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Aphrodite Seriously, gay boys. Just go back to bed--together--eesh. I need my vamp for the rest of the night. Aphrodite was standing, arms crossed, just inside the door to the room Darius, Damien, Jack, and Duchess were sharing. She noted, with a vague sense of irritation, that Damien and Jack and Duchess were all curled up in one bed together. Sure, they reminded her of puppies, but it wasn't exactly fair that the penguins were cool with them sleeping together while at the same time they'd banished her to rooming with Zoey. Or at least they'd tried. What is it, Aphrodite? What's wrong? Darius hurried toward her, pulling a T-shirt over his completely gorgeous chest with one hand and slipping on his shoes with the other.

As usual, Darius had caught on before anyone else was fully functional--yet another reason why she'd fallen for him. Everything's fine. It's just that Zoey is sleeping with Stark. In our room. And I'm not cool with tagging along for that. So we're going to do a little roommate trading of our own. All is well with Zoey? Damien asked. My guess is that about now all is more than well with her, Aphrodite said. I didn't think Stark was up to, well, stuff, Jack said delicately. He looked sleepy, with tousled hair and puffy eyes; Aphrodite thought he was even more puppyish than usual, and really cute. Of course she'd gouge out her eyes before she admitted that out loud. He managed the steps up to our top-floor room, so I'm thinking he's on the mend. Oooh, Erik's not gonna like that, Jack said happily. There's gonna be some serious boyfriend drama tomorrow.

The drama's over in that department. Z dumped Erik earlier tonight. She did! Damien said. Yeah, and it's about time, too. His possessive crap had to go, Aphrodite said. And she's really okay? Damien asked. Aphrodite didn't like Damien's typically too-keen gaze. She absolutely was not going into the fact that Kalona had entered Zoey's dream, and that was why Stark was sleeping with her. She was also not going to talk about her vision--something she was happy to blame on Zoey, and definitely would in the future when Damien got pissed that she'd kept her mouth shut about it. So, to throw off Miss Nosy, she lifted one perfect brow and gave him her standard keep-them- guessing sneer. Who are you, her gay mom? As Aphrodite knew it would, Damien's fur instantly ruffled. No, I'm her friend! Please. Yawn. Like we all don't know that.

Zoey. Is. Fine. Goddess, try giving her some breathing room. Damien frowned. I let her breathe. I was just worried about her, that's all. Where's Heath? Does he know about her breakup with Erik and that she's, well, sleeping with Stark? Jack finished the sentence in a stage whisper. Aphrodite rolled her eyes. I could care less where Heath is, and unless Z needs a snack I'm thinking she's probably not too interested in where he is, either. She's busy, she enunciated clearly. Aphrodite really didn't like hurting Damien and his girl/boyfriend Jack's feelings, but cutting them short was the only way to keep Damien out of her business, and that didn't even work 100 percent of the time. She turned to Darius, who was standing near her watching her closely with an expression that was a mixture of amusement and concern. Ready to go, handsome? Of course.

He looked back at Damien and Jack before he closed the door. I'll see you two at sunset. 'Kay! Jack trilled while Damien just looked long and hard at her. Out in the hall Aphrodite had only taken a couple of steps when Darius took her wrist and pulled her to a stop. Before she could say anything, he put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. You've had a vision, he said simply. Aphrodite felt her eyes fill with tears. She was totally, absolutely crazy about this big hulk of a guy who knew her so well, and who seemed to care so much about her. Yeah. Are you all right? You look pale and your eyes are still bloodshot. I'm okay, she said, although even to her own ears she didn't sound convincing. He folded her into his arms and she let him hold her, comforted beyond words by his strength. Was it as bad as last time? he asked.

It was worse. Face tucked down against his chest she spoke in a voice so soft and sweet that it would have shocked almost everyone who knew her. Another death vision of Zoey? No. This time it was an end-of-the-world thing, but Zoey did figure in it. Are we going back to her? No, she really is sleeping with Stark. Seems Kalona's been getting in her dreams and sleeping with a guy keeps him out. Good, Darius said. There was a sound at the end of the hall, and Darius pulled her around the corner and deeper into the shadows while a nun passed by, oblivious to their presence. Hey, speaking of sleep--I know Z's the big High Priestess, but she's not the only one who needs her beauty rest, Aphrodite whispered when they were alone in the hallway again. Darius gave her a considering look. You are right. You must be exhausted, especially after having a vision.

