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The Billionaire Bad Boys Club

The Billionaire Bad Boys Club(3)
Author: Emma Holly

He knew it couldn’t be normal with Zane sitting next to him.

“Sometimes I don’t know who I want to kill more,” Zane said. “Him for hitting me, or my mom for cutting out.”

Trey wasn’t sure what to say to this. Everyone in Franklin knew Zane’s mom had run away to Trenton to live with some greasy guy who sold bargain mattresses. Sometimes his commercials played on late night TV.

Fortunately, Zane didn’t require a comment. “What’s the bruise from?” he asked.

“Belt. My dad caught me watching Baywatch. He’s got issues about sex. No,” he added in response to Zane’s raised eyebrows. “Something happened when he was a kid. Now he’s convinced sex is evil. He’d stop the world from having it if he could.”

“Good luck with that.” Zane leaned forward, forearms braced on his knees. His legs looked sexier in those worn gray sweatpants than most men’s did naked. He turned his head to give Trey a sidelong glance. “I never.”

Trey squinted. “You never?”

“You know: with a guy. I knew I wanted both since I was a kid. I didn’t actually realize that was weird until it was too late.”

Trey prayed he wasn’t giving away how much this confession excited him. “You could try it out with me,” he offered as casually as he was able. “See if it’s worth the trouble. Unless you’d rather not.”

Zane’s stare was not as informative as Trey would have liked.

“If you aren’t attracted to me, that’s okay,” he added hastily. “I know I’m not everybody’s type. We can still be, well, maybe not friends exactly but—”

Zane put his hand on Trey’s knee and squeezed. “You’re my type,” he said huskily.

Heat rolled through Trey in searing waves—up his thighs, down his chest—every drop of blood in his body trying to squeeze into his cock. His prick was so hard it was about to bust his jeans. “Really?”

His voice broke, and Zane laughed softly. His fingers squeezed Trey’s knee again. “Really. I’m sorry I treat you like you’re invisible. I’m sorry I didn’t go to your mom’s funeral last year.”

Sanity-stealing lust fought with confusion inside of him. “Why would you? Even if we’re neighbors, we don’t really know each other.”

Zane leaned over and kissed him.

That surprised him. In his experience, guys didn’t always go in for kissing. Trey was glad Zane did. His lips were soft but they pushed firmly, molding over his mouth and urging it open. Trey didn’t resist, a thrill shivering through him as Zane’s warm wet tongue slid in. Hoping he wouldn’t spook him, he cupped Zane’s face. The hold steadied Zane’s lean jaw, allowing Trey to participate with a minimum of good form. Since he had the chance, he took Zane’s sweet lower lip and sucked.

Zane surprised him a second time by moaning.

Trey smiled at the throaty sound, which made Zane draw back an inch. “You’ve got a good mouth,” he said defensively.

Trey snickered. “I’m glad you think so.”

“You’d moan too if you’d never kissed a guy before.”

“Kiss me more and I’ll moan for you.”

Zane gave him a disgusted look.

“Make me m-o-o-an,” Trey teased, sensing he wasn’t really ticked.

Zane laughed in spite of his annoyance, got a grip on Trey’s ears, and went in for the kill. He kissed Trey like actors kissed women in movies—deep and hard and starving. The force he used was overwhelming but kind of great. No one had ever kissed Trey until he went dizzy.

“Crap,” Trey gasped when Zane let him loose for air.

“Moan louder,” Zane ordered, pushing him backward onto the bleacher to take his mouth again.

Trey was already making noises. When Zane settled over him and started grinding their h*ps together, they definitely turned to moans. Trey drove his hands under Zane’s T-shirt, feeling up his big back muscles and urging him closer. He wanted to grab his ass, but settled for kneading the fans of muscle above it. Zane was doing fine without more encouragement. The ridge of his c**k was thick—long too, from the feel of it under his sweatpants. He worked it up and down Trey’s prick like he wasn’t shy at all. His humping was a little awkward, but his enthusiasm felt amazing. Trey absolutely had not expected this lack of inhibition. More than happy to let all the tigers out, he bent one knee up to give Zane more access.

“Shit,” Zane cursed, abruptly jerking his h*ps away.

Okay, maybe he’d overestimated Zane’s readiness for this.

“Was that too much?” he panted. “Do you not want to feel my cock?”

Zane let out a growling noise. “I love your cock. I’m gonna come if we keep that up.”


“So I’m not gonna f**king rush this.” Zane sat up, leaving Trey splayed on the bench. His erection throbbed like a Learjet behind his jeans. Zane looked at the giant hummock and then at him. “Unzip yourself.”

Zane seemed sure, so Trey squeezed the top button free, gingerly dragging the teeth open. He’d never felt like this only from unzipping—as if every nerve was cranked to maximum sensitivity. Once his jean front was spread, Zane took over, digging into his briefs to pull his c**k up and out of the stretch cotton.

The first contact of his fingers was electric—and not just for Trey.

“Oh man,” Zane said, hands sliding greedily up the rod. “God, this is so gorgeous.”

Trey wasn’t convinced his prick was gorgeous. He was a good size, but his glans was flattish, his shaft oddly bulgy in the middle. He did pay attention to his grooming. As black as his hair was, his bush bugged him otherwise. Zane seemed to like its manscaped darkness. He combed his fingers through the short curls, then returned to fondling his dick. His thumbs rubbed a dangerously tingling circle around the head.

“Easy,” Trey said shakily. “I’m close to coming too.”

“Sorry.” Zane let go to shove Trey’s shirt to his armpits. Trey would have been disappointed, but then Zane bent to lick his breastbone, a big wet swipe like he wanted to taste his sweat. “Mm,” he said, veering sideways to stroke Trey’s tight left nipple. He latched on and sucked, thrumming it fast and hard with his tongue.

Trey gasped, h*ps thrusting helplessly upward as unexpectedly strong sensations zinged from his nipple to the knob of his cock.
