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Sweet Addiction

Sweet Addiction (Sweet #6)(13)
Author: Maya Banks

He moved his hands to those delectable h*ps and reached around to cup her ass. Just the right amount of softness to the cheeks. Right shape. Firm and yet plush. Yeah, he was an ass man. He’d admit that. But her legs were a very close second. Especially in those sexy-as-hell shoes. He was determined to f**k her in those shoes at a later date. Just her shoes on and a smile.

He lifted, helping her to push upward until his dick was nearly free and then he lowered her back down until he was once again surrounded by hot, liquid silk.

That black lace bra was tantalizing him. Staring him in the face, the tops of her br**sts plumped up over the demi cups almost baring her n**ples. Almost. And that was what was killing him.

He put his arms around her and slid his hands up her back to the clasp of her bra. In a single motion he popped the hooks and the bra came free. He reached up, pulled her hands down from his shoulders long enough to free her of the bra, and then he stared greedily at the plump swells and her dark n**ples that were so rigid that they’d puckered into tight little beads.

“Offer me your br**sts,” he said. “Cup them and guide them toward my mouth. I want to taste them.”

She shuddered again and clamped down on his cock, sending a spasm of delight though his groin. Then she dropped her hands from his shoulders and cupped her full br**sts in her palms. She stroked her n**ples with the ends of her thumb and then leaned forward, offering him one, holding it teasingly close to his lips.

Instead of taking it in his mouth, he flicked out his tongue and licked the bud.

“The other now,” he said huskily.

She moved so the other was there for him to take. This time he grazed the point with his teeth and nipped playfully until she made another sound that bordered on desperation.

“Ask me to suck them.”

She swallowed but then said in a voice that was barely above a whisper, “Suck my n**ples, Cole. Please.”

“Louder. I can’t hear you,” Lucas said.

Ren’s head snapped up and she turned in Lucas’s direction, her eyes wide and guilty. Cole cursed the other man’s intrusion but perhaps it had been intentional. A reminder of his presence.

He shot a withering stare in the other man’s direction. He hadn’t appreciated the interruption. As long as he could hear Ren, he didn’t give a damn if Lucas could or not. She wasn’t f**king Lucas. She was f**king Cole.

Then Lucas rose and walked toward the chair where Cole sat with Ren astride him.

“Tell me, Madison. Do you prefer her p**sy or her ass for the next little while?”


What Cole wanted to do was tell Lucas to f**k off. This hadn’t been part of the agreement. As far as Cole understood, Lucas was supposed to observe. Nothing more. Then make a quiet exit leaving Ren to him for the next two weeks.

And it wasn’t that Cole hadn’t had a threesome here and there, but they were by far his less preferred method of sexual release. He just didn’t share well. He could see the appeal. Had understood it when he’d joined Micah to have sex with Micah’s submissive, Angelina. Angelina had been an exception for Cole.

But the idea of sharing Ren made him get all snarly and possessive and a whole host of other things he didn’t really want to examine too closely.

Lucas met his gaze and calmly stared back at him. There was something in the other man’s eyes that told Cole he needed to go along. And Lucas didn’t push. He didn’t insist. Nor did he try to take control and order Cole around. Well, because if he had, it would have been all over. Cole would have thrown Lucas out and then taken Ren up to his bed where he would have kept her tied up for the next twenty years or so.

No, Lucas wasn’t being pushy at all. But his expression told Cole not to challenge him on this.


The idea of rolling over and going along just pissed him off.

Remembering also that Lucas had said Ren had exacting standards …Well, maybe this was some f**king test he had to pass in order for Ren to accept this whole thing.

In which case, he’d swallow a lot of bitter pills if it meant having Ren.

“Since I’m already balls deep in her p**sy, I think I’ll take her ass,” Cole drawled. “What do you have in mind, exactly?”

“It will require you to get up close and personal with me and certain portions of my anatomy,” Lucas said lazily. “Think you can handle that?”

