Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

“Your loser ex-boyfriend.”

I pull my knee up to my chest, feeling my muscle tighten. “Get the hell out of here. Where?” I haven’t seen Justin since he made the mistake of coming to my bakery to apologize for putting his hands on me last summer. I was in no mood for him or his apology, and Reese just so happened to be there. I’ve never seen my stupid ex look so terrified before.

It was a good look on him.

“The market. He seemed to be shopping for one, so you know I had to pry. And upon further inspection, I noticed he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.”

I shrug impassively, switching legs. I’m not surprised if his cheating marriage failed. Nor do I give a shit. “Did you say anything to him?”

He pops his gum before smiling cunningly. “Nah. The little chicken-shit practically sprinted down the frozen food aisle when he spotted me. I’m sure he saw your engagement announcement in the paper, though. That advertisement took up the entire page.”

I laugh as I roll my ankle on the pavement, loosening it up. Reese made sure to send in the biggest photo he had of the two of us to the local newspaper several months ago. When I insisted on something a bit smaller out of sheer modesty, he distracted me the way he usually does and I forgot all about it until it was published. Well, until he had it framed and delivered to me.

I stretch my neck from side to side as Joey moves down the sidewalk, motioning for me that he’s ready to start running. I jog up to his side and we take off at our usual pace. The fact that Joey gave me a warning yesterday about pushing me during this run stays locked away inside my head. If he doesn’t remember it, I’m not reminding him.

“So, what happened with Reese last night after he got home? Was he pissed about Bryce?”

“Oh, you’re not going to believe this. He showed up drunk and woke me in the middle of the night with the shop alarm going off. He couldn’t even enter the code, he was so plastered.”

Joey flicks his head toward me, his mouth dropping open and the wad of gum nearly falling from his mouth. “Shit.” He pushes it back in before responding. “Reese was drunk? Are you serious?” I nod and he continues. “What kind of a drunk was he? Sloppy? Horny? I looove when Billy gets drunk. He’s extra frisky.”

I nudge him hard in his side and he flinches. “No, he wasn’t horny. He was actually kind of sad.”

“Ughhhh. I hate depressing drunks. My mother’s like that.”

We round the corner and start up the big hill, causing us both to grumble our exhaustion until we make it to the top. I steady my breathing after taking in three deep breaths. “What do you think Reese could be doing with Bryce that would make working with him so important? He keeps telling me to trust him and that it’s almost over, but I don’t understand why he can’t just tell me.”

Joey thinks silently for several seconds, the sound of our feet striking the pavement becoming more prominent. “I don’t know. I feel like we’re in a fucking episode of The Sopranos, only with accountants instead of Mob bosses.” He ducks his chin into his T-shirt, wiping the sweat off his nose. “Maybe he doesn’t want you to be involved if things don’t work out the way he’s hoping. Like maybe he thinks Bryce will retaliate by hurting you if he finds out Reese is up to something.”

“But what could he be doing? Like you said, he’s an accountant.”

“I don’t fucking know. Tax shit? Whatever it is, it must be worth it to Reese. I don’t think I could work with some guy who hit on Billy. I’d go crazy. I can’t imagine how hard that must be for him.”

“I think that’s why he got drunk.” I picture those desperate eyes he had last night while sitting on the steps, stripped down and raw. I never want to see him like that again. And I suppose Joey’s right. Reese could be keeping me in the dark to keep me protected. Bryce does seem like the type to lash out, and if he wanted to get back at Reese, he could do it by getting to me. But I’ll never let that happen. I’ll never let that douchebag anywhere near me. And God help him if he decides to take it out on Reese. If he lays one finger on my fiancé, I’ll be the one spending my honeymoon in jail.

A sharp slap on my ass breaks me out of my mind set. “Ahh! What the hell?” I shriek, rubbing my left cheek.

“Cupcakes, cupcake. I told you I’d be pushing you today. Think I forgot?” He drops back and gets directly behind me. Another slap and I’m arching away from him, hissing in pain. “Move it. Or you’ll get to explain to Reese why you let me spank you. I’m sure that’ll go over well.”

Laughing, I pick up speed and put some distance between us, but it’s fleeting. Joey catches up within a few seconds and we continue our run with him on my heels. I’m rewarded with a few more slaps when I absentmindedly slow down, but I’m not used to this pace. This is the speed which renders you unable to speak to your running buddy. My legs are burning, as are my lungs, and I’m sweating more than I ever have in my entire life. And it isn’t even sixty degrees out yet.

But I don’t complain.

I don’t quit on Joey and give up even though my body is screaming at me to do just that.

I have a dress to fit into, so I muster up every ounce of willpower in my body and push through my run. Because let’s be honest, the chance of me sneaking another cupcake before I walk down that aisle is looking pretty good right now.

