand in the corner by the window, conversing together. My eyes find Reese like a honing missile. Standing in a dark gray suit with a two button jacket and a light and dark gray patterned tie, he stops mid-sentence as his eyes fall on me. I feel it, that familiar pull in my gut that makes me want to drop my boxes and spring up into his arms. The man rocks a suit better than anyone. But instead of acting on impulse, I settle for a smile.

“Hi,” I say softly as he moves towards me, his long legs bringing him to me quickly. I hear a laugh coming from the corner and think I recognize it as Ian’s but can’t be positive. Right now, the only other person in the room with me is Reese.

“Hi, yourself. Here, let me take that.” He grabs my boxes and places them on the table while Joey mutters something under his breath.

“I can’t wait to dig into these, Dylan. My girl talks about your creations nonstop and I’m starving,” Ian says as he walks up to the table and opens a muffin box.

“Well I hope you enjoy them. The banana ones are my favorite. Oh, nobody has allergies right?” I ask and hear a round of muffled ‘No’s.’

“Will someone take these from me already? For Christ’s sake, Reese,” Joey says and I cover up my mouth quickly to hide my laugh.
