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Taming Her Billionaire Boss

Taming Her Billionaire Boss (Australian Millionaires #4)(17)
Author: Maxine Sullivan

Midmorning while Blake was busy at a staff meeting in the Great Room, Samantha picked up the telephone with a heavy heart and did what she had to do. She called Mary Wentworth back and spoke to her about a replacement. The other woman was surprised to hear she was leaving, but was more than happy to help. Mary promised she would e-mail some résumés of suitable applicants within a few hours.

Blake returned after the meeting, formally asked if there were any messages, then strode straight into his office. Samantha’s heart sank at how cold he was, but there was nothing she could do about it. She still had to leave.

At lunchtime she had some sandwiches sent up from the kitchen, and Blake made it apparent that he preferred to eat at his desk by himself, with his door closed between them. Usually they ate together while discussing work. Or if they ate at their own desks, the door remained open.

Not this time.

And that was fine with her, she decided, growing more and more upset. She needed a filter to stop the waves of anger coming out of his office anyway. To clear her head, she went for a walk in the fresh air. Blake didn’t ask where she’d been when she returned and she didn’t offer. It was plain to see he was no longer concerned about her.

By late afternoon, Samantha had had enough of his attitude. He’d chastised her after she’d put through a call he hadn’t wanted to take. He’d found fault with a letter she’d typed up for his signature. And he’d told her to go recheck some figures on a report that she knew were correct.

When she brought the report back, she deliberately placed another folder on top of it.

His head shot up. “What’s this?”

“Résumés. They all come highly recommended.”

His lips flattened. “I didn’t ask you to do this.”

She angled her chin. “It’s what you pay me to do.”

“I pay you to do what you’re told.”

She gasped, then held herself rigid. “That’s unfair of you. You don’t mind me being proactive in other things with my job. It’s why I’m such a good assistant and you know it.”

“We’re talking fairness now, are we? You’re the one leaving me. How fair is that?”

“I’m not leaving you, Blake,” she lied. “Anyway, don’t take it personally, remember? That’s what you said to me when you reminded me of my contract obligations.”

He muttered a curse, but for Samantha the last straw had already broken the camel’s back. “I can’t continue under these conditions, Blake. If you won’t treat me right, then I’ll pack my things and leave tonight. And I don’t care if you take me to court for breach of contract either.” She hesitated, but only for a second. “I believe I could make a good case for justifying my leaving anyway, considering the personal turn our relationship has taken.”

There was a lengthy silence.

His eyes challenged hers. “Would you go that far?”

She gave a jerky nod. “If pushed I would. Don’t doubt that.”

He held her gaze with narrowed eyes.

And then suddenly something happened and a suspicion of admiration began to glint in them. “Way to go!” he said softly, startling her. “You’re a tough little madam. I always knew you could hold your own in your job, but I never thought to see the day when you used it against me.”

A little of the tension went out of her. “So things will return to normal?” she asked cautiously.


Her heart dropped.

“Things can never be normal between us again. Not since last night.” He drew a long breath, as if taking a moment before making a decision. “I don’t want to see you go, but I don’t want to keep you here against your will either. If you want to go then I have to accept it.”

It wasn’t what she wanted at all.

It was what she had to do.

“Thank you, Blake.”

“But at least stay until your contract runs out.” He waited a moment. “I’m not asking for the job and I’m not asking for the sex. I’m asking for me.”

She caught her breath. This was the best she could hope for, the best it could get, and she wasn’t about to argue with that. She would take her happiness where she could.

A whisper of joy filled her. “Okay, yes. I’ll stay until my contract runs out, Blake,” she said, and watched him let out a shuddering breath that touched her greatly. He really did want her to stay so that he could be with her.

Clearly satisfied now they were back on an even keel, he leaned back in his chair with a look she had no trouble translating. “Go over there and lock the door.”

A tiny shiver of anticipation went down her spine. “Blake, I can’t… I don’t…”

“You can.” His eyes turned deeper blue. “I seriously need to make love to you, Samantha.”

Her heart tilted. Oh, she wanted that, too. She darted a look at the door. “The others—”

“Will think we don’t want to be disturbed.” He gave a crooked smile. “And they’d be right.” He waited a moment. “You can always race into my washroom if anyone comes.”

Wanting this…wanting him…she went and locked the heavy wood door, but ducked her head out into her office first to make sure no one was there. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she muttered, turning the lock.

“Don’t think about it.” He looked amused and she decided that if he wanted her, then he was going to have her. And she would wipe that amusement right off his face.

