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Taming the Wolf

We walked down the aisles in silence. Wade observed my body language, and I hoped he didn’t notice I wasn’t paying attention to the people. Instead, I stared at various items on the shelves. If a human crossed my line of sight, I’d shift to another item.

“How are you feeling?” Wade asked, using a psychiatrist tone.

“Well, Doc, I’m feeling a little agitated that I’m being paraded through the store like a science project.” Uh-oh, the bitchy attitude was a dead giveaway that the humans were getting to me. Not that I wanted to turn hairy and chomp down on some homo sapiens, but my wolf didn’t enjoy their company. Her feelings make me agitated. I needed to calm down and show Wade they didn’t have an affect over me.

Wade growled low in his throat. “If dead bodies weren’t showing up on Adam’s mountain, you wouldn’t be subjected to this experiment.”

“Only one body was found on the mountain,” I argued. Not smart. Wade grabbed my arm and hauled me into an empty aisle.

“You will respect the leaders and their methods. I say you need to interact with humans, so you’ll interact with them. No more back talk, understand?”

I nodded and kept the snide remark on the tip on my tongue from slipping out.

“Good. Now I want you to go up to the woman and ask where the paper plates are, got it?”

I nodded again and looked in the direction he pointed to. My eyes shot wide when I recognized the young woman’s face. She was tall and slender with wavy brown hair that hit to the middle of her back. Large, almond-shaped, blue eyes studied some sort of pricing gun in her hand. With unsteady steps, I walked up to my old friend.

“Chelsea?” I said with mock surprise. Chelsea’s head popped up and her face brightened at seeing me. We’d met in high school and had been almost as close as best friends. It wasn’t until a year after school that we lost contact. I assumed she went away to college while I hung back.

“Anna? Oh my gosh, it’s been forever!” Her arms went around my neck and squeezed. My body went rigid and on high alert. My wolf squirmed underneath my skin and fought to break free. Closing my eyes, I sucked in a breath through my nose and released it through my mouth. This is Chelsea, she’s not a threat. Calm down.

When she released me I was a bit calmer. She didn’t run away screaming, or look scared, so my eyes must have remained their normal brown. A wide smile stretched her lips and all the tension in my body subsided.

“How have you been?” I asked when I was sure words would leave my lips instead of a growl.

“Good. I just finished school. I couldn’t find a job in graphic design, so I came home, hence the horrible work attire.” She held out her blue vest and laughed. “I’m living with my parents, but I’ve almost have enough saved up to get my own place,” she paused. “Sorry, I’ve always been a talker. How have you been? What school did you go to?”

I returned her smile and shrugged. “I didn’t go to college. It wasn’t for me.” Chelsea nodded as if she knew as much. I was the type of kid to go to school and do my homework simply because I had to. I didn’t strive for straight A’s or have stacks of college pamphlets as a freshman.

“I heard about your parents. I’m so sorry. Are you living in their house?”

No. I’m a werewolf and living with a whole pack up in the mountains.

“Um, no I sold it. Sad memories and all that,” I told her.

Two large bodies sandwiched me and Chelsea’s eyes went wide. I couldn’t imagine what she was thinking as she took in Wade and Adam’s huge frames next to my slim one. Both men towered over me. If anything, she’d think they were my bodyguards.

“Did you find the paper plates?” Wade asked with a pointed look. I glanced back at Chelsea expectantly.

“There down that way, aisle seven,” she said with awed tone. “Your boyfriend?” Chelsea nodded in Wade’s direction. I wasn’t sure if she gave a second glance at Adam, which was strange—Adam was ten times hotter than Wade. But maybe I was biased.

Adam’s body changed to steel at Chelsea’s question, and before I could come up with an explanation, Adam stepped forward.

“That’d be me,” he said, outstretching his hand. “Adam Everwood. This is Wade Smith.” Adam motioned with head to large man to my left. “He’s a friend.”

“Ooo, Wade Smith sounds like a spy’s name.” Chelsea giggled, and I knew she had a thing for my leader. If she only knew…

“Nice to meet you, but we really must be going,” Wade said, barely paying the poor girl any attention. Chelsea’s smile straightened, and she focused back on me.

“Let me give you my number. I’d love to catch up.” Her eyes shifted towards Wade then back to me. She pulled a piece of paper and pen out of her pocket and scribbled her phone number down.

“Thanks,” I told her as I stuffed the paper into my pocket. Wade began to pull me away, but we stopped when Chelsea spoke again.