“If I’m in Ren’s ass, I don’t really give a f**k what you’re doing at the time,” Cole returned through gritted teeth.

Hell, was Lucas a bisexual? Because if so, this was so not going to work out in the least. He’d seen plenty of cock. It didn’t bother him. He could appreciate another man’s body with the best of them. But he appreciated it best when it was f**king another woman’s brains out and he could watch. Yeah, he appreciated that kind of cock. But it didn’t mean he wanted it in any of his orifices.

Lucas looked amused, almost as if he was purposely f**king with Cole’s head. Cole wasn’t amused. He just wanted Lucas to leave already.

“Ren, get down on the floor, shoulders down and put your legs up on Cole’s lap,” Lucas ordered.

Cole’s eyebrows went up because he wasn’t getting a real good picture of how this position was going to work, but it still managed to intrigue the hell out of him.

Ren rose up, releasing his c*ck from her p**sy. His c*ck flagged upward, trying its best to get back inside her.

Still straddling his lap, she reached for his hands and gripped them tight.

“Lower me down,” she said.

Still not sure what exactly she was doing, he did as she asked and held her steady as she bent backwards and slid headfirst down to the floor until her shoulders met the carpet. Her back rested between his thighs against the chair, and her ass …Well, it was in perfect position. Now he was getting the idea.

Lucas took her legs and levered them back toward him, which only gave Cole an even better view of, not to mention access to, her tight little ass.

Lucas planted his feet on either side of Ren’s waist and crowded in. He fumbled with his fly, releasing his c*ck with an impatient jerk. He was up and over Ren’s opening, sliding home in one forceful thrust.

Holy shit but it looked hot.

Lucas silently handed him a tube of KY, and Cole wasted no time applying a liberal amount over his condom-covered erection. He levered himself up so that his c*ck was tucked to her tiny a**hole but he hesitated, looking back up at Lucas.

They were both large men. She was a small woman. With Lucas already stuffed tight into her p**sy, her ass was looking smaller all the time.

“I don’t want to hurt her.”

“Do you think even for a minute that I’d do anything to harm Ren?” Lucas asked calmly.

There was no anger. No ego. No hurt pride. Just a simple question that he obviously didn’t expect an answer to.

Cole pressed downward, eyes closing at the exquisite sense of her flesh opening around him and tugging him deeper. Holy hell, she was tight.

His hands covered those plump ass cheeks. He gathered them in his palms, squeezed and massaged as he pushed harder.

After a moment where her body fought his invasion, she opened around him and he slid all the way in.

“Now f**k her,” Lucas said.

“I don’t take direction from you,” Cole snarled.

“You do until I give her into your care,” Lucas said quietly. “Now f**k her. Show her the hard edges now that she’s seen the softer ones. Give her what she wants, Madison.”

Wanting only to get rid of the other man as quickly as possible, Cole complied with the request. He began plunging into Ren’s ass while Lucas rode her p**sy with quick, ruthless strokes.

“She doesn’t come,” Lucas said as they moved in unison. “Not yet. Not until I’ve gone. Once we’re finished, it’ll be up to you to give her the pleasure she deserves.”

Some of Cole’s irritation eased away. He was beginning to realize that this was some ritual. One he didn’t entirely understand but it was a rite of passage nonetheless. Lucas took his responsibility to Ren seriously. Even now he was easing her into Cole’s command. How he could simply walk away mystified Cole, but then Cole himself had walked away once so he had no room to judge another man. Especially when he had Ren’s best interests at heart.

For several long minutes, they pushed her relentlessly. They f**ked her without mercy and she seemed to love every moment of it. She alternated between tight little whimpers, soft moans of pleasure and groans of frustration when they held her orgasm at bay.

Lucas’s face grew more strained and then he rasped out to Cole, “Pull out.”

Without contemplating why, Cole slid out of her ass.

