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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(20)
Author: Emma Holly

“Oh God,” he moaned, staring down at her pebbled ni**les. Before she could stop him, he hiked her farther up his body. Nuzzling down into her bra cup, he latched his mouth over at least half of her right breast.

Rebecca’s bosom was too small to be her favorite part of her body, but the way her nerves caught fire as he drew on her certainly increased her fondness.

“Can I?” he broke off to ask, already bending toward the floor. “Rebecca, can I get inside of you?”

His knees hit the tiles, and he rolled her under him. His weight felt good, his heat and the ragged in and out of his ribs. She drove her hands up his na**d back, fingertips digging like a cat into its firm muscles. His skin was hot, as smooth as if he’d come to her from a spa treatment. Without a second thought, her legs had spread to make room for him. He looked at her, propped above her on his forearms. The expression on his face shocked her, like if she said yes it would mean the world to him. Who was she that a man like him would look at her that way? Whatever the reason for it, his urgency was catching. Rebecca was so excited she couldn’t seem to take a full breath.

That she wasn’t in the habit of hopping into bed with men she barely knew was hard to remember.

“Okay,” he said, sensing her lingering indecision. “I won’t ask you that yet. Just open and unzip my jeans. Just take me into your hand.”

“Will you take me?” she asked.

He smiled so wickedly she blushed. That made her feel silly. She wasn’t a mouse. She could ask for what she wanted in plain English.

“I mean will you take my pu**y into your hand? Will you get me off too?”

He ducked his head to kiss her, deep and wet and dizzying. When he finally released her, she knew her eyes were starry.

“Sweetheart,” he said, his voice a fusion of sex and smoke. “If you let me, I’ll get you off each and every way you desire.”

This was quite a promise. Rather than express doubt, Rebecca reached for the metal button of his blue jeans. He lifted his h*ps for the unzipping, his hot dark gaze holding hers. His bulge pushed out as the tab lowered.

“You’re big,” she breathed.

He flashed his dimples at her again.

“Oh fine,” she said, eyes rolling at his smirk. “It’s not the size that matters. It’s what you do with it.”

He started to laugh, but her hand was just then sliding into his cotton briefs.

He sighed long and low with pleasure, lashes sinking as her fingers roved over him.

“Oh boy,” she said, loving all that velvety rigid heat. “Oh boy, you are a handful.”

She pulled her hold up his shaft, and he writhed like the sort of dancer who gets paid in dollar bills. She guessed he was sensitive. She thought she was being careful not to grip too tightly.

“Fuck,” he said with his teeth gritted. “God.”

Remembering what he’d promised, he worked his own hand into the front of her panties, two long fingers pushing her lips open. The heel of his palm settled on her clit, giving it a firm grind that spilled more cream from her. He curled his fingers to their second knuckle into her wet entrance. Once there, he didn’t rub or thrust. Instead, he used his fingers to exert pressure on the wall where her ache of wanting was most tender.

Rebecca’s moan betrayed how much she liked that.

The longing sound brought his eyes open, their lustrous surface catching stray gleams of light. “I have a condom,” he said huskily. “I really want to be inside you, if you think you’d enjoy that.”

She knew she shouldn’t let this go any farther, but she couldn’t say no to him. He got to her in places she hadn’t known she had: emotional places, places she wanted to throw open for the first time. Never mind she’d probably smack herself tomorrow. Today she wanted to know what being taken by him was like. Resistance dissolving, she smiled before she answered.

“Okay,” she said, giving his hard-on a friendly squeeze. “Why don’t you show me what this bad boy can do?”

She spoke as humorously as she could, knowing better than to be too serious with a guy—no matter how sweet he was acting.

“I’m not asking if you’re sure,” he warned, reaching hastily into his back pocket. He pulled the condom from his wallet, using his teeth to rip the corner off. She didn’t bother asking how old it was. Given his looks and charm, the answer had to be not very.

“Do you want me to help?” she asked.

He smiled and shook his head. “Already got it on.”

He kneeled back to show her. Though his c**k was worth ogling, something else caught her eye. The Celtic knot on his neck wasn’t his only ink. A tattoo stretched up the side of his ripped stomach: a Chinese dragon, it looked like. She guessed the thing was old news to him. Before she could reach to touch it, he pushed her legs up his front. He removed her boring comfortable shoes and dragged off her trousers. This was a skilled bit of undressing. Rebecca tried not to worry if her most recent shave had been recent enough. To judge by the way he rolled forward and rubbed her thigh, having access to her booty was what he cared about.

She still wore her satiny panties, but they weren’t much of a barrier.

“Sorry it’s cold,” he whispered, meaning the kitchen tile.

She ran her hands up his clipped chest hair and struggled not to purr. He was manscaped just the right amount for her. “Sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl needs to.”

“You could be on top.”

This time she shook her head. Her refusal seemed to please him. Maybe he preferred the superior position? Smiling, he curved one hand under her bottom and lowered his h*ps to her.

The thickness of his erection settled over her labia.

“Say when,” he said, “and I’ll be inside you in two seconds.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant until his pelvis began rocking. He was warming her up again, sliding his length up and down the silky gusset of her panties. The friction felt really good, and even better when he compressed her nipple between his thumb and finger. He pulled the bead out, and a zing shot straight to her pu**y.

“God,” she gasped, h*ps jerking with pleasure.

“‘When’ is the word,” he reminded her.

Jeez, he was cute. She stretched up to kiss him, hands starfished on his back, tongue saying thank you and please do me. He jerked with surprise before kissing her back just as hungrily. The way he gulped for air when she let him go was a treat of the first order.