I wasn't just talking about me, Mr. Macho. I was thinking about where we could go on the way down here and I came up with an idea--a brilliant idea, if I do say so myself. Darius smiled. And I'm sure you do. Of course. Anyway, I remembered you telling the penguin nurses that Stark shouldn't be interrupted for at least a solid eight hours. So, he's not in his very private, very dark, very cozy room. Instead it is tragically empty. Aphrodite nuzzled the side of his neck, lifted herself on her tiptoes and nipped at his earlobe. He laughed and tucked his arm around her. You are brilliant. On the walk to Stark's vacated room, Aphrodite filled him in on her vision, and on Zoey's dream. He listened to her with the quiet attentiveness that had been the second thing about him that had drawn her to him. The first being his utter hotness, of course. Stark's room was cozy and dark, lit only by a single candle. Darius pulled a chair over to the door and propped it against the handle, effectively barring anyone from busting in on them. Then he rummaged through the dresser in the corner of the room and pulled out fresh sheets and blankets, which he remade the bed with, saying something about not wanting her to sleep on a wounded vampyre's sheets.

Aphrodite watched him as she pulled off her boots and jeans, and then slid her bra off under her shirt. She thought about what a weird feeling it was to have someone take care of her--someone who actually seemed to like her for herself, which was a total surprise. Guys liked her because she was hot, or because she was rich, popular, and a challenge, or, more often than not, simply because she was a bitch. It always amazed her how many guys just flat-out liked bitches. Guys didn't like her because she was Aphrodite. Actually, guys usually didn't take time to find out who she was underneath all the good hair, long legs, and attitude. But the biggest shock of all about her relationship with Darius, and it was definitely becoming a relationship, was the fact that they hadn't had sex. Yet. Sure, everyone believed they were doing it like bunnies, and she'd let them believe they were--she'd even encouraged them to believe it. They weren't, though. And somehow, that didn't feel weird. They slept together, and had even had some seriously hot make-out sessions, but that's as far as they'd gone.

With a jolt of shocked realization, Aphrodite understood what it was that was happening between her and Darius--they were going slow and getting to know each other. Really, truly getting to know each other, and she was discovering that she liked going slow almost as much as she liked getting to know Darius. They were falling in love! That terrifying thought had Aphrodite's knees going weak so suddenly that she backed up to the chair that was in the corner of the room and, feeling light-headed, sat down. Darius finished making the bed and looked bemusedly across the room at her. What are you doing all the way over there? Just sitting, she said quickly. He cocked his head to the side. Are you really okay? You did say you burned along with the vampyres in your vision. Are you still feeling the effects of that? You look pale. I'm a little thirsty, and my eyes still sting, but I'm fine. When she continued to sit across the room without making any move to come to bed, he gave her a confused smile and said, Aren't you tired? Yeah, yeah, I am. Shall I get you some water? Oh, no! I'll get it myself. No problem. Aphrodite boinged up like one of those freaky puppets with strings and walked over to the sink in the opposite corner of the room. She was filling up a paper cone with water when Darius was suddenly behind her.

His strong hands were on her shoulders again. This time his thumbs gently began to knead the ultratight muscles in her neck. You carry all your tension here, he said, working from her neck to her shoulders. Aphrodite downed the cup of water and then couldn't make herself move. Darius massaged her shoulders silently, letting his touch tell her how much he cared for her. Finally, she allowed the cup to slide from her fingers. Her head lolled forward and Aphrodite breathed a deep, contented sigh. Your hands are totally magic. Anything for you, my lady. Aphrodite smiled and leaned into his hands, allowing herself to relax more and more. She loved it that Darius treated her like she was his High Priestess, even though she had no Mark and would never be a vampyre. She loved that he had no doubt that she was special to Nyx--that she was Chosen by the Goddess.

He so obviously didn't care whether a Mark went along with that or not. She loved that he-- Ohmygoddess! She actually loved him! Holy shit! Aphrodite's head snapped up and she turned around so quickly that Darius took a short, startled step back, automatically giving her room. What is it? he asked. I love you! she blurted, and then pressed her hand against her mouth like she was trying, too late, to keep the words from exploding from it. The warrior's smile was long and slow. I am glad to hear you say it. I'm in love with you, too. Aphrodite's eyes began to fill with tears and she blinked hard to stop them as she shoved past him. Goddess! This sucks! Instead of responding to her outburst, Darius simply watched her stalk over to the bed. Aphrodite could feel his steady gaze on her as she considered whether she should sit on the bed, or get in it.

