Read Books Novel

The Beautiful Ashes

After about ten minutes, the Hounds decided they were warm enough to patrol again. I got out with them, intending to run straight for the B and B as soon as I cleared the castle grounds. When we rounded a corner in the stone hallway, however, a barricade of minions blocked our path, lined so deep that I couldn’t count them all.

The other Hounds turned, deciding this must mean they got more time in the mud bath. I followed them, hoping like crazy that there was another way out except the one that was blocked. Just in case, as soon as we were back in the small room, I slipped the slingshot under a pile of animal bones in the corner. Much as I wanted to throttle Zach with the useless weapon, I didn’t want to get caught because I was the only Hound that appeared to be carrying its own leash.

It took just a few seconds to realize there was no exit down here. Out of options, I got into the water with the other Hounds, feeling as naked and helpless as I was. Why’d you run to the only place that didn’t have another way out? I silently lashed myself. So much for my plan to blend in.

My situation went from bad to worse when Demetrius strode into the underground room. The demon’s shadows filled the small space, brushing across my head and shoulders like tiny, icy fingers. I sank farther beneath the water, suddenly glad to be covered by the smelly, muddy liquid.

Three more people filed in after him. With sinking spirits, I recognized Blond Minion, Muddy Minion and their friend, whom I now dubbed as Scowling Minion for obvious reasons.

Demetrius said something to them in Demonish. Muddy Minion came up to the edge of the water and barked out one word. The Hounds sprang forward like he’d yelled “Lunch!” I did, too, standing at attention as they seemed to be doing.

Demetrius walked along the length of us. Whatever word the Hound handler had used, it kept all of them in perfect formation like dutiful lizard soldiers. So much for my hope that they’d charge anyone moving and I could slip out in the ensuing melee. No, I had to stand in line with them, all the while feeling like I had a neon sign over my head that flashed “Davidian.” Terror slithered through me, making me almost oblivious to the fact that I was stark naked in front of Demetrius and a few other men. If Demetrius could tell I wasn’t a Hound, I was dead.

Or worse.

Demetrius spoke sharply to Muddy Minion, who looked at the other Hounds and me with such obvious confusion that I almost whooped in relief. He couldn’t tell us apart! Okay, I wasn’t going to strangle Zach if I got out of this. I’d only punch him in the face. His Hound disguise was so good, not even their handler could tell me apart from the others—


Willpower alone kept my head from snapping up at the sound of my name. Demetrius wasn’t getting me to out myself that easily. My fortitude must’ve surprised him because he went to the nearest Hound, petting it in apparent bemusement.

“I know you’re here,” Demetrius went on, flashing his cruel smile as he fondled the beast. “No Hound would use an ax to smash through a chimney, so it’s obvious you came to this realm looking for the weapon. Very clever of the Archons to disguise you as one of our pets. We’re so used to having Hounds run about, we don’t even notice when we have an extra one.”

I said nothing, of course. Didn’t even breathe loudly. My continued pretense was just staving off the inevitable, but what was I supposed to do? Serve myself up with a smile?

“Clever also of you to soak yourself in here,” Demetrius continued, leaning in to smell the next Hound in line. “That mud bath reeks so much, I can’t pick up anything that might give you away, like the lingering trace of perfume.”

Haven’t worn any lately, I thought to distract myself from the fear that made me want to start shaking. Being on the run with Adrian hadn’t allowed for many shopping trips to the mall.

“But I will discover which one you are,” Demetrius all but purred as he reached me. I forced myself not to recoil when his hand slid over me, brushing my breast on its way to my back. His touch was somehow burning cold, like holding an icicle for too long. Still, I tried to school my features into the bland, compliant mask the other Hounds wore. My situation might be hopeless, but if Demetrius wanted to kill me, he had to figure out on his own which one I was.

His hand slipped down my arm and he leaned in, taking a deep breath. Please, let me stink as badly as the rest of them! I silently prayed. What if he could smell the shampoo I’d used when I washed my hair this morning? Or the deodorant I’d put on because it hadn’t occurred to me that I’d be demon-sniff-tested tonight?

It was all I could do not to sag in relief when Demetrius moved on to the Hound after me. How I love you, filthy reeking mud bath! I inwardly crowed. If I get out of this, I’ll take a mud bath every night in your honor—

Two more minions came into the room, freezing my thoughts in midvow. Not because the minions were the largest men I’d ever seen, but because they didn’t come alone.

They thrust Jasmine out from between them, causing her to stumble for a few feet before Demetrius caught her. My sister looked at the demon with all the horror I felt, and when he ran a hand over her dirt-matted blond hair, a tremor of pure rage shook me. Don’t touch her! I silently seethed. I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!

But I couldn’t. The weapon was across the room under a pile of animal bones, and even if I could reach it, the damn thing didn’t work. Despair threaded into my rage, forming a toxic mixture that ran like poison through my veins. Everything I’d risked, all the pain I’d endured, everything Jasmine had been had all been for nothing.

“With you here, Ivy, I don’t need her anymore,” Demetrius said, his tone filled with the surety of victory. “So you have a choice—reveal yourself, or watch your sister die.”

“Ivy?” my sister asked, looking around. “Where?”

I drew in a breath that was probably going to be my last. I didn’t want to give the demon the satisfaction of making me reveal myself, but no matter what he’d do to me, I couldn’t watch my sister die.

“Don’t bother.”

Adrian’s voice filled the room, chilling and thrilling me as my traitorous emotions responded in wildly conflicting ways. Then my heart nearly stopped at his next words, which were delivered in a flatly emotionless tone.

“I can see which one she is.”

Adrian pushed past the huge minions like they were nothing more than toy soldiers. Then his gaze landed on me, and the coldness I saw devastated me. For a split second, I actually wanted to die. My worst fears were confirmed in those merciless sapphire depths, and the curl to his mouth seemed to mock me for ever believing the lies he’d told me.
