Read Books Novel

Talk Nerdy to Me

Talk Nerdy to Me (Nerds, #5)(34)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Finally she found the number for the agency and dialed it. Charlie came into the kitchen and put his arm around her shoulders. She wondered what she would have done without Charlie.

It was obvious that she’d been far too naive. Someone was willing to do whatever it took to keep her from profiting from the hovercraft design, and they didn’t care what happened to her in the process. She hated to think someone she knew was that screwed up, but it looked as if they were.

"Patriots Independent Insurance Company. This Is Eunice Pivens. How can I help you?"

For a moment Eve wasn’t sure what to say. In the time it had taken her to find the number for the insurance agency she’d convinced herself that Eunice had made off with the hovercraft specs and was now headed to the tropics with her ill-gotten gain. "Um, Eunice! Hi! I was just… wondering if you were coming over tonight." She rolled her eyes at Charlie.

"Is that stud-on-a-stick going to be there?"

"You mean Rick?"

"Who else? I spent my lunch hour going over my notes from Gonaug. If you happen to see Rick, you can tell him I have a whole new repertoire lined up, if he’s interested."

"I’m sure he will be."

Charlie abruptly moved away from her and glanced toward the kitchen doorway. "You guys about ready to leave?"

"We are." Denise stood just outside the kitchen while Rick hovered in the background, a bulging trash bag in each hand.

"Just a second, Eunice." Eve put her hand over the mouthpiece. "Thanks for taking care of that, Denise."

"No problem. Did someone call?"

"My neighbor." Glancing beyond Denise, she could see Rick gazing up at the ceiling. She hoped he was having a massive attack of conscience.

"Oh." Denise eyed the phone book on the kitchen counter. "I think we should cancel the exterminator. I won’t be here to supervise, so it’ll be a waste of time and money."

Eve wondered what would happen if she recorded comments like that and played them back to Denise. Would she hear herself? Probably not. "I’ll cancel the exterminator," she said.

Looking doubtful, Denise walked into the kitchen, aiming for the phone book. "That’s okay. I can call on my cell, since you’re using the phone."

Eve took her hand away from the mouthpiece long enough to snatch up the phone book and hand it to Charlie. "Would you please look up the number for Creepy Critters Exterminators?"

That stopped Denise in her tracks. She obviously had respect for Charlie’s ability to follow through. "Fine. See you later, then." She backed out of the kitchen.

"Is someone there?" Eunice said. "I heard a woman’s voice."

"My sister, Denise."

"Is that right? Well, if she wants a crack at Rick the Wonder Boy, she’s going to have to go through me. I saw him first."

"Absolutely, Eunice. Anyway, I’ll talk to you tonight, okay?"

Eunice chuckled. "I’ll be there with my antennae on."

"You know, you might not want to—"

"Just kidding! I could tell you were freaked when I came to the door like that. You surprised me, that’s all. I try to keep the kinkier stuff under wraps. Well, here comes the boss man. See you tonight!"

Eve disconnected the call and turned toward Charlie.

"Creepy Critters Exterminating," he said. "The number is—"

"Forget that." She tossed the phone on the counter and launched herself at him, crushing the phone book between them. "Kiss me. Kiss me right this minute."

He did. They bumped glasses and had to pull them off in the midst of a frantic meeting of mouths. The phone book plopped to the floor and Charlie kicked it aside so he could pull Eve tight against him.

But that wasn’t close enough. She worked at his belt buckle while he jerked down the zipper on her sweat-suit jacket.

"Oh, Lord," he murmured. "The purple bra." "Just for you."

He took a moment to cup her br**sts, bra and all. "Gorgeous. But it has to go." He quickly unfastened it and took her br**sts in both hands. His breath ragged, he backed her up against the kitchen counter. "I thought they’d never leave."

"Me, too." Unzipping his jeans, she shoved her hands under the waistband of his briefs and pushed everything down over his hips. There. That was what she was after. She wrapped one hand around his erect penis and cupped his balls with the other.

He groaned. "You’d better have something handy to put on that equipment you’re playing around with. I don’t think we’ll make it to the bathroom cabinet this time."

