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Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(31)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Louise invites us over for dinner next week and Daniel accepts without hesitation. Maybe he’s decided that steam rolling me is the way to avoid another Mac freak out. Quick learner, that boy of mine is.

After saying our goodbyes a few hours later, Daniel and I head back into the city.

“Thanks for coming tonight, Mac. I hope it wasn’t too horrible for you,” Daniel says, putting his hand on my denim clad thigh and squeezing gently.

“I had a great time. Once I got over myself, that is,” I reply honestly.

“Look, Mac, I know this is not something you normally do, and I’m kind of guilty for throwing you into this BBQ head first. But you underestimate yourself, gorgeous. You were perfect.” He grasps my hand and lifts it to his mouth before lowering it back to his lap. “You’re perfect. Bathroom freak outs and jealousy included.” He smirks at me.

“So, talking about my little jealous streak, what’s the deal with you and Nikki? You still seem rather friendly, and Noah kept shooting me knowing looks all night.”

“It’s the typical story. We dated right through high school. Then, when I left for college, we broke up. She wanted to do the long distance thing, but I said it was unfair to both of us. When I came back to town, she wanted to try again, so we did. But it wasn’t the same; we just didn’t want the same things anymore and our lives were going in different directions. To be honest, I knew deep down she wasn’t the one. That was about three years ago.”

“But you’re still friends, and her parents still ask about you?” I state warily.

“We hardly see each other, but yes, our parents are still friends to this day. Today was the first time I’ve seen her in over a year. She travels a lot with her job.”

I’m stuck between feeling like a jealous idiot and a giddy teenager who’s just found out her crush likes her too. “Oh,” is all I can say.

“Oh,” he replies with a grin. “But seeing you all jealous and worked up was hot as hell, Mac.”

“Ohhh,” I say, understanding where this conversation is going.

“Yeah, oh. Now you know how I feel when I think about you with Noah, or Sean, or Zander.”

“But I was never ‘not dating’ them. It was always just sex.”

“Are you sure about that, Mac?”

I snap my head towards him. “Of course I’m sure. What’s that supposed to mean?” I can feel my annoyance level rising.

“What did Zander give you? If Sean gave you dominance, and Noah was to pass the time, what about Zander. What need did he fulfill?” he asks deadpan.

“Why are you asking me this, Daniel? I thought we were past all this?”

“We are. We were. I just need to know.”


“So I can prove to you that I can be everything you need and more. So that you can realize how much I want you in every way possible. So that you can stop freaking out and walking on egg shells around me because you’re scared I’m going to leave.”

“Daniel, I…” I see him tighten his grip on the steering wheel, and I realize that this is not the time for questions. This is the time for answers; to give Daniel the answers. To help him understand why I do what I do, or rather, why I did what I did in the past.

“Daniel, I thought we’d talked about this? Do we need to talk about it all over again?”

“I don’t know,” he answers stoically.

Now that’s got my back up. “Fine, you want to know, I’ll tell you!”

“No…. NO. I don’t want to know, but it’s always there, Mac. Just how you didn’t like Nikki touching me tonight, I can’t stand the thought of another man, or men, touching you, being inside you. Fuck, it’s driving me insane.”

Well that certainly explains things. He’s rendered me totally f**king speechless, which is an achievement considering I never shut up.

“You’re worth more than any of them,” I whisper, staring out the window into the darkness.

Without warning, Daniel steers the car into a lookout on the side of the road and turns the car off. He turns around and just stares at me. I recognize the look in his eye. It’s the same look he gives me just before he pushes himself inside me. It’s the epitome of unadulterated passion. The look that makes me weak at the knees and wet between the legs with one small glance.

It’s the look that tells me that all he can think about right now is having me, owning me, consuming me.

And just like that, I snap. I can’t hold myself back. I undo my safety belt and throw myself at him, straddling him in the driver’s seat. Our mouths smash together and we’re a tangle of arms, lips, teeth and tongues. My hands grip his biceps as he plunders my mouth. His hands grip my hair, angling my head perfectly for his taking.

Hot damn!

Jealous Daniel mixed with jealous Mac is like an atomic bomb for sexual tension, and right now we’re getting ready to detonate.

Chapter 15 – “Everything Has Changed”

Kate and I decide that we need a night out on the town, a blow out after a hectic week of work. Daniel is keen to come along so the three of us, plus Kate’s man of the week, Greg, meet up at our place before heading out.

I’m wearing a black and green block dress with lace top stockings, finished off with my killer black wedge heels. Just as I finish applying my makeup in my bedroom mirror, Daniel walks out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel and a sexy smirk on his face, growling as he takes in my look from head to toe.

Stalking towards me, he wraps his arm around my waist and spins me into his body, pushing his erection hard up against my stomach.

“I don’t think we should go out anymore. I’d much rather peel that dress off you and f**k you in nothing but those heels,” he growls before burying his face into my neck, eliciting a moan from my mouth.

“Ah, that could be arranged,” I pant as he swirls his tongue up to my jaw and sweeps his tongue into my mouth, rendering me speechless as my body melds into his.

He walks forward, taking me with him until my knees hit my bed and I sit down, now face to face with his deliciously throbbing cock. I look up at him and smile seductively.. “I have a better idea,” I say, my hands moving up to remove the towel from his waist, leaving him standing naked in front of me, and obviously very happy to see me.

He looks down at me with a grin as I move my head towards him, trailing my tongue along the length of his shaft before sucking the tip into my mouth. I watch him as I take him deep down my throat and back out again, gripping his butt in my hands as I push him back into me, his eyes telling a tale of unadulterated hunger.
