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Taltos (Lives of the Mayfair Witches #3)(59)
Author: Anne Rice

“And we are not to trust Stuart until we know that we can.

“But how will we know?” Yuri looked at Rowan.

“There are ways to know,” she said. “You’re not going to call from here. And when you do, I want you to say certain things. You cannot open up to this man, you understand, no matter how much you trust him.”

“Tell me what to say,” said Yuri. “But you realize Stuart may not talk to me. No one may talk to me. I am excommunicated, remember? Unless, of course, I appeal to him as Aaron’s friend. That’s the key with Stuart! He loved Aaron so much.”

“Okay, the phone call is a crucial step,” said Michael, “we’ve got that. Now the Motherhouse, can you draw a plan of the house, or give me the info and I’ll draw the plan for your approval? What do you think?”

“Yes, that is an excellent idea,” said Rowan. “Draw a plan. Show us the location of the archives, the vaults, the exits, everything.”

Yuri was on his feet again, as though someone had shoved him forward. He was looking around.

“Where is the paper? Where is the pencil?”

Michael picked up the phone and asked for the front desk.

“We’ll get those things,” said Rowan. She took Yuri’s hands. They were moist and shaking still. His black eyes were frenzied, darting from object to object. He did not want to look at her. “Take it easy,” she said, gripping his hands firmly, thinking Calm, and drawing closer, until he had to look right into her eyes.

“I am rational, Rowan,” he said. “Believe me. I am only … only fearing for Mona. I made a hideous blunder. But how often does one meet such beings? I never laid eyes on Lasher, not for one moment, I was not there when he told his tale to Michael and to Aaron. I never saw him! But I saw these two, and not in some cloud of vapor! They were with me as you are with me, they were in a room!”

“I know,” she said. “But it’s not your fault, all this, that you told them about the family. You must let this go. Think about the Order. What else can you tell us? What about the Superior General?”

“Something’s wrong with him. I don’t trust him. He is too new. Oh, if you could have seen this creature Ash, you would not have believed your eyes.”

“Why not, Yuri?” she asked.

“Ah, yes. Yes, you saw the other one. You knew the other one.”

“Yes, in every sense. What makes you certain this one is older, that he’s not trying to confuse you with those easy statements he made?”

“Hair. In his hair, two white streaks. Means age. I could tell it.”

“White streaks,” she said. This was new information. How much more could Yuri spill if they continued to question him? She lifted her hands to her head, as if to say, Where were these streaks of white hair?

“No, here, from the temples, the graying pattern of humans. These streaks alarmed Samuel as soon as he saw them. The face? The face is that of a man of thirty. Rowan, the lifespan of these beings is unknown. Samuel described Lasher as a newborn.”

“That’s what he was,” said Rowan. She realized suddenly that Michael was watching her. He’d gotten to his feet and was standing near the door, arms folded.

She turned to face him. She blotted all thought of Lasher from her mind.

“There is no one who can help us with this, is there?” Michael said. He was speaking only to her.

“No one,” she said. “Haven’t you known that all along?”

He didn’t answer, but she knew what he was thinking. It was as if he wanted her to know. He was thinking that Yuri was cracking. Yuri had to be protected now. And they had counted more upon Yuri, for judgment, direction, help.

The bell sounded. Michael searched in his pocket and drew out some pound notes as he went to the door.

How extraordinary, she thought, that he remembers such things, that he keeps everything going. But she had to get a grip on herself. Lasher’s fingers biting into her arm. Her entire body convulsed suddenly and she reached for the place where he’d hurt her again and again and again. Heed your own advice, Doctor. Be calm.

“Now, Yuri, you have to sit down and draw pictures,” said Michael. He had the paper and the pencils.

“What if Stuart doesn’t know that Aaron is dead?” asked Yuri. “I don’t want to be the one to tell him this. God, they must know. They know, don’t they, Rowan?”

“Pay attention,” said Rowan gently. “I’ve explained to you before. Ryan’s office did not call the Talamasca. I insisted that they wait. The excommunication gave me my excuse. I wanted time. Now we can use their ignorance to our advantage. We have to plan to have this telephone conversation.”

“There’s a good-sized desk in the other room,” said Michael. “This little Louis Quinze thing will fall apart if we try to use it.”

She smiled. He’d said he loved French furniture, but everything in this room seemed to be prancing. The gilded moldings were bubbling up and down the paneled walls as if they were made of neon lights. Hotel rooms, she had been in so many of them. All she could think of when she’d arrived was, Where are the doors, where are the phones, does the bathroom have a window for possible escape? Another flash of Lasher’s hand closing on her arm. She flinched. Michael was watching her.

Yuri was staring off. He hadn’t seen her shut her eyes, and then struggle to catch her breath.

“They know,” Yuri said. “Their newspaper clippers will have seen it in the New Orleans papers. Mayfair. They will have seen it, and faxed the clippings home. They know everything,” he said. “Absolutely everything. All my life is in their files.”

“All the more reason,” said Michael, “to set to work now.”

Rowan stood still. He’s gone, he’s dead, he can’t hurt you. You saw his remains, you saw them covered with earth when you put Emaleth with him. You saw. She had folded her arms and she was rubbing her elbows. Michael was speaking to her, but she hadn’t caught the words.

She looked at Michael.

“I have to see this Taltos,” she said. “If he exists, I have to see him.”

“It’s too dangerous,” said Yuri.

“No, it isn’t. I have a small plan. It will take us only so far, but it is a plan. You said that Stuart Gordon was Aaron’s friend?”

“Yes, for years they worked together. You want us to take Stuart into our confidence? You want to trust Ash that he has told us the truth?”
