Read Books Novel

Taming the Wolf

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” I began and then yelped when something hot and moist delved between my legs. Looking down, Adam’s face was buried between my thighs as his tongue lapped at my folds. His hand gripped my ankle and raised my leg to settle on his shoulder. I collapsed against the wall, thankful it was there to hold me up as my body went limp. In that moment, I didn’t care about what was right and wrong, my shyness, or the fact that we crossed the line and were now freefalling. My fingers gripped his head and my hips arched so he had a clear entrance to the spot that burned for him. His tongue flicked out, circled, and penetrated me until I wasn’t sure I could hold myself up any longer. My moans filled the small space and my heartbeat echoed in my eardrums as I lost myself in the pleasure.

My eyes snapped open when Adam slung my other leg over his shoulder, his hands cupping my behind while never ceasing his exploration of my body. I was completely helpless, pinned between the wall and his muscular body. I’d never experienced this level of pleasure from oral sex. I didn’t even know it was possible. It was a whole other level of intimacy that left me choking on my words and my bones flimsy. The pressure built and built, his tongue darting faster and faster until waves of ecstasy tore through my body, leaving me dizzy and smiling like a fool. My head lolled back as aftershocks vibrated through my body.

When Adam lowered me, his lips found mine in an instant. Taking myself on his lips ignited my possessiveness. Mine. The word flitted through my mind, and against my better judgment, I liked the way it sounded. Just for the night I would pretend he was mine, that we were just another couple taking advantage of being alone together. I held onto the fantasy with a vengeance and felt more like myself. No longer was I shy or self-conscious. I would claim the beautiful man in front of me as much as he had claimed me.

Adam broke the kiss and licked his lips. My eyes tracked the motion. Oh how talented that tongue was. “You taste so good,” he whispered. “I could savor you all night.”

My body shivered in response. Wrapping an arm around his neck, I tugged him closer and reclaimed his mouth, my breasts pressing against his chest. My nipples were hard nubs, and the sensation of our skin touching was an erotic caress. I raked my fingernails down his chest to where I could unbutton his jeans. Slipping my hand inside, I cupped the growing bulge, and he moaned against my mouth. Stepping back, Adam grabbed my hand and escorted me across the room. Taking a blanket from the bed, he spread it out onto the floor. Kneeling down, he offered a hand to me and I took it. I lay on the floor, Adam between my legs and gripped the blanket in my hand. This was it, the moment I’d been avoiding, but wanting so much. Adam’s blond hair hung forward as he leaned over me, the light reflected in it like liquid gold. His eyes pierced to my very core and trapped me in their gaze. I was powerless against this man, and I didn’t care.

Adam kissed my knee and then stood up. He shimmied out of his jeans and boxer briefs, discarding them off to the side. A smile spread across my lips as I got a good look at what I was in for. I quivered in anticipation. As Adam lowered back to the blanket, he positioned himself between my legs. My chest rose and fell rapidly as he pressed kisses to my stomach. Making his way up, he suckled on my breast, his tongue flicking my excited nipple. A moan that sounded like a growl vibrated through my throat. My fingers intertwined in his hair, and I arched my back when his teeth clamped down softly around the sensitive flesh. Sliding up my body, Adam claimed my mouth, his hand softly caressing my hair.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, and rocked his hips forward. I choked on my moans as he buried himself within me. He filled me so completely it was as if he’d been made just for me. A strange calm replaced my anxiety. We locked eyes as he withdrew slowly and then drove forward again and again. After a ten minutes, or it could have been an hour, Adam’s arms slid underneath my body and brought me forward so I straddled him. As he sat up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and moved my hips in rhythm with his hands on my backside. I arched my back and hung my head as I rode out the waves of pleasure. Adam’s mouth found my nipple again, his hot breath like a seductive caress. Adam lay down, and I braced myself on his strong, muscular chest, my nails digging into his flesh. As I rode him, he propped himself up on his elbows, his hand slipping around my neck as he brought me forward to claim my mouth again. Spams of desire shot through my legs, and they trembled with the aftershocks.

“Mine,” I breathed as I stared down at Adam. His eyes glowed an eerie mixture of blue and gold, and I knew something strange was happening. My body felt powerful and complete, like I’d been traveling a long and winding road and finally found my destination. My weary journey was over, and I’d found my place. I cupped Adam’s face, leaned down slowly, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. His expression was just as confused as I felt.

“Anna,” he breathed.

