Read Books Novel

Sweet Persuasion

Sweet Persuasion (Sweet #2)(5)
Author: Maya Banks

My body is no longer my own. It sings sharply to a tune that only you play. My br**sts are swollen, my n**ples painfully erect. When you reach down to pluck one stiff peak, it nearly brings my orgasm crashing around me.

I gasp for breath and for control, for I have not brought you to completion yet. My p**sy burns as if someone holds a fire to it. Each nerve is so tightly held that any stimulation will be unbearable, I fear.

You fill me again and again, your c*ck sliding so elegantly across my tongue. Then you become more urgent, your thrusts more forceful. You are close. Both of your hands grip my head, tangled in my hair as you pull me to meet each forward movement.

Your heated whispers fall on my ears, warm like honey and just as sweet. And then you flood my mouth with your release. Your hands become more gentle as they cup and stroke my face. Tenderness is in your touch as you murmur that I have pleased you.

I lovingly coax every drop from your erection before you finally pull away.

My body screams for yours. Your pleasure is my own. You lean down and kiss me softly on top of the head, and then you help me to my feet. Your hands trail down my body and up again as you explore my softness.

You take a nipple between your fingers and roll experimentally. With just a look, you command my keeper, and he puts his hands around my shoulders to steady me as your hands drift lower.

My breath draws sharply in when your fingers delve between my legs to the wetness at my entrance. You rub across my clit, and I moan. My legs tremble and threaten to collapse, but my keeper holds me up for you.

“You will come for me,” you tell me.

Oh yes, I will come.

I try to breathe, but it’s like inhaling fire. The air scorches my lungs and catches in my chest.

With your other hand, you pluck at my n**ples, first one, and then the other.

“Do not let her fall,” you caution my keeper, and his hands tighten at my shoulders.

You slide your fingers through my wetness, back and forth over my aching cl*t and then to my opening, where you tease unmercifully.

“Do you fantasize about having my c*ck buried inside you?” you ask in a silky tone.

“Yes,” I gasp. “I want it more than anything.”

You smile and increase the pressure of your fingers. “Soon. Soon you will have all of me. For now I want you to come with your keeper holding you for me, for it is the last time another man will ever touch you. You are mine now.”

Your words more than your touch send my orgasm racing through my groin. It is frightening and splendid in equal parts as I shatter. My keeper’s hands are firm around me as I buck and writhe. My knees threaten to buckle but you both hold me upright.

When the last waves of my release have broken, you command my keeper to release me. There is formality to your actions as you see to the change in ownership. I am not as of yet untied, but you take my arm and lead me away.

Outside the room, you gently untie my arms and then wrap a robe around me to shield my nudity from other eyes. Though you say nothing, I sense your possessiveness when it comes to me.

As we leave, you tell me once again that I am yours, and I am happy to hear it, for I am yours now, and glad to be so.

Damon sat back, stunned at how affected he was by the letter. Rarely had he seen anything so honest and raw. There was no hemming and hawing, no discomfort evident. Just a true and earnest accounting of one woman’s most intimate desires.

His gaze continued down the e-mail where the woman’s personal information was listed. His brow furrowed, and he leaned forward abruptly in his chair.

The name, address and birth date listed for the client was Serena James.

A smile curved Damon’s lips upward. So it had been a ruse. The client was her all along, but she had waited to reveal it when she wasn’t facing him.

Something potent surged in his veins. Excitement? Desire? Or was it something else altogether? Anticipation. It licked like greedy flames over dry wood.

Suddenly there was no question as to who he would find to fulfill Serena’s fantasy. Hell would freeze over before he’d hand her over to another man. If she wanted to be someone’s damn slave, then she would be his.


Serena got out of her SUV and jogged toward the baseball field, aware that she was late. When she rounded the bleachers and scanned the mostly empty seats, she saw Julie look her way and wave. Faith turned as well and offered a smile in greeting as Serena headed up to where the women sat away from the handful of people sitting on the opposite side.

“Wasn’t sure you were going to make it,” Faith said when Serena plopped on the seat beside her.

“And miss our favorite pastime of ogling gorgeous men in shorts and sweaty shirts?” Serena asked in mock horror.

“Amen, sister,” Julie muttered as she stared over the field.

The men who worked with Faith at Malone and Sons Security played in a four-week-long mini-league, or what the guys referred to as old farts reliving the glory days. Mostly it was an excuse to horse around and drink lots of beer afterward.

“I never can figure out which one is my favorite,” Serena mused as she took in Connor Malone and Micah Hudson. “Your brother is pretty hot, Faith, but then so is Micah.”

“What’s wrong with Nathan?” Julie demanded.

Serena grinned. “Nothing other than you’ve already pissed on the guy and marked him yours.”

Faith choked on her laughter until Julie had to beat her on the back.

“When are you going to make your move on the man?” Serena asked.

“I don’t know,” Julie grumbled. “He’s . . . difficult.”

“Try nudity,” Faith said solemnly. “It works wonders.”

It was Serena’s turn to laugh. “God, like we need the image of sweet little Faith in the buff enticing her man. I already see the way Gray looks at you clothed. Don’t even want to know how he looks at you nak*d.”

Faith smiled serenely and clapped enthusiastically as Gray came up to bat. “Shhh, you two. Gray is up.”

Julie rolled her eyes but complied.

Faith stood up and squealed like a girl when Gray hit a double against the centerfield wall, driving Connor home. As she settled down again, Julie looked around Faith and pinned Serena with her stare.

“I’m still waiting to hear all the juicy details I missed out on the other day.”

“You mean you haven’t bludgeoned poor Faith to death for the dirt yet?”

Julie snorted. “She may look sweet, but she’s like a frickin’ bulldog when it comes to being stubborn. She informed me that it was your story to tell, not hers.”