Fingers going to the buttons of her long-sleeved blouse, she began to undo each one as she approached him across the plush carpet.

One eyebrow lifted. “Are you teasing me, Miss Thompson?”

“Actually I think I am.”

He smiled, and she smiled, then his smile started to slip as she completely undid the blouse, leaving it hanging open over her black bra. She marveled at where this seductress in her was coming from, but didn’t let it deter her. She wasn’t about to waste a minute of it.

She reached the side of the desk. “More?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“You’re the boss.”

Her hands were shaking a little as she slid the zipper of her slacks down, pushing them and her panties all the way to the floor, then stepped out of them. She heard a rasping sound escape Blake’s throat and there was a blaze in his eyes that seemed to emit from his whole body.

Gratified by his reaction…satisfied by his amusement now turned to desire…she climbed onto his lap, knees on either side of his thighs, her blouse covering her bra—and then only just.

After that, passion overtook all rational thoughts and the air hummed with soft, sensual sounds.


They dined together back at Pine Lodge, then made love again that night, and when Samantha woke the next morning she lay there and wallowed in a sense of occasion. Her memories of them together like this were all she could take away with her. Her heart, she would leave with Blake.

He woke up then and made slow love to her again. Afterward she put on a bright face and they went about their business as usual, neither of them showing any outward sign to the others that they were lovers. They hadn’t discussed it, but Samantha was glad about it. Already his family seemed to have taken a special interest in them, and she didn’t want anyone guessing she loved him.Late morning, Samantha left her office and went down to the hotel kitchen to get some fresh milk for their coffee. She could have phoned down for it but she needed to stretch her legs.

In the hallway, she ran into Erica. They chatted a few moments but Samantha could see the other woman was preoccupied. “Erica, is something wrong?”

Erica wrinkled her nose. “Yes, unfortunately. I’ve been arranging a surprise party for tonight for this man who lives in town. It’s for his wife’s fortieth birthday and she thinks she’s coming here for dinner.” She clicked her tongue. “I’ve been working on this for weeks.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“We’ve got a DJ for later in the evening, but the husband particularly asked for someone to play piano music in the background during the meal, and now the piano player has come down sick.” Her smooth forehead creased as she began thinking out loud. “The DJ could probably play some soft music as an alternative, but I really don’t want to disappoint the husband. He said his wife loves the piano and he wants to give her the best party. I was hoping there might be someone in town I could find, but it’s probably too late.”

All the while she was talking, Samantha’s heart began thumping with a mixture of excitement and panic. “You may not believe this,” she said, not believing she was actually saying this, “but I can help.”

Erica’s eyes brightened. “You can? Do you know someone who plays the piano?”

“Yes.” Did she really want to say this? “Me.”

Erica stopped and blinked. “You play the piano?” She grimaced. “Sorry, that came out wrong. I just mean—”

Samantha smiled a little. “I know what you meant.”

Regardless, Erica still looked doubtful. “You really play the piano?”

Samantha nodded. “Yes, really.”

“You’re sure?”

Samantha chuckled as her anxiety faded. “Lead the way to the piano and I’ll show you. Just don’t expect perfection. I have to tell you I’m a bit rusty.”

Erica began to grin. “As long as it’s not ‘Chopsticks,’ then I’ll be happy. Follow me.”

A few minutes later, Samantha did a warm-up then started playing a quick medley of popular tunes. Her fingers felt a bit stiff because she hadn’t played since last Christmas at home in Pasadena, but she was soon enjoying herself—and enjoying the look on Erica’s face.

“That’s wonderful!” Erica murmured, once the music ended.

Samantha smiled with relief that she hadn’t lost her touch nor made a fool of herself. “Thanks, but it’s nothing special.”

Erica shook her head. “No, you’re very good.”

“Not really.”

“Yes, really,” Erica teased. “Good Lord, I didn’t know we had Liberace living here at the resort.”

Samantha laughed. “Just be grateful my mother made me take piano lessons growing up.”

“Oh, I am. Play some more, Samantha.” All at once Erica’s eyes widened and she chuckled. “Oh, my God, I don’t believe I’m about to say this but ‘play it again, Sam.’”

Samantha laughed. She knew she needed the practice so she was happy to oblige and felt more confident with each touch of the keys.

Afterward, they talked for five minutes then Samantha continued on her way to get the milk. Blake had a business lunch in town and had already left by the time she returned to the office, so she didn’t get to tell him about it all until late afternoon.

He fell back in his chair. “You play the piano?”

A wry smile tugged at her mouth. “Why is that so far-fetched?”