She stroked him lovingly. "I came prepared." Releasing him, she reached in the pocket of her sweats, pulled out the condom and held it up. "See?"

"When it comes to those little raincoats, I have twenty-twenty vision." His voice roughened. "Put it on me."

She laughed softly. "Is that an order?"

"Yeah." He sounded desperate. "Do it."

Woo-hoo! Her mild engineer had become a wildman! "Yes, sir." She had him fixed up in no time, and the process of doing that turned her on more than she could have believed.

"Ah, good." He pushed her sweats and panties down and lifted her up to the counter. The pots and pans still sitting there went flying in one direction, the phone in another.

The cool laminate of the counter caressed her hot bottom as he yanked off her sweats and panties and threw them across the room. No man had ever made love to her on the kitchen counter before. Trust an engineer to figure out how to work it.

Crouching down, he hooked her feet over his shoulders. "Wrap your ankles around my neck."

Bracing her hands on the counter, she shivered in anticipation. "Oh, Charlie."

"Hang on." Grasping her hips, he stood slowly until he was looking into her eyes again. "I’m coming in."

"I hope so." She held his gaze as he shifted his h*ps and thrust forward. She was so open, so wet and ready, that he had no trouble finding his way. In the time it took her to take a quivering breath, he was deep inside.

His pupils dilated. "This is good."

"It has promise." All her bells and whistles were going off. "Are you sure we have the right combination of lubrication and friction to create the maximum deployment of our resources?"

"I’m assessing that data now." He gripped her bottom and sighed. "You have some of the finest test equipment I’ve ever been able to get my hands on. Firm, yet adaptable."

"With added features." She contracted her muscles to give him an extra jolt of sensation.

His eyes widened and he drew in a quick breath. "That’s a… valuable extra."

"I agree." She squeezed again, which ratcheted up her response.

He groaned. "Maybe we should continue with the test before we lose control… of the experiment."

"A constant risk."

"Testing in progress," he murmured as he eased back and pushed forward again. "It should be noted that the …equipment conforms exactly to the Intruding implement,"

Her happiness muscles began to contract and she gasped in delight. "I can confirm … the efficacy of the intruding implement,"

He stroked faster, watching her, looking deep into her eyes. "Then it’s … producing the … desired test results?"

"Yes … oh, yes … Lubrication to friction ratio is … optimal. Resources will be … deployed soon." She kept her gaze fixed on his.

"Test nearly complete." His thighs slapped against hers as the room filled with the sound of their rapid breathing.

She whimpered as her cli**x hovered near. "Test results are …" Her orgasm hit. "In!" Crying out, she fought to keep herself steady as the waves of pleasure roiled over her. Through it all, she left her eyes open, her attention focused on Charlie.

"Ah, Eve. Eve." With a massive shudder, he burled himself deep. There was a flash of heat in his eyes, but it was followed by something more, something far greater than physical passion.

She saw it, knew that the same emotion was reflected in her eyes. How could they help it? Like it or not, they were made for each other.

Then he closed his eyes and murmured something she couldn’t hear.

"What?" she asked gently.

Opening his eyes, he allowed her to see all the caring there, and the confusion, too. "Too good," he said.

She swallowed. "Yeah," she said, her voice softened by both joy and sadness. "I know what you mean."

Battling a host of conflicting feelings, Charlie was very gentle with Eve as they disentangled themselves and picked up their discarded clothes. "You know I want to

forget about the hovercraft and head for your bedroom," he said as they each began getting dressed.

"But you’re not going to do that, are you?" Her blue gaze was quietly understanding.


"I didn’t think so." She zipped the jacket of her sweat suit.

Longing tasted bitter on his tongue. "We need to do whatever it takes to get that hovercraft operational."

"And that’s not all there is to it." She took a long, slow breath. "We’re getting in too deep, aren’t we?"

She’d said what he’d been unwilling to. He nodded. "I think the more we do this—"

"The more we have sex, you mean."

"Right." He searched her expression, hoping she would help him deal with the problem. "The more we have sex, the tougher we’re going to make it on ourselves."

