Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

“Hi, Fred. How are you today?” I ask as he steps up to the counter. Fred is the only other man that makes my heart flutter at his appearance, and it’s only because he always comes with something from Reese.

“I’m great, Ms. Dylan. Here you go.” Sliding a brown envelope across to me and holding out his clipboard, I sign for it and hold up my finger to him. I grab a bakery box and fill it with some apple turnovers, slipping one into a separate small bag and handing them out to him.

“Would you please give this box to Mr. Carroll for me? The one in the bag is for you,” I say and his smile manages to grow.

“Sure. Thanks, Ms. Dylan. See ya, Joey,” he responds excitedly, turning on his feet and walking out the door. “Bye, Freddy,” Joey replies in his flirty voice, earning himself an eye roll from me.

“Seriously? He’s like sixty.”

“Age is just a number, cupcake.”

I open the envelope and pull out the tiny brown card, my heart beating so loud that I’m sure Joey will give me shit about it.


Have you heard the song “Do I Wanna Know?” by the Arctic Monkeys? I can’t listen to it anymore without thinking of you, not that I’m complaining or anything. Miss your face.

X Reese

Oh I miss his face terribly. Handing over the card to Joey, I watch his expression get all weepy while he digs his phone out of his pocket.

“I don’t think I know that song,” I say as he docks his phone and hits a few buttons. Music begins playing through the speakers, music that instantly reminds me of sex. Holy shit. I can actually picture Reese thrusting into me at the tempo.

“Jesus, is this it?” I ask and Joey nods through a grin.

“Yup. I f**king love this song. You should listen carefully to the lyrics, cupcake. I think he’s trying to tell you something,” he replies as he hands me back the card and starts organizing the display case. I lean against the counter, listening to the song as the front door swings open and Juls comes barreling through.

“Hello, my lovies. Ooohhh I f**king love this song. Reminds me of sex.” She echoes my thoughts as I nod in agreement.

“Reese said it reminds him of Dylan. What you think about that?” Joey asks and her eyes widen.

“Damn. I think he wants to f**k you sideways, Dyl.”

I giggle and smooth out my apron. “Well naturally.” I glance over at my best friend who is standing in the middle of the shop, rubbing her eyes and looking positively glowing. On a Thursday? “What’s up with you?” I ask.

“Nothing, I just have something in my eye,” she replies, as she keeps wiping below her lashes with both hands. She’s really going at it and I look over at Joey whose mouth has dropped open.

“JULS!” he yells and startles me so bad I have to grip the counter.

“Jesus Christ, Joey. What?” I ask, my eyes falling on Juls who is now only holding up her left hand. My eyes flick between my two best friends, back and forth, still feeling completely lost until something sparkles and catches my attention. My jaw drops as I finally focus on what Joey has seen. Her delicate hand is now adorned with a shockingly large diamond and I scream. Joey screams. Juls screams. There is a lot of f**king screaming going on.

“You’re engaged?” I shriek and she nods frantically, her hands coming up to cover her face as Joey and I round the counter and charge at her. “Oh my God.” The ring is beautiful and totally her. Massive and sparkly, the princess cut diamond is surrounded by smaller delicate diamonds and gleams brilliantly. Tiny diamonds run along both sides down the band as well. “Holy shit, it’s gorgeous. When did this happen? How did it happen?” I ask as Joey studies the ring closely.

“Seriously the most beautiful ring I’ve ever f**king seen. Damn,” he chimes in as he holds her petite hand in his.

She wipes the tear that has streamed down her face and shuffles excitedly on her feet. “Last night. Ian took me to Grant Park for a stroll after the rain had let up and he dropped down in front of that massive fountain. I died, right there on the spot.” More tears come down and she quickly rubs them away. “He told me he’s loved me for so long and that he’ll love me forever. God it was so f**king romantic.”

My waterworks are now free flowing and turning towards Joey, I see that he is as much of an emotional wreck as I am. “You’re going to be the most beautiful bride.” I manage through sniffles. “I’m assuming we’re looking at next September or October for the big day?”

“Fuck that noise. I am not waiting a year to marry that man. We’ve decided on September 17th.” Joey gasps and I’m pretty sure I do also. I’m stunned, completely shocked. Is she crazy?

“That’s like three months away,” I say as the shop phone rings.

“Oh please. Have you forgotten who you’re talking to here? I could plan a fabulous wedding in a month if I had to.” I dash behind the counter and grab the phone on the fifth ring. She was right though. If anyone could pull off a spectacular wedding in three months, it was Juls. Besides, I was fairly certain that she’s already planned most of the details without Ian’s knowledge of it.

“Dylan’s Sweet Tooth,” I chirp into the phone as Joey and Juls excitingly talk about the wedding.

“Hi, sweetheart.” My mom’s voice instantly sends my back rigid and I squeeze my eyes shut. Oh great. It’s starting

“Hi, Mom. What’s up?” I ask casually. Please Lord let her be calling to tell me someone died or something else non-romance related. Maybe she’s forgotten all about Reese.
