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Taste (Take It Off #9)(26)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He was wearing a blue romper with sailboats on the front and little blue Nikes that I couldn’t resist when I saw them in the store window. He grinned up at me, showing off some of the tiny teeth in his mouth. I kissed him on the head, holding him against me, but he didn’t want anything to do with it. He wiggled until I put him down, and he went over to the corner where there was a big basket of toys.

Mom came back into the room, carrying an oversized tote bag that just looked like a large purse. I didn’t think it would draw too much attention if anyone was watching.

Please let no one be watching.

I glanced at the clock. It wasn’t long until we had to meet Spencer. I took a deep breath and tried to bury the worst of my anxiety. After I got to my feet and announced we needed to go, Mom took hold of my arms and looked directly into my eyes.

“Maybe once Jack and I get home, you can tell me what’s really going on.”

My lower lip wobbled. I nodded but didn’t say anything else. She pulled me into a hug, and all I could think about was how horrible of a liar I was and that I was thankful she didn’t press me for the details I couldn’t give.

When she pulled back, she gave me a watery smile. “Don’t you worry about Jack,” she said. “I promise I will keep him safe.”

“I know you will,” I whispered and slung the diaper bag over my shoulder and went to retrieve Jack.

The cab ride to the Smithsonian was quiet, and all I could think about was Spencer and what kind of arrangements he was making for my family.

The inside of the museum was surprisingly busy for the afternoon on a weekday. Didn’t people work? Of course, D.C. was always filled with tourists, and I guess today was no exception. We didn’t rush through the museum to get to the bathroom near the back. Instead, we wandered through the first floor, looking at the exhibits. Jack liked the dinosaurs and the giant wooly mammoth on display.

My stomach knotted the closer we got to the back. I didn’t tell Mom we were meeting anyone. I didn’t tell her anything. I just hoped she didn’t ask too many questions when Spencer showed up.

“I need to use the restroom,” I said, hoisting Jack up into my arms when we arrived at the bathroom.

“I’ll wait right here,” Mom said. She didn’t reach for Jack, and I was glad because I wanted to hold him while I had the chance.

I went in the busy bathroom and swashed my hands and pretended to check my makeup. I didn’t really have to pee. I just wanted an excuse to be near the bathroom. When I stalled all I could, I carried Jack out into the hallway where people were shuffling all around. Mom was where I left her. She hadn’t moved.

As soon as I stepped in place beside her, Spencer appeared.

“Ladies,” he said, inclining his head at us. Both his hands were clasped behind him.

Mom looked up, her eyes widening just a bit.

“Mom, this is Spencer.” I began. “He—um…”

“I’ll be driving you,” he said smoothly.

Mom glanced at me, and I nodded. “You can trust him.”

Jack’s eyes were fastened on Spencer. It was impossible not to see the way they lit up.

“Jack, my man,” Spencer said, smiling. “How are ya?”

Jack smiled and held his arms out for Spencer.

My mother stared at me with an incredulous look on her face.

“Jack likes him,” I muttered quietly.

“I have something for you, Jack,” Spencer said, withdrawing his arms from behind his back to reveal a large green-colored sea turtle with large flippers.

“That’s the turtle from the aquarium,” Mom said as Jack shrieked. His little arms changed direction from Spencer and toward the turtle.

Spencer smiled and handed it over to him. Jack hugged it against his little body and tears sprang into my eyes for like the fiftieth time that day.

Jack held it out to me. “Look!”

“I love it!” I said, trying not to cry.

Jack held his arms out for Spencer again.

Spencer glanced at me, silently asking for permission. I nodded.

Jack fit into Spencer’s arms with ease, him and the giant turtle. Jack grinned up at Spencer and kept his eyes trained on him like he was in awe. “What’s up, little man?” Spencer asked him.

Jack held out the turtle and Spencer made the appropriate sounds of admiration.

It actually kind of caused my heart to ache seeing them together. It’s what Jack should have had. That is if his biological father hadn’t been a complete asshole.

“Jack,” I said, my voice breaking a little. “Say thank you.”

“‘Sank you,” he said.

“Anytime, buddy,” Spencer said, shifting the little boy just a little closer in his arms.

I reached out for him, but he ducked his face into Spence’s neck, wanting to stay where he was. This look crossed behind Spencer’s eyes; I couldn’t really place it. But it sure did look like he was content to hold my son.

“We should probably go,” Spencer said after a few seconds.

Mom looked between the two of us with a calculating look in her eye. I knew when she got back, I was going to have to explain a lot more than just why I was really sending her away.


We all walked quietly toward the back entrance. It wasn’t really for guests, but for employees, but Spencer didn’t seem to care. Out the glass of the door, I saw a large black 4×4 truck waiting nearby, and I glanced up at him.

He nodded.

“The car seat.” I gasped.

“I took care of it,” Spencer said, running a palm over the back of my head.

“Come here, bud,” I said, taking Jack into my arms. “Give Mommy a kiss.”

Jack gave me a sloppy two-year-old kiss and made me smile. “You have fun with Nana,” I said. “I’ll miss you.” I couldn’t help the choked-up tone of my voice.

“He’s going to be fine,” Spencer said, his voice totally confident.

I glanced at my mom. She nodded and gave me a one-armed hug. “Call if you can,” she said into my ear.

Before I was ready, Spencer took Jack (who went willingly) into his arms and said, “Wait a little bit before you leave.”

I nodded, looking at Jack.

They left through the side door moments later, and my son, looking totally content in Spencer’s arms, waved at me over his shoulder. I waved back, then turned away, not wanting him to see me cry.

I hated the men who were threatening me like this. They were robbing me of time with my son and my feeling of safety. From here on out, I was going to focus on finding them and on making them pay.
