Read Books Novel

Sweet Surrendering

Sweet Surrendering (Surrender Saga #1)(61)
Author: Chelsea M. Cameron

I was terrible at this covert relationship thing. I was much better at making a software presentation to a new client, or getting through a hundred emails in two hours.

“Your messages, Miss Clarke,” Lucah said as I walked back to my office. He’d started listening to my voicemails for me, taking down the gist of each message and ranking them in order of importance. He really was damn good at his job. I wished he would have been terrible at it and then I could have fired him and we wouldn’t have to exchange dirty sticky notes, or have sex in the boardroom when everyone was gone and get caught as we snuck out.

“Thank you, Mr. Blaine,” I said, being overly cordial. It was sort of our inside joke and it was almost sexier that way. Forbidden. Dun, dun, duuuuunnnn.

Love made you crazy.

I made sure to give him a quick thumbs-up to share that everything had been okay with Mrs. Andrews. He drew a smiley face and put it on the stack of messages. I had to stifle a giggle as I went back to my office.

“I thought I would let you know that I will be absent this afternoon, Miss Clarke for several hours. I most likely will not be coming back to the office, so I thought I would let you know.” I looked away from my computer and across the hall at him, but he wasn’t looking at me.

“Well thank you, Mr. Blaine, for letting me know so I don’t worry.”

“You’re welcome, Miss Clarke.” He hung up and two seconds later another airplane sailed onto my desk. I hadn’t even seen him throw it and when I looked at his desk, he was typing like he nothing had happened.

I unfolded the paper airplane and there was a note on it.

Your boobs look great today.


I tore the note up and put it through my shredder just as my phone rang. I picked it up and didn’t even bother saying hello.

“Didn’t like my note?” I fought a smile.

“How old are you? You are a grown man.”

“Grown men can’t use the word boobs?”

“They shouldn’t.”

“What am I supposed to call them? Mammary glands? Love pillows? Jugs? Hooters?” I burst out laughing and had to hang up the phone because I didn’t want anyone catching either of us talking about other words for boobs.

I hadn’t had this much fun at work in my entire life, and Lucah was mostly responsible for that. Our banter helped the day go faster and when I was working on something I didn’t want to work on, he always found little ways to help out, or make me smile. Not that my job was bad before, but he just took it into awesome territory.

I missed him that afternoon. I kept looking at his desk and he was missing and it kind of made me sad. Not that I was moping. Or pouting.

But I did my work and got through the day and headed to my apartment to spend some time with Sloane before going over to Lucah’s.

“Hey, do I know you?” Sloane said when I walked in the door. Yes, I deserved it.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” She put her hand up and turned her head away from me.

“Your words are empty. Here I am, using all my extra time to make the most beautiful dress for you and you can’t even be bothered to spend any time with the person you claim is your best friend.”

“Sloane . . .” Uh oh. She’d been neglected and it was going to take a lot of groveling and doing things for her to get back in her good graces. There would be backrubs and chocolate involved, and probably some sort of girls’ weekend with no boys allowed. I was willing to make the sacrifice for our friendship. She’d done a lot for me, and I did owe her. I’d done what I promised never to do: let a boy come between us.

“I’m sorry I let him take up all my time. You’re important to me, Sloane. Chicks before dicks, right?”

“Well you’re gonna have to show me you mean that,” she said, slowly turning around.

“Name it.”

“Well, firstly you’re taking me out to dinner. Then you’re buying me a massage. And maybe after a shopping trip we can talk. But for right now, you can put on the new piece that I made for you today.” She finally busted a smile out and I knew that I would be forgiven. Sloane wasn’t one to hold grudges, unless they had done something against someone she cared about. Case in point: Royce. I was pretty much over him, but she still wanted to go and let the air out of the tires of his beloved BMW and then key it, in addition to a lot of other illegal things. Sloane had a twisted mind and I never wanted to be on her bad side. Her idea of revenge scared the crap out of me.

“I can do all of that. Tomorrow night for dinner? This weekend for the shopping trip and massage? I’ll make an appointment for both of us. I could use one too.”

“I’m sure your back is worn out from all the sex,” she said, not sounding bitter at all.

“Hey, I’m not stopping you from getting laid.”

“You’re not helping me at all. I work in an industry populated by bitchy women and g*y men. You work in a building full of men. Smart men.”

“Yeah, men who are good with machines and coding, but not good with people. I mean, not that all guys who are good with computers are nerds who can’t hold a conversation, but most of them are married, or aren’t single, or guys you wouldn’t want. Don’t you think I would tell you if I knew someone?”

She knew I was right. If there was anyone who I thought would be good for her, I’d be all over it. I wanted her to be happy. I also had a tendency to think that no one was good enough for her. It would take a special kind of man to keep up with Sloane and I hadn’t met him yet.

“I suppose,” she said and I put my arms around her. She let me hug her but didn’t hug me back.

“Okay, okay, get out of here. Oh, but put on what I laid out for you.” I dashed to my bedroom and saw another awesome lingerie set. This time it was green, with a snap on lace panel that was like the first bow outfit I’d worn. Lucah was getting very good at getting me out of them by now. I put the lingerie on under a cute shirt and jeans. It didn’t seem to matter what I had on over the lingerie. Although, I was going to make sure to have my eyes locked on his face when he saw me in the dress Sloane was making. I knew it would be worth it.

“Are you sure you’re not mad at me?” I said before I left.

“No, get out of here, you crazy kid.”

Yup. Best friend ever.

“I am going to have to abandon you to have Girl Time this weekend with Sloane. Oh, I also have to take her out to dinner tomorrow night and I think I should actually spend the night at my own apartment. You know, because I live there.” I made sure I said it after sex.
