Read Books Novel

Sweet Soul

I pressed my hand over my chest. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” Ally beamed in response, and she handed me a gold beaded bag.

“You’re all set,” she said. I headed for the door. Levi was waiting in the main house with his brothers. I’d already seen him in his team suit, and as always, he looked breathtakingly handsome. Then again, no matter what he wore, one look at his kind face and my heart skipped beat.

The wind was blowing stronger as the night rolled on. I took the thick, cream dress coat that Lexi had lent me and held it close. I rushed over the yard, not wanting to mess up all of Ally’s good work. I almost ran through the back kitchen door.

The sound of voices that filled the kitchen suddenly dropped when I entered. I looked up, wondering why the Carillo brothers had gone silent, when I saw Levi step up from leaning against the kitchen island, his hand gripping tightly the bottle in his hand.

I dragged in a slow breath when I saw that he was staring at me, his gray eyes scanning my body, only to soften when they landed on my face. I cut a glance to Austin and Axel, to see them smiling at Levi; the two darker brothers, stood side by side, watching the youngest with amusement in their eyes.

“Elsie,” Levi said roughly, as he placed his bottle down. He made his way toward me, a warm blush dusting the apples of his cheeks. My heart beat wildly as he approached. When he stopped before me, his hand went on my cheek—a single touch that assured me he cherished me—and I nuzzled into his palm. “You look so beautiful,” he rasped. I heard the back door open, slicing through the heavy atmosphere we found ourselves in.

“Well?” I heard Ally ask in a loud voice. “What do you think, Lev?”

Levi dropped his hand and looked over my shoulder. “She looks incredible,” he said shyly, then added, “but then she always does.”

“Aww,” Ally crooned and pressed a kiss to Levi’s cheek as she passed on her way to get to her fiancé. She stopped by Axel’s side, and she nudged him in the side. “You could take some tips from your little brother, querido.”

Axel pulled her closer into his chest, rolling his dark eyes. Ally laughed, wrapping her arm around his waist.

“Let me get a picture before y’all leave,” Lexi said and crouched before us. She pulled out her phone. Levi put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled to the phone, then she pulled out another camera. It was bigger and yellow. “And a Polaroid for my scrapbook,” she said. Levi laughed under his breath.

“Babe,” Austin called from behind. “You planning to have them there all night?”

“Hush!” she scolded, and snapped the button. A hand sized white picture rolled from the camera. Lexi shook the picture before bringing it to us, holding it out until the coating processed and our image came into view.

Butterflies burst in my stomach at how we looked on that picture, both of our faces presented timid smiles. But we looked happy.

“You look amazin’,” Lexi complimented, her tight throat causing her southern accent to become thicker.

“Can you put it in my room?” Levi asked. Lexi smiled at Levi like a mother would look at her son.

“Of course, sweetie,” she confirmed. “I gotta frame that it’ll go in real nice.”

Levi leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Lexi’s cheek, before taking my hand. “You ready?” Levi asked. I nodded my head. My stomach rolled; my butterflies flew away to leave only racking nerves.

We waved at everyone as we left the front room and we rushed into the Jeep. The music was playing low as we belted up. I expected him to pull out onto the road, but before he did, Levi leaned over the console and took my mouth in a kiss. I sighed as his lips moved gently against my lips, his tentative tongue slipping in to duel against mine.

Levi’s hand wrapped in my hair. He broke from the kiss, breathless, gray eyes leaden with need. “You look real fucking good, bella mia,” he rasped. My heart beat wildly as he swore. Levi rarely cussed. I fought a smile. It showed me how beautiful he truly thought I was. It made me feel like the prettiest girl in the world.

Moving back to his seat, Levi pulled out onto the road, and all the way to the hotel in central Seattle, he kept our hands entwined on my lap. As he pulled into the parking lot at the fancy hotel, players and their dates were entering the main door. I suddenly felt frozen by fear.

Levi held me tightly, lifting his hand to stall the valet that tried to come and take our car. My nerves increased when I saw the valet look at Levi in confusion. “We’d better go,” I hushed out, trying to keep the tightness from my throat.

“No,” Levi pushed. “He can wait. I can see something’s wrong.”

“It’s just nerves, Levi. I’ve… I’ve never been to anything like this, wearing fancy clothes, eating fancy food. I,” I sighed and shook my head, “I’ve never been around this many people… I’ve never had to talk to people like this. I’m,” I pushed down the lump clawing up my throat and asked, “What if I have to speak? What if they hear my voice?” I felt sick just at the thought of going in, my eyes drifting to watch the many girls glammed up in dresses entering the dinner in groups. They were laughing, linking arms… they were all so perfect and normal.

Just like Annabelle and her friends.

Everything I wasn’t.

“What if they do?” Levi said softly, as I looked to his understanding face. “What if they do hear you speak?”

“It’s not like everyone else’s. I’ll…” I swallowed hard. “I’ll embarrass you, Levi. In front of all your friends.”

Levi’s jaw tensed, then he said firmly, “Bella mia, I promise you, it’s not so different that people will judge you.” He leaned forward, his face an inch from mine. “And I’ll be with you. All night, I’ll be with you. I can be your voice if you need it, but you have nothing to be ashamed of. I promise. Just… just trust me. I’d never do anything to upset or hurt you. You don’t need to be so scared. You’ve got me, and I’m not letting you go.”

I read his face and watched his kissable lips promise me I’d be safe. And I believed him. I knew he wouldn’t see me hurt. I knew he’d protect me no matter what.

You have to take this chance, I persuaded myself. You can’t always live in the shadows.
