Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

I scowl at his obvious lie as the shop door dings, gaining mine and Joey’s attention. Freddy comes walking into the bakery, the familiar white box in his hands. My chest tightens at the sight of it.

“Freddy! Perfect timing. This one is in a mood and could use something from her man.” Joey nudges me with his shoulder and steps up to the counter.

I pout at him playfully before I reach out for the white box Fred has placed on the counter. “Pick something out from the display case, Fred. You know the drill.” He bends down, his eyes lighting up as he surveys his choices. I quickly sign the clipboard as Joey pulls out a chocolate cupcake, slipping it into a bag and handing it to Fred.

Fucking cupcakes. I should just give him the whole tray and get them out of my sight.

“Thanks, Ms. Dylan. Enjoy your delivery,” he says cheerfully, taking his clipboard and his cupcake before exiting the shop.

I pull the white ribbon, lifting the sides of the box and flipping the lid. Joey moves closer to me as I pick out the dark brown card, opening it and feeling that same nervous energy I always get when I’m about to read one of Reese’s notes.


Don’t give me a hard time about this. This is long overdue.

X, Reese

Confusion sets in as I place the card next to the box and begin sifting through the tissue paper. I’m digging, looking for whatever he’s placed in here that weighs close to nothing.

“Where is it?” Joey asks as he hovers at my shoulder.

I continue moving the paper around. “I don’t know. Maybe he forgot… holy shit.” I reach in and lift out a set of car keys, letting them dangle in the air below my fingers. “Oh, my God, Joey.” Turning toward him, I see his shocked expression as his jaw hits the floor.

“Holy shit is right.” He snatches the keys away from me, turning them over in his palm. A dramatic squeal escapes his lips as he points to the emblem on the key. “A BMW? He bought you a BMW?” His eyes look past my shoulder, widening even further before he grabs my hand and drags me around the counter.

I’m in a state of shock as he opens the bakery door and pulls me outside onto the pavement. And then I really lose my shit all together. Parked right in front of the bakery is my gift from Reese. A brand new, insanely-shiny, highly-underserved, white BMW.

Joey hits the unlock button on the keys and opens the passenger door. He ducks his head inside while I stay completely frozen in place a few feet behind him.

He bought me a car. A really expensive car. Probably more expensive than the one he drives.

Joey straightens up and motions for me to join him. It takes great effort to move from my spot on the sidewalk, but I manage and step up next to him, ducking my head down to look inside the vehicle.

“Leather interior, sunroof, and you have a built-in navigation system. Please, for the love of Christ, let me borrow this sometime.”

I reach inside and run my hand along the leather seat. “This is crazy. I can’t believe he bought me a car.”

“I can. That man outdoes himself every time Freddy steps inside the shop. I’d only be shocked if I was the one getting a brand new vehicle.” We both stand and he shakes his head at my car. “Remind me to tell Reese he needs to give Billy tips on how to be an amazing boyfriend.”

“Poor Billy.” I nudge him and he laughs against me. “He has to put up with your moody ass and what does he get out of it?”

Joey grins wickedly at me and we both chuckle. He doesn’t need to say what Billy gets out of it, because I’m sure the entire population of Chicago knows full well the elaborate workings of my lovely assistant’s sex life. He isn’t shy about that information and will tell just about anybody.

I close the car door and take the keys from Joey. “I need to go see him. Do you think you could man the shop for me?”

He smiles giddily. “Hell, yes I…” he stops midsentence as Brooke comes hustling down the sidewalk, department store bags in her hands. Joey turns and leans his body against the car, crossing his arms over his chest. “Seriously, Brooke? When I say you can take a lunch break, it doesn’t mean a fucking two-hour shopping spree.”

She sneers in his direction, coming to a stop in front of us. “Relax, bitch. You’re getting premature wrinkles.”

Joey immediately turns, dropping down to examine his face in my side-view mirror. “That’s not even funny,” he growls.

She places her bags at her feet, flipping her car keys in her hand. “You’re just jealous because I’ve got a hot date tonight and you don’t.”

“I’ve got a hot date every night, and one I don’t have to pay for,” he snarls, straightening up and spinning back around. “What do you charge for your company these days?”

Brooke’s jaw tightens, her nostrils flaring with rage. “You know what? Now you’re not getting the shirt I bought for you!”

“Brooke, knock it… wait, what?” I look down at the bags at her feet.

“What? Did you say you bought me a shirt?” Joey asks with genuine curiosity, stepping closer to her.

She shrugs, averting her gaze. “It’s not that big a deal.” She reaches into her Macy’s bag and pulls out a light blue T-shirt, holding it against her chest. “It was on sale, and I thought it would look nice on you. You look good in blue.”

I smile at her thoughtfulness, watching as Joey takes another step closer to Brooke. She holds the shirt out to him and he takes it with an astonished expression. She looks at me and grins. “Anyway, I’m sorry I took so long. It won’t happen again.” And before Joey can give her a thank you or react in any way to her gift, she picks up her bags and walks into the shop.
