Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

Me: Going out to dinner with Juls. Be home later.


After parking behind Juls’ black Escalade, I walk into Fletchers and spot her at a table in the back. She waves at me with one hand, her other popping a few fries into her mouth.

“Sorry. I hope you don’t mind that I already ordered for us. I’m crazy hungry,” she says, chewing behind her hand.

“Not at all. You know what I like.” I grab a seat, taking a quick sip of my water and watching in amusement as my best friend inhales her plate of fries. “Pregnancy cravings kicking in?”

“Nah. I’ve just been busy all day with wedding stuff. This is my first actual meal today.” She pushes the plate of fries to the middle of the table and wipes her mouth with a napkin. “All right. Spill it.” She tosses her napkin onto the table before leaning back in her chair.

“Do you promise not to go into hurricane-mode in the middle of this restaurant?”

“Depends,” she replies, motioning with her hand for me to continue.

I take in a deep breath, filling my lungs to capacity. “Reese bought me a car and had it delivered to the shop this morning. But not just any car. A BMW.” A knowing smile spreads across her face, prompting me to lean forward with interest. “Did you know anything about that?”

She shrugs dismissively. “I may have given my opinion on car color. He was going mental trying to decide on his own.”

I picture his frustrated state and it brings a smile to my lips. “I can imagine. Anyway, I wanted to really wow him with a thank you for such an undeserving gift.”

She holds up her hand, halting my speech. “Dylan, you deserve the world and that man will give it to you. Don’t sell yourself short.”

I feel my cheeks flush at the compliment. Grinning, I issue her a wink and she gives me one in return. “So, I put on my sluttiest lingerie, covered myself with a trench coat, and went to his office.” I pause, crossing one leg over the other and seeing a small smile play at the corner of her mouth. “I gave him a lap dance, which he appreciated greatly at the time, and when I was leaving, Bryce got in the elevator with me. I would’ve been creeped out had he not touched me, but he did. He got right up against me and made crude comments about my outfit. And then he slid his finger down my neck.” I mimic his move and Juls shakes her head, her face taut and her fingers tapping on the table.

“What did you do?”

“Kneed him in the balls.”

“Good. Continue.”

“I knew I had to tell Reese about it, so I called him as soon as I got back to the bakery. And you know what he said? That I shouldn’t have been wearing that outfit and that I once again drew attention to myself. I didn’t even get to tell him what happened. Once he put the blame on me, I hung up on him. And then when he couldn’t get a hold of me on my cell, he called the shop phone and Joey told him Bryce touched me.”  I glance down at the table cloth, rubbing my fingertip along the seam. “I was so pissed off at him for blaming me for it, but now that I haven’t seen or talked to him in over four hours, I’m not pissed. I’m hurt more than anything.”

“Because he made it seem like it was your fault for what happened?” I nod in response to her question. “I can see why you feel that way. It wasn’t your fault and Reese knows that. But he’s extremely protective of you; he always has been. And hearing that you were put into another situation with Bryce when he once again wasn’t around to protect you I’m sure infuriates him. And when guys get angry, they say shit they don’t mean. Ian does it all the time.” She takes a sip of her water, prompting me to do the same. “I can’t even begin to tell you how many petty arguments the two of us get into because he says stuff without thinking. I swear to God, I think testosterone has some sort of negative effect on all rational thought.” I laugh, grabbing a fry and popping it into my mouth. “I can’t believe that fucker touched you. Reese didn’t come to the shop after finding out that information from Joey?”

I shake my head. “No. And he stopped trying to get a hold of me. I’m actually considering calling the local jail to see if he’s been locked up.” I grab the small vase sitting on our table and place it on the empty table next to us. Juls gives me a questionable look and I remember she doesn’t know about the flower on my van. “After my fitting the other night, I found a rose on my windshield. I had this gut feeling it wasn’t from Reese. That’s so not something he would do. He’s way more romantic than that.”

Juls crosses her arms over her chest and purses her lips. “That asshole put a flower on your van? That’s fucking disturbing, Dylan. You better call the police if he comes into your shop.”

“I will.” I had already decided that. There is no way I am going to let him into my bakery again. That prick has officially crossed the line.

“I was ready to kill that tool at the club when he was running his mouth. But now? I will seriously take pleasure in dismembering him. I’m not just stellar at planning weddings. I’m resourceful, too. I can make a shiv out of practically anything.”

I giggle at my heated best friend as the waiter arrives at the table with our meals. And then my laughter fades immediately as I survey the Cobb salad placed in front of me.

Goddamn it.

I grit my teeth, glancing up at Juls who is smiling widely at me, obviously finding my order humorous. “What the hell is this? I thought we were destroying burgers.”
