Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

“Christ, I will never live that shit down. Thank God no one took any video of that mess.”

“That party was insane,” Juls says behind her glass. “Dyl, remember how pissed off you got at Justin because he was the only person here not dressed up?”

I nod and picture the memory, rolling my eyes at it and taking a sip. “What an ass**le. He spent the entire party bitching about the music selections. It was a f**king eighties party. What did he expect?”

Joey laughs around his glass. “I think he expected you to just leave with him and not have an amazing time. But you have never been that girl, cupcake, and he should have known that. What a waste he was.” Juls and I mumble in agreement.

“A waste that ended up getting exactly what he deserved. Prick,” she adds, tossing us each a pillow so we can sprawl out on the floor. “Are we going to talk about the pictures, sweets?”

“No,” I quickly reply.

Joey rolls onto his side. “You can’t be mad about girls he’s f**ked before you. That’s not fair. He didn’t even know you when those pictures were taken.”

“That’s not why I’m mad.” I sit up, glaring at both of them. “Well, okay, yes it bothers me that he’s been with other women. And I know it shouldn’t because I wasn’t a virgin when we started this thing between us, but I’ve only been with Justin.” I put my glass down. “Reese gave me a ballpark figure of close to twenty girls and that’s a f**king lot. Which is fine, whatever. I can deal with that as long as it’s not thrown in my face. But it was.” I close my eyes and picture one of the images from the box. Grabbing my glass off the small table, I down it quickly before I continue. “I’m not even mad at him about this. Not even in the slightest, which is what’s making this so f**king confusing. The only thing he did wrong was allow for the pictures to be taken of him and not confiscate them after he ended it with her. He didn’t send them to me. He doesn’t talk about other girls that he’s been with. He tells me that I’m amazing and that I’m all he thinks about.” I sigh heavily and throw myself back down onto my pillow. “But now I have to deal with psychotic ex-hookups and I’m not sure I’d do well in prison. I’m too hostile.” This is true. I’d probably end up permanently in solitary confinement after getting into too many fights or disobeying orders.

I glance over and see the bursting smiles on my two best friends’ faces, desperately trying to hold in their hysteria. I motion for them to let it out and the three of us fall into a fit of giggles.

“Alright, so I have a question,” Joey says and I shake my head, preparing for the worst here. “How the hell did you wind up spending the night with him last night? I thought you were against sex in beds and sleepovers and anything too intimate.”

“You slept over at his house?” Juls asks.

“It was an accident. He wanted to f**k me in his bed for his birthday so I let him and then we passed out together. I’m not letting it happen again.” I glance over and see Joey’s mischievous grin and Juls’ teary eyes. “What?”

“You were his birthday present? Oh my,” she says and blinks rapidly. Good Lord, she’s emotional lately.

I glare at Joey. “And what’s up with you?”

Crossing his hands behind his head, he continues after a dramatic pause. “I just think it’s cute that you think it was an accident. I mean, he could have woken you up and driven you home but he called me instead and told me that you would be late today. It was no accident, cupcake. He wanted you there.”

My eyes widen and I sit up. “He called you this morning, right?”

He shakes his head and grins wide at me. “Nope. He called me last night after you passed out.”

I shuffle over and sit on top of him, hearing him squeal underneath me. “What the hell do you mean he called you last night? Are you serious?” His grin answers for him and I glance over at Juls who is laughing hysterically. “I can’t believe this. He lied to me.”

“Oh relax, sweets. I think it’s romantic that he wanted you to spend the night with him. How was it anyway?”

The memory of last night runs through me quickly and I feel my lip curl up into a smile. I shrug my shoulders and play it off. “It was okay.” Wow. I don’t even sound convincing to myself. I roll off Joey and lay back down on my pillow. “I sure hope he enjoyed himself because that shit is never happening again.”

“Hmm mmm,” My two best friends say in unison. I bite my lip to contain my laugh but crack, letting it out as they fall apart next to me. This is how the rest of the evening plays out. Laughing and joking on the living floor in Juls’ apartment as we polish off two bottles of wine. There’s Juls and Ian’s wedding talk, Joey and Billy’s moving in together talk, and mine and Reese’s crazy fight, hard f**k, harder non relationship talk. It’s a much needed gab fest among three friends who used to only rely on each other. After several hours of gossiping and alcohol consumption, I pass out in the middle of her living room and slip into my Reese coma.


After a fast breakfast with Juls, Joey and I returned to the bakery and put the finishing touches on the wedding cake before loading it up into Sam. The reception hall was thirty minutes away and traffic was a nightmare, but we made it on time and dropped the beautiful white chocolate Gerber daisy cake off without any issues. I showered and dressed after saying my goodbyes to Joey and locked the shop up, deciding to sit outside on the bench that was a store down from mine while I waited for Juls. Today was dress shopping day and I wasn’t sure who was more excited about it, her or me. I’ve never been in a wedding party before and was delighted to be a part of Ian and Juls’ special day. Plus I would have the hottest date on the planet. Of course, that’s if we are still doing this thing between us in three months. The thought unsettles me and I scroll through my phone while I sit on the bench, pulling up his last text message.