Finally, she did neither, deciding she didn't like the picture she'd be creating in bed. She already felt vulnerable and exposed enough standing there in her T-shirt, panties, and nothing else. She turned to face Darius. What? she snapped. He tilted his head. A sad smile lifted just the corners of his lips. She thought his eyes looked decades older than the rest of his face. Your parents are not in love, Aphrodite. From what you've shared with me about them, they may not be capable of feeling that emotion for anyone, and that includes you. She lifted her chin and met his gaze. So tell me something I don't know. You aren't your mother. He'd said the words gently, but she felt them as if he'd flung knives at her that had buried themselves in her heart. I know that! She spoke through lips that were suddenly cold. Darius moved slowly toward her.

Aphrodite thought how graceful he was--how powerful he always looked. He loved her? How? Why? Didn't he realize what an awful bitch she was? Do you really know that? You are capable of love, even if your mother is not, he told her. But am I capable of being loved? She wanted to scream the question, but she couldn't. Pride, who spoke louder to her than the understanding in Darius's eyes, stopped the words. Instead she did what made her feel safe--she went on the offensive. Of course I know that. But this whole thing between us still sucks. The truth is you're a vampyre. I'm a human. The most I can ever be to you would be your consort, and I can't even be that because I'm already fucking Imprinted with stupid-ass Stevie Bumpkin Rae--an Imprint I can't seem to get rid of even though you've bitten me, too. Aphrodite paused, trying not to remember the tenderness Darius had shown her when he drank from her, even though to him her Imprinted blood was tainted.

She tried, unsuccessfully, not to think about the pleasure and peace she'd found in his arms, all without having sex with him. I don't think you're right about all of that. You're not just a human, and your Imprint with Stevie Rae doesn't affect us. I see it as further evidence of your importance to Nyx. She knows Stevie Rae has need of you. But you don't need me, Aphrodite said bitterly. I do need you, he corrected her firmly. For what? We're not even fucking! Aphrodite, why are you doing this? You know I desire you, but you and I are more than just bodies and lust. We're connected beyond that. I don't see how! Aphrodite was perilously close to tears again, which made her even more pissed off. I do. He closed the rest of the space between them and, taking one of her hands in his, Darius dropped to one knee before her. I need to ask you something.

Oh, Goddess! What? Was he going to do something ridiculous like ask her to marry him? He fisted his right hand over his heart and stared into her eyes. Aphrodite, Beloved Prophetess of Nyx, I ask you to accept my Warrior's Oath. Sworn to you this day I pledge to protect you with my heart, my mind, my body, and my soul. I pledge to belong to you before all others, and to be your Warrior until I draw my last breath on this world, and beyond, if our Goddess so wills it. Do you accept my oath? Aphrodite was filled with an overwhelming tide of joy. Darius wanted to be her Warrior! But that joy was short-lived as she thought about the repercussions of his oath. You can't be my Warrior. Zoey is your High Priestess. If you're going to pledge yourself to someone, it has to be her. Aphrodite hated saying the words--and hated even more thinking about Darius being on his knee in front of Zoey.

Zoey is my High Priestess, just as she is yours, but she already has a Warrior. I have witnessed young Stark's enthusiasm for his oath-sworn position. She will need no other Warrior shadowing her. Also, Zoey already gave me her blessing to pledge to you. She did what? The warrior nodded solemnly. It was only right that I explained to Zoey what I intended. So this isn't just an impulse? You've actually thought this out? Of course. He smiled up at her. I want to protect you forever. Aphrodite was shaking her head from side to side. You can't. Darius's smile faded. My pledge is mine to give, so that is no hindrance. I am young, but my skills are vast. I assure you that I can protect you. I don't mean that! I know you're good--you're too damn good! That's the problem. Silently, Aphrodite began to cry. Aphrodite, I don't understand.

Why would you want to be sworn to me? I'm a total bitch! His smile returned. You are unique. Aphrodite shook her head. I'll hurt you. I always hurt anyone who gets close to me. Then it is a good thing I am a strong warrior. Nyx was wise in giving me to you, and I am more than content with our Goddess's choice for me. Why? Tears were running freely down Aphrodite's cheeks now, dripping from her chin and soaking into the T-shirt. Because you deserve someone who values you beyond wealth and beauty and status. You deserve someone who values you for yourself. Now, I ask you again, do you accept my oath? Aphrodite stared down into his strong, gorgeous face, and something within her broke free as she saw her future in his honest, unflinching gaze. Yes, I do accept your oath, she said. With a joyous shout, Darius stood and took his Prophetess into his arms.

Then he held her gently until sunset as she cried out the knot of sadness and loneliness and anger that had for so long bound her heart.
