Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

“It’s Reese,” I say with a clipped voice after swallowing my mouthful.

Joey ignores me and grabs the phone, putting it up to his ear. He frowns at me before saying, “Dylan’s Sweet Tooth.” I tap my fingers against my arm, seeing his expression change to indicate I was correct in my assumption. “I’m not sure this is the best time to talk to her. She just inhaled a cupcake and is staring at me like she’s going to eat me next.”

I roll my eyes as Brooke comes to stand next to me. “What’s going on?” she asks softly, her eyes flicking between Joey and myself.

“Boys are idiots. If I were you, I’d go lesbian.”

She shrugs slightly. “I’ve dabbled. It’s not really my thing. If there isn’t at least one dick involved, I can’t get into it.”

I slide closer to her, my interest in Brooke’s sex life suddenly blanketing all my Reese concerns at the moment. “At least one dick? Have you done multiple?”

“Once. But they were bi and seemed to like dick more than me. I felt like a third wheel.”

“Someone actually liked dick more than you? I’m shocked,” I reply before laughing under my breath and seeing her eyes light up with mischief. Joey’s elevated voice grabs both of our attention.

“Listen here. I don’t have to do anything. Dylan clearly doesn’t want to talk to you right now and as her best friend, I back her up one hundred percent. Hoes before bros.” He leans his shoulder against the wall, bringing his free hand up to his hip. “And another thing, I think it’s really shitty that you and Ian agreed to work with that asshole. He’s clearly psychotic, given the fact he put his hands on Dylan when he knows you… what?” Joey looks over in my direction, his agitated expression softening. “Uh, she didn’t tell you that? Well, yeah, he… hello?” He brings the phone away from his ear briefly before returning it. “Helloooo?” Hanging it up, he spins and tilts his head to the side as he strokes his chin. “Funny thing. Reese apparently didn’t know about the elevator incident. Care to explain that to me before he comes barreling through the shop door and hauls you out of here over his shoulder?”

I take the elastic band off my wrist and secure my hair into a pony. “I was going to tell him until he opened his stupid mouth and blamed me for drawing undesirable attention with my outfit. Like wearing snow gear would’ve prevented that jerk-off from touching me. And for Christ’s sake, I had a coat on. It’s not like I was strutting around half-naked.” I run my hands down my face before stepping up to Joey and poking a finger at his chest. “I’m eating another cupcake. You can either join me or step into the back, but it’s happening.”

“Well I’m sure as hell going to eat one,” Brooke says behind me. “I’ve been practically eye-fucking them all morning.”

Joey’s eyes dart over my shoulder, dropping to the display case. He sighs before nodding sharply. “Right. This situation definitely calls for massive sugar consumption.” He drops his eyes down to look at me. “But fair warning, I will be pushing you during our run tomorrow to make up for this moment of weakness. And no faking shin splints like today. I was so onto you.”

I smile up at him sheepishly. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Brooke hands us both a cupcake, taking one for herself before sliding the panel closed. She gestures toward the clock on the wall with her free hand. “Wanna take bets as to what time Reese arrives? I’d put money on 2:37 p.m..”

Joey shoves half the cupcake into his mouth before responding. “No way. He’ll be here within the next few minutes. I’m saying 2:26 p.m.. What do you think?” he asks, nudging against me.

I take a bite out of my cupcake, glancing up at the clock. “Knowing Reese, he’s going to hunt down Bryce before he deals with me. And I’d give him an hour for kill time and dumping the body.” I swallow my bite, hearing Joey and Brooke’s muted laughs next to me. “I’m going to say 3:32 p.m..”

The shop door dings open, causing us all to spin around quickly. I’m sure we’re all anticipating Reese to walk through the doorway, but Mr. and Mrs. Crisp step inside the bakery wearing their brightest smiles and carrying a large, elegantly-wrapped present.

“Happy anniversary,” I direct at them, setting my half-eaten cupcake on the counter. I glance over at Brooke who is finishing hers. “Can you grab their cake for me? It’s the German chocolate one.”

She gives me a thumbs-up, chewing animatedly before she walks into the back. Mr. Crisp places the gift he’s carrying next to my cupcake, sliding it closer to me as his wife flanks his side. “And happy wedding week to our favorite baker. This is for you, dear,” she says as she straightens out the white and gold ribbon on the top.

“For me? You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Oh, it’s nothing much. Just something small off your registry,” Mrs. Crisp says with a smile. “Don’t open it until we leave, though.”

Joey brushes his hands off before sliding the gift down the counter so it’s in front of him. “What a wrapping job. I can never get my corners straight.”

“You can’t get anything straight,” I counter through a teasing smile. He arches his brow playfully at me.

Brooke comes walking from the back, carrying the anniversary cake I made. She hands it off to me and I hold it over the counter, letting my two favorite customers examine it. Mrs. Crisp gasps softly, putting her hand up to her chest. “Oh, my. Dylan, this is so lovely,” she says, lifting her eyes to me. “Thank you so much.”
