Read Books Novel

Sweet Possession

I nod, motioning with my head toward the center of the room. “Dance with me, handsome.”

After he escorts me out into the middle of the dance floor, he wraps one arm around my waist, taking my hand and holding it against his chest. ‘“Look After You’” begins playing overhead and I smile up at him as we share our first dance, letting him lead me all around the floor. When we get close to the bridal party, I notice Joey standing as far away from Billy as possible. And I also notice Billy’s anxious eyes and the fact that they are glued to his heated boyfriend. As the song comes to an end, I steal a kiss from Reese before we’re instructed to take our seats at the bridal table.

I snap my fingers at Joey, gaining his attention once he sits two seats down from me. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

He leans back, seemingly insulted by my question. “Me? Nothing. I’m not the one acting like I want nothing to do with my boyfriend. I’m so sick of this shit.”

I look over my shoulder at Billy who is seated at the opposite end of the table next to Ian. He seems to be lost in thought, fidgeting nervously with his napkin and tearing it into tiny pieces.

Shit. My mother better not see that. It’ll be the cloth-napkin debacle all over again.

The sound of a woman’s throat clearing overhead gets my attention and I turn back around, seeing Juls standing behind me and holding a microphone. She smiles at me before looking out over the crowd.

“Can I have everyone’s attention for a moment, please?” The sound of shushing fills the room before the silence. “I don’t think there’s a person in this room who knows Dylan better than I do. Well, except for Joey.” She places a hand on his shoulder and he smiles up at her. “We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember, and I have seen every side of her. Her pissed-off, slap-happy side. Her tipsy, nickname-giving side. Even her focused, career-driven side. I’ve seen every emotion. Every personality trait. Except one.” She focuses on me. “I’ve never seen my best friend in love. Not until she met Reese.”

His hand squeezes mine and I look over at him, smiling before Juls continues.

“She fought it. She was scared, but there was no denying what that man did to her. Or what she did to him. And I loved watching it. I loved seeing them completely blissed out on each other. I also loved seeing them both lose their shit over the other person.”

“Julianna,” my mother scolds from her seat. She shakes her head disapprovingly, glaring at me like I’m the one who just used profanity.

Juls laughs into the microphone, and we all join in. “Sorry.” She clears her throat, dropping all humor. “Anyway, I love you both very much and I couldn’t be happier for you. To the bride and groom.”

Everyone cheers as I stand and wrap Juls in a hug. She kisses Reese on the cheek as I take my seat again.

“And now, the Man of Honor has a few words,” she says, handing the microphone over to Joey as he stands out of his seat.

“Actually, the Man of Honor isn’t saying anything.” He looks over at me as he walks off the platform. “I, uh, put together a little video instead. I hope that’s okay, cupcake.”

I nod, bracing myself for what I’m hoping isn’t some slideshow of my awkward years. I was at a wedding once where the Maid of Honor did that to the bride. But I’m sure Joey knows better. I’m not afraid to use any of the utensils in front of me if a picture of me with braces pops up. And he knows that.

He steps in front of the DJ booth, leaning close and exchanging some words with the man. Everyone turns in their seats as the video is cued up, projecting on one of the walls. Soft music begins playing and I glance over at Reese who is watching intently, completely focused. And then I see a baffled expression set into his profile and look up at the wall, following his gaze.

Pictures of Joey and Billy begin filtering onto the wall. Selfie shots of the two of them together, and others of just Joey when he isn’t looking at the camera. I glance over at the DJ booth and see the puzzled expression on my Man of Honor’s face.

“Uh, this isn’t… what the hell?” He turns around and begins talking to the DJ, motioning over his shoulder at the wall. “Where’s the video I gave you? Where did you get this?”

I turn to look back at the strange collage when Billy begins walking off the platform and over toward Joey. I squeeze Reese’s hand as tightly as I can, remembering Billy’s words to me before my rehearsal last night. “This is the grandest gesture I can think of.”

Oh, shit.

Billy steps up next to Joey and takes the microphone, moving into the center of the dance floor. Joey remains glued to his spot, mouth gaped open and eyes full of panic and curiosity.

Billy brings the microphone up to his mouth while his eyes scan the room. “Umm, so this obviously isn’t the video Joey put together for Reese and Dylan. I watched him put that video together and it’s really sweet, and I guess he kind of inspired me. I don’t know. I’m not really good at this sort of thing. I’m really private, and I’m kind of freaking out right now.” He rubs the back of his neck with his free hand before looking up at the wall. “Reese isn’t the only guy who met the love of his life at a wedding. I did, too. But unlike Reese, I’m not the kind of guy who sends deliveries or writes his own wedding vows.” He looks up at the platform, connecting with my husband. “Seriously. You kind of make us all look bad.” He ignores the laughs he’s just earned and turns around, focusing on Joey. “I know I’ve been a complete shit today, and I’m sorry. I’ve just been really nervous about this, but not because I’m not sure about what I want. I am. I’m very sure.” He pauses in thought briefly before continuing. “I’m sorry I’m not the kind of guy who does these romantic, grand gestures like Reese. I might not ever be. But I am the kind of guy who will risk a major rejection in front of hundreds of people if you don’t agree to marry me.”
