Read Books Novel

Taming the Wolf

Wade opened the closet, bent down, and removed the boxes that rested on the floor. A clear cut was visible on the wall once the boxes were out of the way. Wade tapped the top so the bottom part would kick out. Grabbing ahold of it, he removed the piece and reached a hand inside. A smile spread onto his lips. He’d found it.

Chapter Twenty-seven

“Where have you been?”

I stepped through the door and Adam’s interrogation started. He eyed Wade with derision, and then his piercing eyes fell back to my face.

“I feel a lot better, thanks for asking,” I replied, just as snappy.

Adam’s face softened the tiniest bit, but not enough to say he still didn’t expect answers. “I need a minute with Anna,” Adam told Wade, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me upstairs.

I knew where he was taking me—the office. It was the only spot that wasn’t inhabited with our house guests. Once the door was closed, he walked over to the desk and leaned against it, crossing his arms and trapping me with his stare. His blond hair fell carelessly over his forehead, a piece dropping over his sapphire eye. I loved how beautiful he was and that this alpha male was mine. Warmth spread through my body, my stomach tightening. My wolf perked up, purring in delight as she watched her chante. Now was not the time to let my lust overthrow my strength. I needed to stand up to Adam, show him that I could handle whatever he had planned.

“So, are you going to tell me what you and Wade were doing?”

“Are you going to tell me what you and the leaders were talking about?”

“No. It’s for your protection,” Adam said.

“Then I plead the fifth.” I pretended to zip my lips.

“There have many times I wished I could silence those lips,” Adam said, his eyes focusing on my mouth. That delicious warmth spread through my body and headed south.

“Now isn’t one of those times.” Adam smiled. “I need to know if Wade betrayed me and put you into more danger. What has he told you?”

I shook my head, keeping my lips sealed. Adam pushed off the desk. Stepping around me, he brushed my hair to one side, his fingers lightly touching my skin. I closed my eyes against the feel of his hard body at my back; his hands rubbed my shoulders and a bulge pressed against my behind.

“I have my ways of extracting information, Anna.” His breath tickled my neck, sending goosebumps to pebble my skin. Pressing his mouth to my throat, his tongue darted out and licked a trail all the way up to my earlobe. My legs tingled. My wolf howled. My resolve slipped.

“Where were you?” Adam questioned again. He was a predator at my back, dominating and demanding. His fingers gripped my arms, indenting the flesh almost painfully.

“You first,” I said, my voice cracking. Clearing my throat I continued, “Why do we need to call surrounding packs for enforcement?”

Adam growled, annoyed I heard that part of his conversation last night. His fingers dug deeper, but not so hard that I couldn’t stand the pressure. With a quick, jarring tug, he turned me around to face him. His blue eyes were fire and ice as he stared down at me. Even when he was pissed, I wanted him. We watched each other for a few moments, the silence grew and the air thickened with our mutual obstinacy. Adam closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. I smiled, knowing I’d won.

“We’re going after Anthony and Eve. They have gathered wolves of their own. The leaders think we should have backup in case things get out of control.”

When I was about to respond, Adam pressed his index finger to my lips.

“I have booked you and Elle a flight to California. You will not be anywhere near this place when the takedown starts.”

“What?” I shrieked. “I want to fight with my pack.”

Adam’s arms wrapped around my waist, and he rested his forehead against mine. “They know what you mean to me, Anna. They know you’re my chante and they could bring me to my knees by killing you. I’m not going to allow that.”

My breathing became shallow as I thought about flying away like a coward while Adam, and the rest of the pack, went to battle. What if something happened to him? Ugly scenarios swam through my mind. I fisted my hands into his shirt, clinging onto him for fear of losing him.

“I can’t leave,” I said through trembling lips. It’d be torture to be a thousand miles away while he fought for his life and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

“You will leave, Anna,” Adam said in warning.

The man knew me entirely too well. The thought of pretending to leave and doubling back to help fight had already crossed my mind.

“Think about what you’re asking me to do,” I told him. “What if something happens and I’m not here? I can’t handle that so please don’t make me.”

Adam stood up straight, his hands roaming up and down my arms in a motion that was meant to be soothing but did nothing to dissipate my worry.

“Think about what it’d do to me if you, an untrained wolf when it comes to fighting, were in the middle of a battle. I’d be too worried about your safety to concentrate on protecting myself or the others. I can’t have that kind of distraction. We only have one shot at this.”