“I know. I feel it too,” I told him, my eyes blurring with tears. I felt so silly crying, but an overwhelming joy penetrated the very core of me. In all of my twenty-three years of life, I hadn’t felt lost, but somehow, now, I felt as if I was found. The sheer completeness of my heart was overpowering.

“What is it? What happened?” Adam asked, sitting up. His eyes shot wide as he stared at me.

What answers could I give him? Looking over my shoulder, I eyed my messenger bag sitting by the front door. I stood up and retrieved my bag. As I walked back to Adam, I hesitated. Would he be pissed that I’d taken the book? Or would the myth about wolves finding their chantes freak him out? He watched me expectantly, his eyes volleying between my face and the bag. He brushed a strand of hair out of his face and something red caught my gaze.

“What is that?” I nodded towards his palm.

“Wha—?” Adam’s words cut off when he turned his hand over and looked at the raised pink scar visible on his palm. Bending down, I reached for his hand and examined the mark. It was in the shape of circle, about two inches in diameter. Inside was what looked like a four leaf clover. The longer I looked at it, the more I noticed how much a four leaf clover’s leaves look like hearts. In middle of the clover design was an infinity symbol. I quickly looked at my own hands, and sure enough, the exact same mark was on my left palm. Adam had been quiet, so I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He stared at my hand and then at his in awe.

“I’m sorry,” I said, not sure why I was apologizing. Maybe because he looked really freaked out. My high of feeling complete and blissful fell quickly as I worried what his reaction would be. I had a sneaking suspicion of what the markings meant, and surprisingly, it didn’t scare me.

“What’s going on, Anna?”

I retrieved the book from my bag and held it out to him.

Adam’s brows scrunched as he looked at the book. “How’d you get this?”

“The night of the hunt, I backtracked and took it. I needed answers.” I kept Elle out of it, she didn’t need Adam pissed at her.

“Answers about what?” Adam asked. So far he was calm which was good.

I hesitated to respond. Given what we’d just done, it seemed silly to be embarrassed to tell him the truth. “About my feelings for you. I needed to know if it was normal or if it was something else.”

Adam rubbed his chin, his hand trailing up his jaw line. “Why didn’t you ask me?”

I snorted. “You were ignoring me. I could barely get you to look at me, let alone sit down and have a discussion about how I felt for you.”

“And how do you feel about me?” Adam asked.

I looked up at his question. “Like you’re everything,” I whispered. “I know it sounds cheesy, and I’m the lowest wolf in the pack, and not a purebred, but I can’t help—.”

“I feel exactly the same way,” Adam said, interrupting me. “I told you that I wanted you the moment you joined us. Keeping my distance was for your benefit, not mine. It’s been hell being around you and not being able to be with you, and I’m not just talking about sex. I often wondered what it’d be like to come home to you at night and have dinner together and talk about our days.”

Adam set the book down and drew me into his arms, my back pressed against his chest. His hands settled on my stomach, and he rested his head against mine. “I know it hasn’t been easy, Anna. I’ve sent mixed signals and that had to be confusing. I really thought this feeling would pass once I saw you with Sawyer. Turns out, when you two together, it only made it worse. The fact that he’s still breathing is only because I have a very good handle on my self-control.”

“Do you know what it means?” I raised my arm, trailing a finger over my new scar. I tilted my head back to look up at him.

“I’ve read the book from cover to end. I never imagined the myths were true,” he answered in an awed tone.

“I didn’t either. I still don’t know what to make of it,” I paused. “At least you won’t be stuck with me too much longer.” I gave a nervous laugh, meant to lighten the mood. It had the opposite effect. Adam’s arms tightened around me, and I felt the muscle’s in his chest flex.

“Even after what just happened, you’re still planning on turning yourself in?” To say Adam was pissed was an understatement. His tone sounded beyond frustrated and angry.

“I don’t think I have a choice,” I told him. “They already think I’m guilty, hell maybe I am. The point is, they have enough evidence to convict me. Who’s going to go against the leaders and their test results?”

“I will,” Adam said. “I’m not losing you right after getting you, Anna.” He brought his hand around, tucking it under my chin to tilt my head up and then kissed me. Warmth spread between my legs, very aware that we were embracing each other still nude. I could feel Adam hardening beneath me and I moaned.

“Wait,” Adam said, pulling away from my lips and reaching for the book. I silently grumbled and sat up, reaching for a pillow off of the bed and holding it in my lap.
