Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

I don’t know how he does it, but he manages to keep his sounds to a minimum, the loudest noise coming from the impact of our bodies striking against each other’s. The slapping sound fills the office, mixing with my muffled whimpers and Reese’s breathing. It really is hot, the sound of our bodies coming together in this heated moment. My core constricts and I feel a tightness forming between my legs.

“Turn around.” He pulls out of me and turns me before I can even think to move. Lifting me slightly, he sets me on the edge of the desk and grabs my legs, wrapping them around his waist. He grabs my face and commands my attention. “You remember what I said about these shoes?” he asks, his voice gritty and urgent. I nod, unable to speak due to my ragged breathing, but I definitely remember. He enters me to the hilt and I brace myself on his desk, flattening my hands on the wood. “Do it.”

As soon as he begins fucking me, I arch my back to give myself leverage and bear down with my legs, digging my heels into his back. He growls his response, throwing his head back as he barrels into me.

“I’m so close.” Reaching up, I grab onto his bicep and dig my nails in as I anchor my heels into him.

His hand grips my neck, pulling my face into his and crashing our mouths together. “Come on my cock. Let me feel it.” And at those words and the commanding tone behind them, I lose control.

He thrusts into me harder, gripping my neck with one hand and my hip with the other. I’m biting my tongue to keep myself from screaming, certain he’s going to either snap me in half or the desk he’s fucking me against. But considering the car currently parked outside, I’m sure he can afford another desk.

“Fuck, yes. I love this pussy,” Reese pants, the veins in his neck protruding and his forehead beading with sweat. He keeps his eyes on me, allowing me to watch him unravel as he plunges into me once, twice, and then a third time before he drops his head against mine. I let my legs fall limp around his side, not having the strength to dig them into anything anymore.

“Thank you for my car,” I say softly, not missing the way his lip curls up into a half-smile. I reach over and hit the stop button on my phone.

He slowly pulls out of me, holding up a finger for me not to move as he tucks himself away. Opening his desk drawer, he grabs a few tissues and wipes me clean. “I was half-expecting you to refuse it.”

I laugh subtly. “Have you seen the car? Sam will completely understand my reasoning for not driving him everywhere now.” I hop off the desk as he tosses the tissues into the waste basket. “You didn’t take out a massive loan to afford that, did you?”

He sits down in his high-back leather chair and pulls my panties from his pocket. “Come here.” I stand in front of him and he allows me to step back into them, keeping his eyes on me as he slides them up my legs. “Only because you have to walk out of here. Otherwise, these would be mine.”

“You know, one of these days I’m going to find your hidden stash of my lingerie. And I will be getting every single pair back.”

“Good luck with that.” He taps his lap and I scramble onto it, wrapping my arms around his neck. “And to answer your question, no, I did not take out a massive loan. We got paid from that account with Bryce.”

My stomach knots up temporarily at the sound of that asshole’s name. “So, you saw him?” I twist in his lap, glancing down at his hands wrapped around me and checking for any visible bruises or cuts. This is a justified inspection and he allows it, laughing quietly while I do it. When I’ve thoroughly examined both, I turn my attention back to him. “And you didn’t hit him?”

“I didn’t see him. Ian met with him. I had some other stuff I was trying to take care of.”

“What other stuff?” He gives me the same look he gave me on the couch when he wouldn’t elaborate on why this account was so important. Before I took his vague trust me reasoning without question. Now I can’t hide the slight irritation bubbling inside me. Why is this such a secret? Is it really that crucial I not find out about anything?

I shake off these questions, grabbing his face and planting a kiss to his lips. “I should go before Joey and Brooke kill each other.”

I stand and round his desk, grabbing my coat and slipping it on. I push the questions filling my head about this account aside, not needing any additional stress. And I do trust Reese. I know he’ll tell me when he can, so I’m not going to worry about this.

As I’m securing the belt around my waist, his arms wrap around me and pull me back against his chest. He roughly exhales into my hair before pressing his lips to the shell of my ear. “Three days,” he whispers before kissing down my neck as he slips my phone into my pocket.

“Mmm. You keep doing that and I’m never going to leave here.”

“Don’t give me any ideas.” His arms release their hold on me, allowing me to walk toward the door. I grab the handle, glancing once more over my shoulder and seeing him perched on his desk. Hands gripping the edge. Feet crossed in front of him. Cocky, sexy-as-fuck smile growing on his face. It’s the same position he was in all those months ago when I came storming into this very office to confront him on being married. I slapped the shit out of him, found out he wasn’t married, and then proceeded to blow him behind the very desk I was just fucked against.

So many memories in this office. Mostly sex-filled, but I’m not complaining.

“I’m glad you weren’t married,” I say, seeing the confusion wash over him momentarily before he realizes the meaning of my words. He doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t need to because the look he’s giving me right now is speaking for him. It’s the look I always find him giving me when I catch him watching me. Like he’s just now seeing me for the first time. It’s a look I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to, because it still has the same effect on me as the first time I saw it at Justin’s wedding. When I stood up from his lap and spun around, getting my first real look at the man who would completely change my life. My bones seem to vibrate while my heart beat fills my ears. I would do anything for this look. For this man. And it takes every ounce of effort I can muster to leave this room. But I manage, giving him a wink and seeing my favorite smile lines appear next to his eyes before I close the door behind me.