“Why, thank you, Faith,” Serena said sweetly. “I appreciate that.”

“Shhh, Micah is up to bat.”

“Oh for the love of God,” Julie said as she got up to move to Serena’s other side. “Faith, honey, we don’t actually come here to watch the game. We come to gossip and ogle.”

She settled down beside Serena and flipped her brown hair over her shoulder. “Now, dish, Serena, and don’t leave anything out or I swear I will retaliate and the results won’t be pretty.”

“You’re totally not going to let me enjoy the scenery, are you?” Serena said with a disgusted sigh.

“You can watch them and talk at the same time.”

Serena rolled her eyes then leaned in, and in low tones, related the conversation she’d had with Faith and her subsequent meeting with Damon.

“Holy shit,” Julie breathed. “Now that’s what I call a shocker.”

“I’m not sure I like where you’re going with this,” Serena said in a dry voice.

“I get the fantasy bits, but Serena, a sex slave?” Julie asked in disbelief.

“Shhh!” Serena hissed. “For Pete’s sake, I’d rather the entire greater Houston area not know about this.”

“You’re really going to do it?” Julie asked in a lower tone.

Serena paused for a minute then turned to her friend. “Yeah, I think I am.”

“Wow. You’ve got balls, girlfriend. My hat is totally off to you. I’m such a chicken shit. I can’t even work up the nerve to ask Nathan out, and here you are taking on your darkest fantasies.”

There was a rueful gleam in Julie’s brown eyes. Admiration shadowed her expression and a tiny bit of envy as well.

“If I can discuss sexual slavery over lunch with a guy who looks like the cover model for GQ, then I think you should at least have the guts to ask Nathan out,” Serena said.

“GQ, huh. This is Faith’s friend, right?” Julie glanced sideways at Faith who kept her lips pressed tightly together although her eyes glittered with laughter. “I think she’s been holding out on us, Serena. Not only does she work with a horde of hot guys, but now she’s cultivating friendships with hot sex club owners?”

Faith heaved an exaggerated sigh. Then she leaped to her feet as Gray ran home.

“Girl needs to learn to share,” Julie grumbled.

“Hey, I hand-delivered Nathan to you. What more do you want?” Faith demanded as she plopped back down beside Serena.

“She’s got you there, Julie,” Serena pointed out. “She took him to you when he wanted to get his ear pierced and you got him hooked on those massages.”

Julie sighed unhappily.

“Bet if you showed up nak*d to massage him, he’d notice you,” Faith offered.

“Make him roll over,” Serena said with a snicker.

“He’s not a damn dog,” Julie said darkly.

Faith muttered a curse when one of their guys got thrown out at first, ending the inning. Then she turned to Serena, her expression serious.

“Are you sure you know what you’re getting into, Serena? I mean, have you thought this through?”

Serena inhaled sharply then nodded. “Yeah, this is something I want to do. And hey, it’s not like I’m making a major life change. It’s a temporary fantasy. If I hate it, I’ll just put an end to it early and go dream up something different.”

“I trust Damon,” Faith said. “He’ll take good care of you, I know it.”

“Just how is it that you know Damon anyway?” Julie interjected. “Seems like that has to be a juicy story.”

Faith blushed and glanced down at her hands. “Let’s just say I had some fantasies of my own, and Damon was very helpful in directing my path.”

“Get out!” Julie exclaimed as she all but pounced on Faith. “Does Gray know about this?”

Faith laughed softly. “Gray hauled me out of Damon’s club, so yeah, he knows.”

Serena gave a small shiver. “Girl, you have all the fun. What I wouldn’t give for a gorgeous man to go all he-man on me.”

“So, um, what were these fantasies of yours, Faith?” Julie prodded.

Faith blushed again. “They weren’t so different from Serena’s, which is why I sent her to Damon.”

Julie arched an eyebrow then glanced between Faith and Serena. “Don’t get any ideas about me, chicas. I don’t have a submissive bone in my body.”

“We aren’t out to convert you, Julie,” Serena said in mild exasperation.

“We’re just owning our sexuality,” Faith said firmly.

Serena nodded. “Exactly.”

“Well, damn, I want to own mine,” Julie muttered. “Just as soon as I get it all figured out.”

“You mean you’re secretly a lesbian?” Serena teased.

Julie elbowed her in the gut. “Very funny. A girl can’t get any straighter than I am. In fact, I think my fantasy might be to take on Nathan and his buddies.”

Serena coughed and then she burst into laughter.

Julie’s eyes narrowed. “Hey, I wasn’t joking.”

“Come on, Julie. More than one guy? What the hell would you do with them all?”

“Oh, you’d be surprised,” Faith murmured.

Both Julie and Serena whipped their heads in Faith’s direction, but she stared out at the field, a look of supreme innocence on her face.

“Tell me you haven’t,” Julie said in a low voice. “Because if you have, I may gut you in my envy.”

Faith just smiled and continued to watch the game.

“Hell, she has,” Serena said. She followed Faith’s gaze to the field where the guys were lining up for handshakes. Then she glanced back at Faith, whose cheeks were a delicate shade of pink. “With them?”

“Not with Nathan,” Julie groaned. “Tell me it wasn’t with Nathan.”

“Eeewww!” Faith exclaimed. “I mean not that he isn’t hot, but he’s like Connor, for God’s sake.”

“Who?” Julie demanded. “Was this before or after Gray? It had to be before. Gray doesn’t strike me as the type to appreciate another guy screwing his woman, and he is extremely possessive of you.”

Faith’s grin widened.

“Okay, you made me spill the goods, Faith,” Serena said. “No fair holding out. If I can admit that I want to be some man’s sex toy, for crying out loud, then you can at least tell us who you had a threesome with.”