I knew it was illogical, but my mind focused on the word distraction. It wasn’t a word I wanted associated with me, even if it was true. I knew diddly squat when it came to fighting as a werewolf and I understood Adam would go out of his way to make sure I was safe—to the point of neglecting his role as alpha to the rest of the pack. As I ran the argument through my mind a few times, my temper settled. I couldn’t put the lives of my pack in danger because I wanted to make sure Adam was okay.

The words I was about to say went against everything within me. I didn’t believe in them and I didn’t want to say them, but I knew it was for the best.

“I’ll go to California.”


I packed the last piece of clothing when Elle stepped into my bedroom carrying a red duffle bag. I wondered how she felt about being forced into leaving the state to watch the alpha’s mate.

“You ready?” Elle asked, sweeping her hair over her shoulder. She was dressed in skinny blue jeans, a green top with ruffled cap sleeves, and a pair of black pumps that made her legs look even longer. Next to her I looked frumpy in khaki capris, blue polo shirt, and brown sandals. If Elle had taught me anything, it was that my wardrobe was in serious need of a makeover.

“Yeah, I need to say goodbye to Adam,” I told her as I zipped the suitcase.

“He’s waiting for you in the office,” Elle said, reaching for the handle of my luggage.

Nodding, I shouldered past her in search of the man who was making me leave. With each step I thought of what things would be like when I returned. My eyes traveled over my brethren, all ready to risk their lives for their alpha’s cause. How many would be here when I got back? Climbing the stairs, my heart thudded in my chest the closer I got to the office door. It felt like this was goodbye for good. My parents didn’t know that when they left for their trip it’d be their last. The memory weighed heavy on my heart as I geared up to leave Adam behind.

I pushed the door open and closed it behind me. Adam sat in the high back leather chair behind the desk, his focus on the papers in front of him. His eyes trailed up slowly meeting mine. His stare was serious—full of all the worry I felt.

“Sit down, Anna.”

Without a word I sat in the chair, tucking my hands between my knees to hide their trembling. I wasn’t sure if it was the connection I shared with Adam, or I just didn’t want to leave, but every fiber within me wanted to stay beside him. The emotion would have annoyed me with any other man, but I learned when it came to Adam none of my previous relationship reservations held up.

“Here are your plane tickets,” Adam said, sliding a manila envelope across the desk.

I eyed the package, reaching out an unsteady hand to grab it. Adam’s eyes flickered to my quivering fingers, but he didn’t comment.

“Inside you’ll also find a map, a rental car agreement, and a Discover card. You’re free to spend whatever you want. Perhaps you and Elle can check out Rodeo Drive. I’ve heard a lot of woman dream of shopping there.” Adam smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

I kept a straight face, not impressed with the first class tickets or unlimited credit card. None of that mattered if Adam wouldn’t be here when I returned. He was trying to make this trip easier on me, but it wasn’t working. It didn’t matter what fun and exciting activities California held, my mind would be too focused on Wyoming to care.

“Try to have fun, Anna,” Adam said softly.

I drew my head up, my attention locked on Adam’s pretend happy face. He wasn’t fooling me. I could tell his insides were tied in knots just like mine. “What if I stayed here at the house? I’d be safe here, and I promise I won’t follow you guys to wherever you’re going. Just let me stay,” I begged.

Adam closed his eyes and released a heavy breath. When he looked at me again something changed. His face was hard as if it’d been carved from marble. His sapphire eyes held steady as he glared at me with determination. His lips pressed into a hard line and his hands fisted atop the desk.

“You will leave, Anna. I don’t want to hear another word about it. I won’t put you in harm’s way. You can hate me if you want, be pissed, but it’ll be from a thousand miles away and until I say it’s safe to return. Do you understand me?”

Tears welled in my eyes, threating to spill over my cheeks. I was defeated by his resolve. When I buried my parents I was sure I’d never have to do something as hard again. Leaving Adam was proving to be almost as hard. Knowing he wouldn’t discuss this any further, I stood and stomped toward the door. I opened the door when Adam’s large hand slammed it shut. I kept my back to him, not wanting to look at him in fear I’d turn into a blubbering fool.

With gentle hands, Adam turned me around, his arms encircling my waist and guiding me into the hard plains of his chest. He hugged me wordlessly. I inhaled a lungful of his scent, needing it to comfort me, and filed it into my memory just in case I never saw him again. Against my will, my tears fell and soaked Adam’s gray T-shirt. Adam embraced me tighter, his arms keeping me together. As soon as I was away from him, I’d break into a million pieces.
