Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(14)
Author: B.J. Harvey

“Hi, baby doll. How are you?

I can’t help but smile at his pet name for me. He’s called me that since that first night in the club. “I’m good, Sir,” I say with a grin.

He chuckles, but it’s not one filled with amusement. It’s full of promises; a deep rumbling laugh that sends chills right through me every time. He can tell I’m being a smart ass. “Sounds like you might be in need of some discipline?”

“No, not at all. I’m kinda having a day off from the world today. A mental health day if you will.”

“Everyone needs days like that now and then. What are your plans for this evening?” he asks.

“To be honest, I was going to have an early night, I went to the Bears’ game yesterday. I even went tailgating before the game,” I reply excitedly.

“Really? Who took my baby doll to her first tailgating party?” he asks with interest. This is how Sean is. He’s always concerned for my welfare, always interested in my life, and I appreciate it more than he knows. It’s nice to have a friend who cares about you, not just about the horizontal mambo positions you can shift into.

“Um, he’s a guy I met on the train last week on my way home from work. He’s just a friend, though,” I say quickly. Fuck! Why did I feel the need to clarify that? There is no way that Daniel is just a friend. We may not have slept together yet, and everything has been PG so far, but boy, can that man kiss the socks off me. If I was a dog, I would have been dry humping his leg days ago.

“Mac, you know that it’s not safe to ride the L at night. I’ve said time and time again that you need to taxi or call my car service. You know I don’t mind.”

“I know, Sean, but it’s okay. I’m always safe, I promise,” I say sullenly, feeling slightly scolded. Even when he’s not in the same room as me I submit to him, it’s a very heady power he has over me. Thankfully, Sean has never been one to take advantage. It has always been in the right situations and always in the bedroom. It’s never crossed over into everyday life. I think that is why it works well for us.

“So, I shall await your call then?” I detect a small amount of disappointment in his voice, not that he would ever admit it.

“Definitely, I call you next week and see if you’re still in town? Maybe we can catch up for a drink?” I add, hoping he’ll say yes. I haven’t seen him in a month and have actually missed his company, as well as the hot ass sex he is oh so good at delivering.

“Sounds good. You be careful, or else I’ll spank you until you do,” he warns. God damn, that man and his promises. Just the thought of his hand warming my begging ass has me blushing.

That first night we spent together was unreal.

With a firm grip of my hand, he led me past the red velvet rope and up the sleek black wooden stairs towards the VIP level of the club. His whole persona was addictive. He held himself with such confidence, so determined. I knew that when he saw something or someone he wanted, he’d always get it. That night what he wanted was me, and I was nothing but an enamored moth to his burning hot flame.

Reaching the top of the stairs, he led me towards a dimly lit hallway lined with low hanging red tinted lamps. Even the hallway had a sexual energy. There were three doors on each side, each door a different color, fading from black at the beginning to red hot red at the end.

When he reached the red door, he spun on his heels and pushed me against the door, taking my mouth with reckless abandon. I gasped at his ferocity, allowing his eager tongue the welcome access. He’d taunted me, his mouth claiming mine as his own. Easing back, he lightly scraped his teeth along my lower lip, sending a delicious shiver through my entire body.

“Tonight, baby doll, you’re mine. Do you understand that?”

I nodded, unable to form words. I was that turned on by his sudden power over me. I relished the loss of control, the sudden desire to give myself up to this dark seductive man consuming me.

His piercing stare cemented me against the wall. It silently spoke of desire and power, yet I was not scared by him. The way his hand firmly gripped my hip while the other was caging me in, I felt safe. I remember being confused by the sheer magnetism of him.

Moving his hand from the door, he pulled out a gold key from his pocket and unlocked the door behind me. Wrapping his arm around my back, he eased the door open, guiding me backwards into the unknown abyss while his mouth found mine again. This time I was prepared, matching his tongue stroke for stroke. I lifted my hands up into his hair, grabbing the strands between my fingers, and tightening them when I began to lose myself to his lips.

A growl rumbled in his chest as I tightened my grip, and before I knew it the door was slammed shut behind me, and my back was flat against it as Sean continued to explore every inch of me. Pulling his mouth off me, he moved his lips along my jaw, nipping my ear as he whispered “You’re so f**king hot, baby doll. I can’t wait to have your ass warm from my hand. To have you laid out before me, begging to be f**ked.”

An electric shock jolted through my body, his crude words igniting me, driving me crazy. He trailed his tongue down my neck, nipping the skin where my neck and collarbone meet. I sagged against him, giving myself to him. He felt it happen, murmuring against my skin as he slipped his fingers between the slinky mesh fabric of my dress, sweeping it slowly down my shoulder and exposing my tingly skin to him as it fell down. Moving over to the other side, he did the same, dragging the material down my arm with his teeth, then running the point of his tongue back up my arm to my strapless lace corset top I’d worn underneath.

“Hands on the door, don’t move,” he commanded as he moved both hands up to my br**sts, swiping his thumbs across my straining erect ni**les and eliciting a raspy moan from my mouth. “Fucking beautiful, baby doll,” he said as he hooked his fingers inside the top, pulling my br**sts up and exposing them. Before I could rationalize what was happening, his hot wet mouth was on me, pulling my sensitive peak into his mouth and raking his teeth gently against it. He released it with a popping sound before moving to the other side and paying it the same attention. By then my body was burning hot, and I felt like I could spontaneously combust at any moment.

Arching my back into his hands and mouth, my mind was full of what laid ahead, the pleasure this man was promising to give me. One night, one mind blowing night with no inhibitions, no stress, just giving myself up to this sexy as f**k man who wanted to devour me.
