Read Books Novel

Temporary Bliss

Temporary Bliss (Bliss #1)(6)
Author: B.J. Harvey

Mac: Whoa!

Sex on the Beach: Shit! No, I meant in casual, non work clothes, not scrubs. Dammit. I should quit while I’m ahead, right?

Mac: See you tomorrow night, Delicious Daniel ?

Sex on the Beach: Sweet dreams, beautiful stranger.

Damn, all this flirting and text banter has me wet and aching. I reach into my bedside drawer, thanking the heavens that I stopped to buy batteries on the way home. God knows that I was already horny as hell before I met Delicious Daniel. Now that I’ve discovered he has a dirty mind, that feeling has simply multiplied.

With the flick of a switch, and a quick tug down of my pajama bottoms, I’m soon stroking my favorite purple rabbit vibrator against my increasingly wet pu**y. I close my eyes, pushing the vibrating tickler firmly against my aching clitoris as my left hand gently squeezes my nipple, rolling it between my thumb and forefinger, sending an exquisite pulse straight to my pu**y.

As I ease the humming toy into my hot channel, and rub my finger across my hard nub. I close my eyes and relish the feelings I’m creating with every stroke, every thrust deep inside me as I imagine that it is Daniel’s hands on me, his tongue lapping at me, speeding up as he brings me closer to climax. I think of him guiding his hands up my thighs, spreading my legs wider as he moves his mouth towards my throbbing mound. I arch my hips, pushing my pulsating toy deeper inside me, stretching me as I feel the welcome quickening of an impending orgasm. I think of Daniel thrusting deep and hard inside me, impaling me, pistoning his c**k hard and fast inside of me. My fingers speed up and I quickly come apart under my own hands.

I lay in my bed, limp and breathless on top of my sheets as I come down from one of the best self-induced orgasms I’ve had in a very long time. All of a sudden, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s date.

Chapter 4 – “Kiss Me”

Its 8 p.m. on Friday night, and I’m sitting in a sunken black leather booth at 42nd Street Bar opposite the epitome of male hotness, Daniel Winters.

I met him here because I didn’t want to go through the whole awkward doorway introductions, let alone subject him to Kate’s squealing and intense interrogation. I learned that the hard way a few months ago when Zander called by to pick me up on the way to a gig and Kate acted like a horny schoolgirl during spring break. It was both hilarious and mortifying.

The bar’s pretty busy given it’s a Friday night, but we were able to grab a small corner booth away from the crowd and noise. He returns from the bar, and I crack up laughing when he places my drink in front of me. Of course, he ordered me a Sex on the Beach. I’m starting to think he’s one of these people that gets an idea and runs with it. I wonder what other ideas he might have for tonight.

Taking the straw between my two fingers, I swirl it around the drink before slowly lowering my lips to the straw and taking a long sip. I can’t stifle my moan at the delightful taste. It’s like a fruit salad is having a party in my mouth and everyone’s invited.

“Damn, that’s good,” I murmur, looking over at him. He has the slightest smirk on his face.

“Sex on the Beach always is,” he says with a raised brow.

I can’t hold it in. I start giggling like a school girl. He’s done it again; showing me that awesome sense of humor he’s got. If only I could get him to laugh again, then I’d be the happiest girl in the bar.

“Of course you would buy me that, wouldn’t you?”

“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it, gorgeous.”

There’s something about the way he calls me gorgeous that lights a match inside me. I blush, but don’t break eye contact with him when I reply with a sassy shake of my head, “I wouldn’t know. Never tried it. There are some places that sand just shouldn’t go.”

“Is that a threat, or a promise?” he asks without missing a beat.

Now that makes my eyes widen. “It’s early days. Let’s see how it’s going after our third date,” I say with a wink, and his caramel eyes sparkle with excitement at that suggestion.

“We’re barely into our first, and you’re already planning our third date? You are an intriguing woman, Makenna Lewis,” he says looking straight at me, paralyzing me with his gaze.

“Well, my mama always told me to be well prepared,” I say with a fake southern drawl.

“That’s good advice. What else did she tell you?” he asks with a grin.

“Don’t talk to strange men on the L,” I retort as I take another sip of the magic, fruity party drink. I don’t know what’s in it, but I like it and the tingles it is creating in my body are a welcome addition too.

He chuckles. It’s not a deep belly laugh like he did on the train that almost made me come on the spot, but it’s endearing nevertheless. “She’s a smart woman your mother. And what do you think about meeting strange men on the L?” he asks, taking a swig from his bottle of Millers. I can see a glint of amusement in his eyes, even in the dimmed lights of the bar.

“That sometimes it pays to take a chance.”

“I’m all for taking chances. It’s my job.” He points his thumb back at himself, “Stockbroker, remember?”

“Ah, yes, that’s right,” I murmur, taking another quick drink of the fruity wonder in front of me.

“So, are you from Chicago?”

“I’m originally from Louisiana, but my parents moved us all here when I was eight. I went to college in New York, but came back here after graduating and was lucky to get an internship at my firm.”

“Wow, so you’re a southern boy then?” I say with a grin.

“Yes, ma’am, born and bred. How about you?”

“Well, I was born here, and apart from six months I spent in Ohio when I was twenty, I’ve lived here all my life.”

Shit, please don’t ask! Please don’t ask!

“Ohio? Now that’s a bit of a change from city life. But you obviously like Chicago if you came back?”

“Yeah, I can’t imagine living anywhere else, and I’ve got a good job here now with lots of prospects. So yeah, you can say I like it,” I reply. I can’t seem to wipe the smile off my face when I’m around him.

“Sounds like you’re fairly settled then.”


“And nursing. You’ve always wanted to do that?” he asks, placing his arm on the table and leaning into it, giving me an awesome profile of his body.