“It was so nice seeing you again, Anna.”

“You too,” I told her careful not to make her to think we’d see each other again. My life was a hairy, complicated mess—one that didn’t allow humans.

“Nice meeting you too, Adam and Wade,” she said, lingering on Wade’s square face. He nodded and pulled me away. Once we were out of earshot and down aisle seven. Wade stopped and released my arm. His sudden personality change was strange, but didn’t comment. Leaders were the alphas of all the werewolves, who was I to question their mood swings?

Wade closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “You did very well with that woman,” he said breathy.

“Hey, are you alright?” He looked beaten, like he’d just ran a marathon and had trouble holding up his large frame.

“Fine, it’s just…nothing. I’m fine.”

“If you say so,” I replied and then looked at Adam. “My boyfriend?” I arched my eyebrows as I waited for his response.

“We needed a story,” Adam explained. “We don’t want her blabbing to other humans that she saw you with two dangerous-looking men and that you seemed on edge. That would raise red flags. Plus, she was enamored with Wade, so I didn’t want to crush her hopes.” Adam laughed and slapped Wade on the arm.


Back at the house, Wade excused himself and headed off into the woods. I was acutely aware I was alone with Adam. I made a beeline for the house when his fingers curled around my arm and stopped me.

“Anna, wait.”

I turned around, but looked off into the distance so I wouldn’t get lost in his blue eyes or full, sexy lips. One smirk or wink and I’d lose my resolve and forget that horrible phone conversation.

“Please join me,” Adam said, and when I looked up he pointed to the back seat of the SUV. I scoffed and tried to pull away, but his grip tightened. “So we can talk in private,” he clarified.

“Adam, I’m really over this whole thing,” I told him. In honesty, I was. I was tired of wanting what I couldn’t have and tired of hearing excuses, both his and mine.

“Please,” he said as he released me and scooted along the leather seats to make room for me. “Just listen to what I have to say.”

I’m such a glutton for punishment. I slid into the car and shut the door, making sure to keep as far away from him as the small space would allow.

“There are things you don’t understand, Anna,” Adam began, and I rolled my eyes. Wasn’t that always the excuse in this scenario? “Did you expect me to tell Eve that I couldn’t talk to her because you were waiting for me to ravish you in the theater bathroom?”

A smile curled my lips at the thought of Eve’s face if she’d heard those words. Of course I wouldn’t be smiling long if she had—I’d be dead.

“As my mate, and a pure bred werewolf, Eve has the right to kill any female who threatens her position. Do you understand what I’m saying, Anna?”

I looked over at him. His face was serious and his eyes were filled with an inner turmoil I’d never seen.

“Alphas sleep around all the time,” I said, throwing a monkey wrench into his logic. Adam’s arm closed the gap between us and his hand rested on my leg. Prickly tingles radiated up my thigh causing goose bumps along my skin.

“Those encounters are purely sexual,” Adam said. “If one threatens her position as alpha female, she can kill them. You have to know I don’t just want you for sex. If that’s all I wanted, I could visit any of the females here.” He scooted closer, and I pressed against the door. I needed to keep a level head and not get swept away in the lust he always seemed to ignite within me. But he smelt so good, like the forest and spices. His tongue snuck out and licked his upper lip, the heat boiled between my legs. This man had the power to turn me into a blubbering idiot.

“I’m not threatening her position,” I whispered. Adam was so close the entire right side of his body pressed against me. He slung an arm across the back of the seat while his other hand held my chin.

“Ah, but you are,” he said softly as he dipped his mouth to mine. “You will not have me while I’m mated, and I cannot have another because of you. You’ve already eradicated her from my mind and bed.” His lips pressed against my mouth, and my whole body sagged as I lost myself in the kiss. “My mind and heart are full of only you, and Eve sees that. She’s not jealous. She doesn’t love me, nor I her. It’s the power she’s frightened of losing. You are mine, Anna. I feel it so strongly, like it’s engraved in my heart. Eve doesn’t belong by my side.”

Adam brought his lips to mine, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. Did he feel so strongly because I was his chante? Excitement and fear washed through me. Isn’t this what you wanted? I thought as I focused on kissing Adam.

“Wait,” I said as I pressed against his chest. Adam’s eyes were a vibrant gold and glowed in the darkened car. The scent of his arousal permeated the air and called to me. “Why have your eyes changed?” I asked after I got over the initial shock of the need coursing through my body.