"So getting wild and crazy while Denise is out with Manny is off the table."

He groaned. "I wish you hadn’t mentioned tables."

"You want to do it on the table?"

"I want to do it on the table, on the floor, on top of the hovercraft—"

"Now there’s a heck of an idea." Her cheeks glowed pink. "Beats smashing a bottle of champagne over it by a country mile."

Charlie clenched his jaw against the rising tide of desire. He’d just had a mind-shattering orgasm, and he wanted more. "I’ve never felt this out of control. It’s scaring the shit out of me."

She looked contrite. "It’s my fault for suggesting the chaps. That’s probably what started you thinking of unusual sexual experiences."

"I wish I could blame it on you, but I can’t, unless you want to take responsibility for your amazing body, your incredible brains, your happy laugh, your sexy mouth, your unbelievably blue eyes, your…"

He stopped himself before he strayed into dangerous territory. He was ready to start describing parts of her that were better not put into words. Once he spoke those highly sexual words, he’d inflame himself even more.

"Were you about to mention my testing equipment?"

He gulped. Yes, he had been about to do that, and he would have dispensed with the euphemisms this time around. That was so unlike him to talk like that, but she brought out an earthy, hedonistic side he’d been blissfully unaware of until now.

"God, Eve." He shoved his hands in his pockets to keep himself from reaching for her. "I want you in ways I’ve never wanted another woman. I want to say things to you, do things with you, that go beyond what I’ve ever thought of before. I worry that I’m becoming obsessed with you."

She gazed at him, her color high. "I’m flattered. I think."

"I’m not trying to flatter you. I’m just telling you how it is."

"You know I would never ask you to stay in Middlesex because of me."

"I know. Just like I wouldn’t ask you to leave this town you love." Love. The word felt thick and unwieldy in his mouth. He almost stumbled while saying it, probably because he’d been working so hard not to say it earlier, when he’d looked into her eyes and known it was the only word that described how he felt.

"Well, then." Eve cleared her throat. "If we’ve made the decision not to go back to the bedroom—"

"I have. Now all I have to do is get my c*ck to cooperate."

She lifted her eyebrows. "O-kay. I see we’re no longer mincing words."

"Did I shock you?" He almost hoped he had. That might dilute some of this incredible sexual tension.

Slowly she shook her head. "Sorry. I’m not that easily shocked."

‘Too bad."

"But I’m here to help. It’s time to get to work on the hovercraft, Charlie. Let’s channel some of this energy into the project."

He sighed heavily. "Thank you."

"If you’ll change those connections, I’ll have the new fuel available in a little while and we can test it in the new engine."

He nodded. "And if that goes well, then I’ll help you mount it in the chassis."

A tiny smile lifted the corners of her mouth. "I could do a whole riff on that, but I won’t."

"I’m grateful." He looked at her and wondered if he was the biggest fool in the world. He’d never find another woman who could talk like an engineer while she was hav**g s*x. He loved the way she did that.

Oh, hell. The truth was he loved her. And he wasn’t planning on telling her that, because such a conversation was supposed to lead to a whole other conversation that ultimately resulted in rings and vows and happily-ever-afters.

"So, get thee to the garage," she said. "I’ll be out with the fuel in a few minutes."

He hesitated, wanting one more kiss, one more chance to hold her and act out his increasingly erotic fantasies. But one more time wouldn’t be enough. With every moment he spent in her arms, he was that much closer to giving up his dream, and that would poison ever special thing they shared.

Chapter Twenty-five

Two hours later Charlie added mental frustration to his sexual frustration. No matter how he adjusted the carburetor, the custom rotary engine wouldn’t run smoothly. He’d brought the booklet Eve had loaned him and had gone over it a dozen times.

"It’s the fuel," Eve said. "My converter isn’t doing the job."

"It should work, damn it." At least his complete absorption in making the engine run right had somewhat compartmentalized his lust for Eve. The compartment threatened to break open whenever she hovered over him and her warm breath tickled his neck. But mostly, he could think about the engine and why it was being so stubborn.