“Hold her open,” Lucas said.

Cole gripped her ass cheeks and spread them, so that her opening gaped, distended from his rough possession.

Then Lucas jerked out of her p**sy and circled his c*ck with his hand, yanking in short, rapid motions.

Cum spurted onto her ass, most of it sliding into her opening. He directed two more streams and then slid quickly back into her p**sy, thrusting as he continued to come inside her.

“Now f**k her,” Lucas said hoarsely.

Cole understood that this was symbolic. Sort of a branding. Lucas marking her as his in the most intimate way he could before he released her into another man’s keeping.

Oddly aroused and incredibly turned on by the thought of forcing another man’s cum into her body with his cock, Cole positioned himself and then plunged deep, pushing the liquid deep inside her.

“Now you come,” Lucas said as his thrusts slowed.

Cole needed no urging in that department. He was already so on edge that the slightest touch would send him spiraling into the abyss.

He ground his jaw tight and then slammed into her. Half a dozen punishing thrusts and he was coming and coming until he thought he’d blown the head of his dick right off.

“Pull her up but stay inside her while I say my good-byes,” Lucas said quietly.

When Cole complied and pulled Ren to sit in his lap, his c*ck still wedged deep inside her ass, her eyes were wide with alarm. And panic.

She looked desperately at Lucas over her shoulder, and it was obvious he hadn’t told her of his arrangement with Cole. Or at least not all of it. Cole swore under his breath.

Ren stared at Lucas, sure she hadn’t heard him correctly. Say his good-byes? What did that mean exactly? She didn’t dare move. Didn’t dare leap from Cole’s lap as she had the sudden urge to.

She waited. Dying a little more with each breath.

Lucas moved to her side then leaned forward and gathered her face in his palms. His touch was exquisitely gentle, his expression tender as he lowered his mouth to brush across her lips.

“You will obey Cole as you obey me. You will please Cole as you please me. In two weeks’ time I’ll return for you.”

She closed her eyes against the sudden stab of pain. But he kissed each closed eyelid and whispered an order for her to look at him.

Her eyelids fluttered open and he stroked his thumb over one cheekbone. Carefully he undid the clasp of her platinum collar until it came loose and fell into his hand. Oh God, no, he wasn’t. He couldn’t!

She stared in shock as he pulled the collar from her neck. Fear and uncertainty clawed at her. It was worse than any whip or crop. She felt nak*d and so very vulnerable. Stripped. She no longer had a tangible sign of his ownership.

He turned to straighten his clothing and right his appearance.

Her heart tripped and turned over, thudding painfully against her chest wall. She held her breath until she felt light-headed.

Don’t go.

She wanted to say it aloud but instead bit her lip until she tasted blood.

It was like reliving the day Cole walked away from her all over again. She hadn’t realized how much she could still hurt as she watched Lucas walk away from her without so much as looking back.

Had he grown tired of her? Was this his way of ensuring she would be cared for? By giving her to a former lover who professed to still have feelings for her? Would Lucas even bother returning in two weeks as he’d promised or was it all a pretense to avoid an uncomfortable parting?

Only when he was gone from the room did a tear slip down her cheek. Her breaths squeezed painfully from her chest.

Cole cursed softly and his arms came around her body, pulling her against his chest. He held her close, his warmth enveloping her. He rested his cheek against the side of her head and then carefully eased himself from her body.

She flinched as he pulled out of her ass. Her desire had slipped away the moment Lucas had mentioned the word good-bye. She was frozen, caught in a wasteland. She didn’t want to be hav**g s*x with Cole. She wanted to be with Lucas. She wanted him to be the one taking care of her and commanding her.

Gently, Cole turned her in his arms and then cradled her close, his hand smoothing over her hair. He didn’t say anything. He simply held her, his chin resting on top of her head.

“I’m sorry,” he said simply. “I never intended to cause you hurt.”
