Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

He stands and grabs his shampoo, squeezing some into my hand and doing the same to his. “Honestly, I had every intention of taking you home last night. But I think we must have fallen asleep at the same time. The last thing I remember before passing out is you lying on my chest.” We begin washing each other’s hair together, my eyes closing as I enjoy the scalp massage. He really is good at this. “And then when I woke up at five and couldn’t get you awake without a fog horn, I called Joey and told him that you accidently fell asleep and that you’d be a little late today. He didn’t seem surprised.” Our hands drop and I back up into the water, rinsing my hair and smiling at the scent that is now going to be on me all day. I’ve honestly never smelt anything better, and I live in a f**king bakery.

“Do you always want your flings to spend the night?” I move out of the water and switch spots with him, allowing him to rinse his shampoo out. I grab his body wash and squirt some into my palm. Shit. Did I really want to know the answer to that? No, I don’t. “Never mind. I don’t want to know that.” My hands begin to wash his body as his eyes study me. “It doesn’t matter. I just don’t think we should make a habit out of it.” He moans softly as I move over his shoulders with pressure, down his arms, his chest, and his stomach. I get nice and close to reach around and wash his back, inhaling him deeply while I do it.

I kneel down and wash his legs, his erection staring me right in the face. “Dylan, we’re casual and everything, but I think you’re more than a fling at this point. I don’t usually f**k my flings repeatedly.” I stand and look up into his eyes as he rinses the soap off himself. His jaw is tight and his brows are furrowed. “Okay?”

I swallow and nod slowly. Okay. So I’m above his fling status but still casual, nowhere near the girlfriend zone. And according to Billy, he doesn’t do girlfriends so with Reese there isn’t a girlfriend zone. I guess he does care about me more than his other hookups.

“I’m all clean, feel like getting a little dirty?” I ask and his eyes widen instantly. He reaches for me just as I slip quickly out of the shower. “Sorry. No time for that this morning.” I wrap a towel around myself and quickly grab the clothes that he placed on the sink, making a break for it towards his bedroom. I hear his laughs behind me as I drop the clothes on the bed and examine what he’s picked out for me. Sweatpants, a T-shirt, and a pair of his boxers. Wait, where are my panties? I glance around the room, looking all around the bed when Reese walks in with a towel wrapped around his waist. I look up at him and my eyes widen. Sweet Lord. I’ve seen the man naked several times already, but the sight of him in just a towel makes me clench my thighs shut.

“Like what you see?” he asks, winking at me as he walks into his closest, momentarily stunning me.

I drop to my knees and glance under the bed. “Panties?”

He’s not long and reemerges with a dress shirt, khakis, and tie, shrugging at me and barely holding in his smile.

I stand and grip my towel. “You have them don’t you? What are you starting some weird collection of my lingerie?”

He drops his towel and begins dressing, causing me to look away quickly before I jump on him. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I believe I provided you with some boxers to put your sexy ass into so I’m not sure what the problem is.” He slips on his boxers and pulls his white T-shirt over his head.

“Humph, pervert,” I reply and his smile spreads across his face as I drop my towel. I feel his eyes on me as I step into his boxers, rolling them as I did before to make them fit me better. Next, I get into a pair of sweatpants he’s laid out for me that I also have to roll several times at the waist. Slipping on my bra, I pull the T-shirt he’s given me over my head. It’s an old University of Chicago shirt and has apparently been worn repeatedly. Did he give me one of his favorite shirts? I glance at him as he stands in front of the mirror hanging on his wall, putting on his tie. He looks devastatingly handsome and oh so yummy in the morning, freshly f**ked and showered. He eyes me quickly and I smile before I walk out of the bedroom, needing to leave his presence before I rip his clothes off. Grabbing my purse off the dining room table, I slip into my heels and shake my head at how ridiculous I look in them with my sweats.

“Ready?” He walks down the hallway towards me and stops when I turn to him. I let out a heavy sigh at his appearance as his eyes fall onto my feet. “You look beautiful,” he states as if it’s obvious and I run at him, meeting him in the hallway and wrapping my legs around his waist. “Whoa. Hi, love.”

“You look beautiful. I look rightly silly. Now come on, I’m late enough as it is and you’re making me want to throw you back into your bed.” He turns me around and starts back towards his bedroom as I giggle into his neck. “No. We can’t.”

He grunts in protest as he carries me towards the door and we finally leave with me still in his arms.


After stopping to get a couple coffees, we drive down Fayette Street and pull up in front of the bakery. I glance out the window and see Joey standing behind the counter. “Did you have a good birthday?” I ask as I unbuckle my seat belt and turn to see his eyes on me.

He smiles sweetly and reaches out, pulling my hand into his and lifting it to his lips for a quick kiss. “I had the best birthday.” Oh my. He drops my hand and I lean in, pressing my lips against his and lingering there for a moment. I suddenly don’t want to get out of his car. Not after last night, not after this morning, and definitely not after what he’s just admitted. He’s minty and delicious, he smells heavenly, and he’s dressed way too good right now.
