Read Books Novel

Sweet Addiction

“He’s crazy about f**king me.” I glance around quickly to make sure my heightened voice didn’t draw any unwanted attention. “That’s all this is.”

“You’re really f**king stupid if you think that’s true. Just grow a pair and tell him how you feel already.”

I shake my head at her and purse my lips as she sips her coffee. Of course Juls doesn’t understand where I’m coming from here. She and Ian have been more than serious since they started dating. A thought that’s been running through my mind since Friday comes streaming back. Why did Reese end it with that red headed pyscho? Was it because she wanted more, that she was in love with him and he didn’t or couldn’t feel the same way? I can’t help but think the same fate is lined up for me if I were to let myself fall, so I won’t. I’m going to keep those unwanted feelings buried deep inside me for now, until maybe he eventually decides he wants more. Please God let him want more.


I crawled into bed Sunday night after getting a bite to eat with Juls. We both wanted more than just coffee in our system and ate at a local Thai place that we frequented often. I wrapped myself up in my comforter and the University of Chicago T-shirt that Reese lent me and stared at my alarm clock. It was only a little after 8:00p.m. and knew I wouldn’t pass out anytime soon, but I was at least going to try. Closing my eyes, I picture his face, the face I catch him having when he’s watching me, studying me. Crease in his brow, jaw set, eyes narrowed in on whatever it is that I’m doing. Always so studious.

A loud, deafening crash sends them flying back open. What the hell was that? I shoot out of bed and dash down the stairs, skidding to a stop behind my worktop when I see a hooded figure standing outside my now shattered glass store front through the doorway. “Oh shit.” Panic, sheer panic runs through me and I dash back upstairs, grab my phone off my nightstand, and begin dialing the only person I can think of.

“Pick up pick up pick up.” I dart into my bathroom and close and lock the door behind me. Jesus Christ! Someone’s broken into my bakery! Who the f**k breaks into a bakery? After three long rings, I hear his voice.


“Reese! Someone’s in my shop! I heard a loud crash and ran downstairs and---”

“Where are you? Are you safe?” His voice is filled with worry and I can tell he’s on the move. Oh God, please be at your place and not far from me.

“I’m in my bathroom. They broke the window and I saw someone.” I hear commotion, a lot of commotion through the phone as I crawl into my bathtub and close the shower curtain. Like that’s going to do any good if they decide to break into the bathroom. This is so horror movie cliché I almost roll my eyes at myself. “Please, I need you.” I cry, dropping my head between my knees and letting myself sob.

“Stay in there. Don’t come out no matter what you hear. GOD DAMN IT. SHIT.” Echoes of footsteps ring through the phone and he’s out of breath but his curse words keep flying. “I’m on my way. Call the police.”

“NO. Please don’t make me hang up.” I’m crying, shaking with fear and my words are broken and strained. I hear the sound of a car starting.

“Fuck. Move the f**k out of the way!” Car horns and another string of cuss words come through the phone as I clutch it tightly. “Love, you have to call the police. I’m almost there. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. Just hang up and call them and then call me back okay?”

“Okay, okay. Please hurry.”

“I am.”

I quickly hang up and dial 911, rapidly telling them the situation and giving them my location. They tell me that the police are on their way and to stay where I am. That’s not going to be a problem. I have zero intention of moving from this spot until I hear Reese on the other side of the door, even though I haven’t heard a noise coming from below me since the sound of the window breaking. I hang up and dial him again.

“I’m here. Don’t open the door until I get up there, okay?”

“Okay, but stay on the phone with me.” I hear his heavy breathing and the sound of glass crunching and cracking. God please don’t let that person still be here. If I hear Reese getting into a struggle with someone there’s no way in hell I’m staying in this bathroom, I don’t care what the consequences are. I will claw the f**ker’s eyes out if he puts his hands on Reese. I hear footsteps outside the door and hold my breath.


I drop my phone and crawl out of the tub, scrambling for the lock and swinging the door open. I don’t even register his appearance before I jump into his arms and cling to him. “Oh my God, I was so scared.” I’m holding onto him like I haven’t seen him in years, my body completely glued to his. “Is he still here?”

His arms wrap me up and he breathes into my hair, his chest heaving against mine. “Dylan.” I moan softly at the sound of my name. “It’s okay, I’ve got you. I didn’t see anyone but your front window is completely smashed to shit.” He carries me away from the bathroom and into my bedroom area.

I’m shaking against his body and tighten my grip. “Jesus Christ. Why would someone break into my bakery? Do you think they wanted treats?” I hear a small muffled laugh escape his lips that are pressed into my hair. My tears are streaming down my face as he places me on my feet in front of my dresser. I look him over and take in his appearance. Hair a right mess, no doubt from the rough treatment of his hands as he drove over here, clenched jaw, and prominent crease in his brow. His green eyes are burning into mine and even though they’re filled with worry, they still carry the same intensity as always.
